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Adventures By: Chester Jacques THE MALL OF TERROR Note: This is an adventure designed for 4 to 6 players of low to mid levels. Large organized groups of well-trained heroes will walk right through this without breaking a sweat, so the G.M. may want to beef it up a bit. ‘Media Reports All local radio and television stations are reporting the terrorist take-over ofthe local shopping mall. An unknown fanatic group has taken more than iwenty people hostage and are demanding three million dollars for their release. Most of the shoppers ‘managed to escape, but now the entire mall has been sealed off, both bythe police on the outside and the terorists on the inside. The ransom must, be raised in tree hours, or # bomb will destroy al the hostages and completely level the building. The money is to be delivered by one of the local weathermen, and left outside door of the mall. Inside Information: ‘Some of the customers who snuck out of the shopping center gave report of few costumed madmen who seemed to be trying to contro! the mall single-handedly. Several reports have stated seeing the villains crawling out of a large abstract sculpture recently added tothe cemer display rea. The panic that resulted ‘means noone gota good look a the powers used by the terrorists. Mall officials noted that the sculpture looked different than what they had ordered, but “I's s0 hard to tell with abstract art." The work was purchased from a small local artist who was believed to have committed suicide recently. His death is again under investigation. GAME MASTER BACKGROUND This adventure should take place in a well-known, local shop ping mall. A quick trip to the mall wil allow you to get free ‘maps of the mall and will help you determine exactly where the bomb and sculpture are. The terrorists will block most entrances, forcing the player characters to enter from just two directions. ‘This will limit the amount of guarding necessary forthe terrorists. ‘Most of the shops will be open and abandoned. Escalators, elevators and machinery are still operating. If there is an arcade, all the pinball machines are playing at full volume, etc. If there is.a knife shop oran archery department ina store, extra weapons will be available to the villains and heroes alike. Keep wack of the characters by using spare maps from the mall. ‘A quick tip to the mall wil show whether ambient lighting or internal illumination is used on all the floors, In other words, if there are lot of skylights, blowing the transformer still keeps the mall well lit. These windows can also be used as entrances by the heroes, IF they know of them. While they can get maps of the area, these do not normally show skylights, the size of fountains, etc. Only the game master should have complete data and make everyone else rely on memory, verbal clues and on the spot investigation. The hostages should be located in the central store, near the sculpture. Mostly women and screaming children, they will sim- ly cower together, with little hope of escape. If nothing is resolved within three hours, a large bundle of high explosives, cleverly disguised as a bag from one of the shoe stores, will explode, killing the hostages and destroying 2D4X 10% of the small. One of the exits is guarded by Power Master. He is largely responsible for the current destruction and vandalism. Pools of ‘melted metal and plastic are all that remain of the telephones (or whatever might block the hall) that were by the entrance. The Crime Masters: N.P.C. Villains POWER MASTER Real Name: Roger Monroe Attributes: 1.Q. 8, M.E. 9, M.A. 7, P.S. 24(+9 0 damage), PP. 9, P.E. 12, P.B. 14, Spd. 8 Experience Level: 2nd level Education Level: One year college Alignment: Miscreant ‘Age: 20 Male 96 Hit Points: 19 Scholastic Bonus: +10% Super Power Category: MutantEnergy Expulsion: Light, Energy Expulsion: Energy, Energy Resistance, Bend Light, and Advanced Vision Unusual Physical Trait: Stocky/Broad ‘Scholastic Skills: ‘Math: Basic ‘Auto Mechanies — 66% ‘Mechanical Engineer — 65% Locksmith — 45% ‘Swimming — 76% Boxing Wrestling Hand to Hand: Expert Secondary Skills: Body Building General Athletics Dance — 52% Cook — 62% Pilot: Auto — 88% Pilot: Auto, Race Car — 65% Pilot: Small Truck — 68% Occupation: Criminal (extortionist, terrorist) Weapons Proficiencies: W.P. Blade, W.P. Blunt Notes: Power Master doesn’t use any weapons because he feels he already has the best weapon around; his own body. He is extremely arrogant, overconfident, and has delusions of grandeur. He is self-centered in the extreme and feels superior 1 everyone. He tends to be reckless and cruel, cheat- ing in combat whenever he can, He enjoys exhibiting the powers that set him above everyone. Physically, he is a walking wall of muscle, unusually broad and stocky (a mutant