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Note: Rare and unusual even among psychics, most com- mon among supernatural beings. ‘The ability to pick up psychic emanations and glimpse a few moments of the future. This future insight may be a few moments or a couple of hours; time is a very tenuous element caught up in continual change. This means the potential future can be altered and avoided Using Precognition on an unopened door may reveal what lays beyond. The psychic may actually see himself engaged in battle or working on something. G.M.'s Note: Try not to reveal the actual outcome of an incident or event, just the nature of the danger and the identity of the ‘opponent. Perhaps describe the inception of a battle or the elements that may lead to danger, combat or success. ‘The fewer hard facts the better, after all, the future is open to speculation Read Dimensional Portal (Sensitive Power) Range: Touch or one foot (0.3 m) per level of experience. Duration: One melee round per level of experience. 1S.P.:6 Saving Throw: Not applicable. Limitations: Applicable only to active (open) dimensional portals and devices that can create a dimensional por- tal This power allows the psychic to get impressions from the portal or dimension spanning device, which instills the character with the following information: + Whether the destination is relatively dangerous/hostile or safe to the psychic. This includes whether or not the environment can Support human life, + Whether there is a strong (or numerous) presence of the supernatural (i. alien intelligence, gods, demons, etc.) and whether that presence is evi. + Apsychic flash ~ a brief vision of who was the last Person or persons to use the portal, if any (may be fone ifit is @ random portal that hasn't been used by any living force) * Intuitively sense whether the portal or machine leads to another location on Earth, to a parallel Earth or an alien realm, + Ifa mechanical gateway or device capable of dimensional travel/opening a dimensional portal, whether itis a creation of magic or science, the Psychic will get a basic idea of how to operate it in order to open or close @ dimensional portal (similar to Object Read). Remote Viewing (Super Psionics) Range: Self. Duration: 2D6+6 second flash of insight or vision of cur- rent events. 18.P.: 10 93 Saving Throw: Special, Other psychics can feel or sense when somebody is trying to observe them and can try to resist it by concentrating (uses up one 1,S.P.), stan- dard save vs psionic attack (in this case, psionic intru- sion). Failure means the psychic is seen via Remote Viewing. Success means the psychic trying to view is blocked, and he knows that the target has deliberately done so. The target of this power gets no impression from being viewed remotely and has no idea why he is. being watched or by whom. To use this power, the psychic needs a photo or video image to focus on, even if he knows the person or place intimately. When focused on a particular person. the psy- chic can see in his mind what the person is doing at that moment for 206+6 seconds. The image appears as if the character were looking down through a skylight. He sees only a glimpse of things and may not remember all details, Likewise, he may not see other people outside his line of vision, because the focus is a particular person. not the entire room. If the target is moving, walking, or driving, the remote viewer will know this and follow along for a few seconds, although he may not have a clear idea of his sur- oundings, but enough of an impression to recognize it if he sees it personally. ‘The character may also Remote View a specific place such as a small to medium room, a comer in a playground or field, a specific entrance to a building, a particular section of an alley, etc., but not an entire house, office building, stadium, street, etc. As before, he must have 2 Photograph, video or frame of film to focus upon. For 206+6 seconds, the psychic will see whatever occurs in that small area of that particular place In the alternative, the psychic can use Remote Viewing to catch glimpses/images that tell something about the subject of the viewing. In this instance, he must have 2-4 specific questions, such as, “is so and so alive...” Then the image of the character smiling as he walks through the area appears, of flashes of a brutal attack, blood, and a falling body (indicating death), and so on, appear for an in- stant in answer to his query. In either case, the psychic cannot look at the same person or place via Remote Viewing again for another 24 hours, Sensory Link (Sensitive Power) Range: Touch to establish the link, one mile (1.6 km) per level of experience to maintain the link. Duration: 10 minutes per level of experience. LS.P.: 10 Saving Throw: Not applicable, but - 2 for an animal A sensory link can only be established with a willing person or animal, but only if the beast fails a saving throw Vs psionics or is a pet. Once the sensory link is established the psychic can see through the eyes of the person or animal he is linked to, as well as hear, smell, and feel. In short, whatever the individual or animal experiences, so does the psychic “linked” to him. This is great for spying but little else as the psychic cannot speak or use his psionic powers or com- ‘municate with the individual he's linked to.

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