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pletely surrounds and encloses the body of the psychic. Items held in his hands, hung from his back, or worn on top of his head are not protected On the downside. the field does not protect against dis- ease. radiation. of toxic fumes, nor magic or psionic at- tacks other than physical ones (energy blasts, fire, etc.) Worse, the Tk-force field means the psychic loses his sense of touch, because the field is between him and all objects/materials outside the force field. This lack of touch sensation means the character cannot feel much of any- thing he picks up or touches after the field has been erected. This makes the use of skills that require a sense of touch and manual dexterity -30%, and delicate items may be accidentally dropped or crushed. Psychic Omni-Sight (Super Psionics) Range: 500 foot 152 m) radius Duration: § minutes per level of experience. LSP. 15 An advanced form of extrasensory perception that al- lows the psychic to have a sort of controlled out of body experience. The psychic must spend one minute (four me~ lee rounds) in meditation and enter info a trance state While entranced, his spirit or essence seems to rise 10-20, feet (3-6 m) above his physical body (this is not visible to anybody but other psychic sensitives and those who can ee the invisible, auras or spirits) From this vantage point, combined with heightened awareness. the psychic sees through his mind's eye, with- out having to use his normal vision or senses, Psychic Omni-Sight is incredible, enabling the psychic to see in all directions at once, to see radiation, thermal patterns, the invisible. and to literally see any movement, even of the wind! This power enables the psychic to guard or survey a campsite for signs of wayward group members or ap- proaching dangers (maximum range 500 feet/152 m; this Bsionie vision is stoppedicontained oy walls and other ob- stacles). It can also be used to survey an area for things that might otherwise escape normal sight or take much longer to locate and identify Special Bonuses & Abilities: + Pinpoints the locations of electrical outlets, eiectronic "bugs’ (spy and surveillance devices), electronic devices and other energy and heat Sources. a well as bionic Dody parts and cybernetic implants close to the surface of the skin ‘Not bio-systems or artificial internal organs). Such conceaied or obscured items can be identified by their shape and heat pattern. Success Ratio: 40% per level of experience. + This ability can also help the psychic to locate secret compartments and trap doors, Success Ratio: 25% +5% per level of experience. + See the infrared and ultraviolet spectrums of light + See heat signatures: can tell if an engine has been recently used or a weapon recently fired (within the last 15 minutes), follow recent footprints or vapor trails (within the last five minutes), see heat signatures in darkness and so on + Hyper-sensitive to movement. The psychic can not be surprised by movement or attacks within the 500 foot (152 m) radius or confines of the area under psionic scrutiny (may be substantially smaller indoors; closed off by walls and doors) Limitations: Although keenly aware and alert while using Psychic Omni-Sight, the psychic cannot take physical action, not even to speak, nor use most psionic powers, unless he cancels/ends the ability. He can awaken the instant the psi-abilty ends and leap into action. While entranced by Omni-Sight, the character can only use the following psionic powers: Empathy, Telep- athy, See Aura, Empathic Transmission and Telekine- sis, The number of psionic attacks/actions per melee round are half those normally available when not en- tranced Psychosomatic Disease (Super Psionics) Range: 10 feet (3 m) and verbal suggestion. Duration: 104 days per evel of the psychic. 1.S.P.: 30 Saving Throw: Standard This power employs the principles of mind-over-matter ‘and mind control by inducing the victim to believe he sut- fers from a particular disease, although no actual physical cause can be found. tis alin the victim's mind, This is done in a simitar way to Hypnotic Suggestion requiring the psychic to “suggest” that the character looks il or that a particular disease is in the area, as well as, mention the name of a specific disease along with the most notable (and debilitating or frightening) symptoms. Within 2D6 minutes, the intended victim will Begin to come down with those symptoms. He will sufer from the affic- tion with all its pain and penaities, until one of the following occurs: The psychic who caused the affliction removes it, the character is healed by a psychic healer, a successful magical or priestly Remove Curse spell or ritual is per- formed, or the psychosomatic disease runs its course (see duration above). In the meantime, the character will suffer from physical trauma and symptoms (fever, vomiting, coughing, convul- sions, skin rashes, hives, etc.) associated with that dis- ease, as well as emotional anguish. In most cases, the disease is debilitating for days, but sometimes it can be deadly, causing the victim to die from dehydration, starva- tion, injury, etc., brought on by the symptoms andlor fear of the psionic iliness, Precognition (Sensitive Power) Range: Self. Duration: 2 melee rounds. LSP. 8

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