characteristic), and extremely strong. He views Shadow Master with contempt and as a weakling, and hopes to replace him one day as leader. On the other hand, he fears and distrasts Task Master. Task Master is the ‘only one who can verbally or physically slap him down with- out fear of retaliation. Consequently, Task Master does so offen, which is stating to wear on Power Master. Game Master Note: Power Master is guarding the main, open ‘entrance. He has already cut down four policemen; all hos- pitalized in serious condition. Weight: 2501bs Height: 6ft in Attacks Per Melee: 5 ‘TASK MASTER Real Name: John Talbot Attributes: LQ. 12, ME. 13, M.A. 11, PS. 16, P.P. 11, PE. 14, P.B. 15, Spd. 16 Experience Level: 7th level Education Level: Military Specialist Alignment: Diabolic Age: 46 Male 17Olbs ‘Height: Sft 8in SD.C.: 46 Attacks Per Melee: 5 Scholastic Bonus: Super Power Category: Special Training Scholastic Skills: Math: Basic — 98% Biology — 98% Sculpture — 95% Computer Operation ‘Swim: Basic — 98% Hand to Hand: Assassin Explosives — 80/70% Investigative — 85% Escape Artist — 88% Prowl — 85% ‘Tracking — 85/80% Secondary Skills: Athletics Running Body Building Disguise — 65% Electronics: Basic — 75% Pick Pockets — 60% Pilot: Auto — 98% Pilot: Airplane — 84% First Aid — 68% Occupation: | Mercenary ‘Weapons Proficiencies: W.P. Automatic Pistol, W.P. Rifle Weapons: Sap Glove (lead lined, +2 to damage), utility belt, 45 Colt, Smm PS Walther Mini-Uzi, 7.62mm G3 sniper rifle (Heckler and Koch), 8 throwing knives, sifle-launched gre- nades, smoke pellets, and night sight gogees built into his riot helmet. Notes: Task Master is soft spoken, but deadly. He has no regard for the lives of others and strikes without mercy or regret. He likes killing people. He enjoys the thrill of the hhunt even more than the kill; the tougher the job the better. Shadow Master hired him as the perfect mercenary; the kind of guy that gets the job done, no matter what Physically, John Talbot appears to be a handsome, older ‘man with a full head of snow-white hair and alert eyes that seem to observe everything. He maintains maximum physical efficiency through a regular regimen of exercise. He is the pro's pro; quick, accurate, and deadly. Talbot is the unofficial second in command of the Crime Masters. ‘There is no resentment or rivalry between him and Shadow Master, just a quiet working relationship, Talbot isthe type of person who recognizes and acknowledges those people with supesior capabilites. As far ashe is concerned, Shadow Master is a superb tactician and a worthy leader. However, he despises the Joudmouth snipe, Power Master, and hopes that someday he will have the pleasure of silencing him once and for all, He enjoys intimidating Power Master with omin- us stares, smiles, veiled threats, and an occasional belt in the chops. He enjoys fear in other people, and knows that Power Master fears him, as it should be. ‘Game Master Note: Task Master guards the only other known entrance to the mall. He is hiding just inside the entrance to ‘a comer store, where he can pick off (sniper shot) anybody ‘who tries to sneak in, SHADOW MASTER Real Name: Jason Camtatka Attributes: 1.Q. 23, M.E. 12, M.A. IL, P.S. 13, P.P. 12, P.E. 13, P.B. 12, Spd. 10 Experience Level: 6th level Education Level: One Year College Alignment: Miscreant ‘Age: 30 Male Weight: 190Ibs_ Height: 6ft S.D.C.: 48 Hit Points: 41 Attacks Per Melee: Scholastic Bonus: +8%+ 10% 1.Q. bonus Super Power Category: ExperimentDarkness Control Scholastic Skills: Math: Basic — 98% Math; Advanced — 98% Computer Operation — 98% Chemistry Chemistry: Analytical Photography — 98% Writing — 92% Art (draw) — 96% Secondary Skil ‘Auto Mechanic — 72/53% Computer Programming — 72% Disguise — 62% Electronics — 72% Forgery — 52% Pick Pockets — 65% Pick Locks — 65% Pilot: Auto — 98% Pilot: Motoreycle — 98% Pilot: Airplane — 98% Occupation: Criminal ‘Weapons Proficences: W.P. Automatic Pistol ‘Weapons: -45 Colt and.22 Erma Olympia, knives, 2smoke pellets, gas filter-nose and mouth piece. Note: +10% on all skills from 1.Q. bonus. Notes: Shadow Master is a genius wit «cool head. He isthe leader of the Crime Masters, but there is little loyalty among his woops. He is as cunning and as rathless a he is brant, itis he who willbe guarding the hostages, and he is prepared to ill as many as needed to escape. Upon discovering the mall had ordered an abstract sculpture for its display, Shadow Master had Task Master add some refinements (the design. After killing the poor artist, and Grow, «sere compartment with small booster rockets was insalled {Upon completion of this Iatest extortion scheme, the roof over the sculpture will be blown off. Then Shadow Master vl pile the tro out, inthe rocket, to their hide-out miles way, The bomb will be detonated by timer, even ifthe Tansom is received, just