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During this period, he is -1 melee attack/action and -5% Con skill performance. He must also stay within range (40 feet/12.2 m). If he steps out of range or loses concentra- tion, the machine returns to normal in 1D4 seconds. Telemechanic Possession (Super Psionics) Prerequisite: Psychic must be a Master Psionic and also have the powers of Object Read and Telemectanics. Range: Touch or 10 feet (3 m) per level of experience. Duration: Two minutes (8 melees) per level of experi- ence, 1S.P.:50 Saving Throw: Special. Regular, non-inteligent machines cannot save vs Telemechanic Possession. Artificial Inteligences (sentient robots and androids) need a 15 or higher to save and sentient machines require a 12 or better to save. Artificial Inteligences and sentient ma- chines also get to save when being forced to do some- thing that is contrary to their programming. Cybernetic and bionic devices attached to living tissue can NOT be possessed. Neither can magic items, This ability is identical to the psionic power, Mentally Possess Others, in every way. except that the psychic possesses a machine rather than another person. The character overrides the programming/controls of the ma- chine, even in the case of sentient machines, and controls itlike a living robot. Essentially, the possessing psychic is an immaterial pilot who controls the machine as he de- sires; computers, factory equipment, vehicles, robots, empty power armor, a toaster, etc. ‘While the psychic possesses the machine, it responds to the character's thoughts and does whatever he desires, Of course, physical, mechanical limitations still apply. The machine needs a power source and cannot do anything it is not normally capable of doing. For example, the psychic may be able to take possession of an energy rifle and ‘make it shoot (or not) seemingly of its own volition, but he cannot make the rifle aim, move or hop around. Likewise, if the device is unplugged, or runs out of fuel, the machine is deactivated with no ill effect to the psychic, except his possession comes to a premature end. Likewise, if it needs wheels to move, destroying the wheels will cripple it ete. If the machine he possesses is destroyed while the psychic's essence is stil inside it, the character loses one third of his Hit Points from the shock and pain of the de- struction of his surrogate machine body. Furthermore, he is stunned for 1D4 minutes (reduce attacks per melee, speed, combat bonuses, and skill performance by half while stunned) During the period that the machine is possessed, the psychic’s natural body falls into a coma-lke state and is vulnerable to attack unless protected by others, While in mental possession of a simple machine, the psychic has only a vague awareness of his surroundings and can see, hear and feel things around him but as ifin a cloud or haze. However, if the machine has optics and/or sensors, he is able to use them like his own natural eyes and senses. The machine, regardless of its capabilities and programming, has attacks and actions equal to those of the character possessing it Wound Transfer (Healing Power) Range: Touch. Duration: One melee for transfer and relief 1S.P.: 12 ‘Saving Throw: Standard Note: The psychic can take away pain and injury in incre- ments of 10% to a maximum of 50%. ‘The psychic character can reduce the suffering of an- other person by taking that character's pain onto himself, This is done through a debilitating psionic melding. The psychic touches his patient, linking himself to the wounded or sick individual and drawing part of the wounds to his ‘own body (this takes one melee round of concentration}, ‘As much as half of the suffering character's damage can be taken on by the psychic, reducing his own Hit Points and S.D.C. accordingly. and transfering his own to the in- jured character, effectively healing him to at least some degree. Once done, the process cannot be reversed Thankfully, the psychic's sacrifice is rewarded in that his woundiinjuryisickness heals two times faster than usual, three times when in a meditative trance. The sever- ity of ilness can also be diminished this way. reducing du- ration and penalties by as much as half

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