to show that the Crime Master's weren't bluing One Dam Thing... Note: This is a light, introductory, adventure suitable for characters with little or no experience. It can be played quite quickly with as few as only two people. Media Reports: For a week, the Nevada papers have been receiving threats from an anonymous source. All the threats say is: “Hoover Dam will be destroyed at 3:00 PM this Wednesday.” Although the ‘media have played up these threats, the authorities seem to believe them to be a harmless prank. Recent inspections have revealed no damage or danger to the dam. As a precaution, a ‘handful of State Troopers have been deployed to provide some additional security around the dam, beginning Sunday night. Your hero or heroes have decided it can’t hurt to be extra ‘cautious and have set up their own secret surveillance. GAME MASTER BACKGROUND: ‘The threatening notes are simple photo-copies, devoid of fingerprints or other information. They all stress the seriousness of the threat, and repeat that this is not a bluff. They are signed ‘with the name “Brain Storm”, who officials have no record on. ‘A psionic Object Read will reveal a typical looking college student at a xerox machine. Whereabouts unknown, Al is quiet at Hoover Dam, with nobody unusual coming ‘within 10 miles of it. On Wednesday the State Police secure the roads leading to the dam and send in about 30 troops to patrol the dam itself. Every half-hour, three helicopters sweep the area. At 2:50 AM one of the helicopters frantically reports a man ‘walking down Lake Mead. Not along the shore, but literally on the lake. Moments later, the three helicopters converge on an area about 300 yards from the dam. Spotlights reveal a masked ‘man walking on the water. The bull horns bark: “Turn to shore ‘and surrender to questioning. If you fail to comply we will be forced to open fire!!” In answer to the police demands, a huge wave rises 30ft out of the water and slaps the ‘copters away like annoying gnats. An immediate call for reinforcements will send the police and media scrambling. All hell is about to break loose. ‘This is a twisted and complicated situation for everybody. ‘The joker on the lake is Jeff Erickson; an 18 year old freshman at the University of Las Vegas. He is nota villain and definitely does riot want to be here threatening the dam. He has been blackmailed into this predicament by the known super criminal, “Gold Falcon.” The kid's mission is to quote: "Keep the damn police busy for at least 15 minutes; 20 minutes is better; then get your butt outta there.” He doesn’t know or care about the point to any of this, but knows that if he doesn’t do it, the Gold Falcon will publicly reveal that he is a super powered mutant. Jeff is terrified about the consequences that being branded a super mutant will bring. Undoubtedly, the government will take him into custody, perform hundreds of tests and studies like a human guinea pig, and then force him into military service as 4 special operative. All Jeff wants is to finish college on his athletic scholarship, get his degree in chemistry, join his father's small pharmaceutical firm, find a girl, and live happily every after as a normal person Jeff is afraid and desperate. This makes him dangerous. If pushed too far, or too scared, he will do whatever has to be done to escape. As far as Jeff is concerned, his life and the lives of his family will be destroyed if he is captured. However, all of his intial attacks will be more dramatic than dangerous. Most of his combat actions will be mostly defensive and he will take ‘great pains not to hurt anybody, badly. However, if things go ‘bad, his actions will be less controlled and could turn into deadly force. Remember, Jeff is nota trained combatant. Nor is he use to using his powers to their fullest potential. Scared and desper- ate, he is likely to react without considering the consequences. ‘After 15 to 20 minutes of activity Jeff, a.k.a. Brain Storm, will fee. While all of this is happening at the dam, the real villain, Gold Falcon, will execute a daring assault on the police headquar- ters. Actually, the assault will take place right outside police headquarters. Gold Falcon has learned, through his underworld ‘connections, that Federal agents will be transporting 3.6 million dollars in cash and 200 million worth of cocaine from police HQ. to a government jet as evidence in a recent, major drug bust. The goods will be placed in an armored car escorted by six unmarked vehicles, a six-man S.W.A.T. team in the truck ‘and a police helicopter. The truck is scheduled to leave approx- imately 3:00 AM. The Gold Falcon has hatched the wild scheme that the police and Fed’s will be most vulnerable at the police H.Q., because nobody (but the Gold Falcon) would be so bold 1s 10 attack the police on their own door step. Add the confusion of the assault on Hoover Dam and you have the perfect plan (or 80 the Gold Falcon believes) Actually, the scheme might just work. There will be a lot of hoopla over the current dam incident and people will be dis- tracted. The Gold Falcon’s plan is to silently glide up to the truck, let loose with a melee round or two of an electrical field (knocking out the guards), blow the truck doors with grenades, ‘grab the money and a batch of coke, and fly off. Meanwhile, his henchmen (all Type One punks and thugs; see Quick Roll Villains) will try to get away with the truck. ‘A dumb plan?! The money will be marked? The thugs in the truck will never get away? Well, yes and no. The thugs in the truck will never get away. However, their futile attempt will create another diversion for the Gold Falcon. As for the money being marked; yes it is, but that will’not matter in Mexico or ‘South America, which is where the Gold Falcon is headed. A man can live like a king for years in any of those countries on three million dollars. ‘The chance of Gold Falcon getting away with the cash is 62% ‘The thugs getting away in the truck have a 3% chance. Whether Gold Falcon gets away to South America or Mexico depends ‘on the super characters who might oppose him. So go get him guys! Non-Player Characters (N.P.C.’s) BRAIN STORM Real Name: Jeff Erickson Attributes: 1.Q. 12, M.E. 19, M.A. 15, P.S. 17, PP. 11, PE. 20, P.B. 15, Spd. 12 Experience Level: 2nd level Education Level: One Year College Alignment: Unprincipled Age: 18 Male Weight: 160Ibs Height: _5ft 10in S.D.C. Hit Points: 24 Attacks Per Melee: 3 Scholastic Bonus: + 12% Super Power Category: Natural Psionic ‘Scholastic Skil Math: Basic — 98% Math: Advanced — 72% Chemistry — 70% Chemistry: Analytical — 659% Boxing ‘Swimming: Basic — 76% ‘Swimming: Advanced — 70% Hand to Hand: Basic Secondary Skills: Fishing — 60% Athletics: General Body Building Pilot: Automobile — 889% Pilot: Motorcycle — 68% Inner Strength Points: 62 Major Abilities: Telekinesis Hydrokinesis _Bjo-Regeneration Secondary Abilities: ‘See Aura Sixth Sense Detect Psionies Alter Aura Object Read Death Trance See Psionic Section for Descriptions. Occupation: Comic Shop Clerk GOLD FALCON Real Name: Steve Douglas Attributes: 1.Q. 10, M.E. 9, M.A. 14, P.S. 14, P.P. 15, PLE. 8, P.B. 13, Spd. 10 Experience Level: Education Level: Alignment 2nd level High School Miscreant ‘A tough loner, bully; cocky, overconfident and Male Weigh 81 Hit Points: 9 Scholastic Bonus: +5% Super Power Category: Experiment (accidental) Super Abilities: Energy Expulsion: Electrical Field, Fight: Glide, Heightened Sense of Hearing, Super Vision: Advanced Sight Scholastic Skills: Math: Basic — 98% Computer Programming — 75% Computer Operation — 55% ‘Acrobatics Gymnastics Hand to Hand: Expert Swimming: Basic Secondary Skills: Writing: Creative — 30% Pilot: Automobile — 88% 190Ibs Height: 6ft Lin Attacks Per Melee: 4 ick Locks — 45% Pick Pockets — 40% Pilot: Motorcycle — 68% Prowl Pilot: Truck — 68% WP. Knife General Athletics WP. Revolver 237 Occupation: Seven-Eleventeen night clerk, opportu Weapons: 45 Colt (plus 36 extra bullets), 2 knives, 4 high explosive grenades, 2 grey smoke grenades and one canister of tear gas. Notes: Working the midnight shift of the local all-night store, Steve Douglas was an ordinary guy until the microwave oven was moved next to the register. Prolonged exposure to the leaking radiation gradually gave him heightened senses and the ability to float on air currents. Buying himself a cheap, gold jumpsuit and a pair of goggles, he became the Gold Faleon. ‘The Gold Falcon had considered trying to attack the police's armored vehicle, butneeded a diversion. Then, justby chance, he saw Jeff Erickson save his unconscious college buddies in a boating accident by creating a water spout and running ‘out to them on the water. He knew thenthat he was destined to pull off the heist, and this college boy would be his meal ticket It was a simple matter for him to coerce poor Jeff into doing as he wanted. The Gold Falcon has always been a convincing bully. If he gets away, he will not bother Jeff Erickson for 1D4 years; that’s when his money will have been squandered away. If captured, he will claim Jeff 10 be an accomplice and try to ples-bargain his crimes down to as, little as possible by turning the kid over tothe cops. He may even claim Jeff (Brain Storm) to be the mastermind behind the whole affair. Gold Faleom is a rat. ‘The Gold Falcon has a record of three counts of robbery, 2 counts of armed robbery, one count of extortion, one count fof racketeering, and several counts of resisting arrest and battery. He is currently a fugitive, having jumped bail in California on charges of armed robbery, breaking and enter- ing, assault and battery

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