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Full name: __________________________________________________nº_____ Class: 6º ano____

Date: August / 2019

English Test (3 Bimester)
VALOR: 4.0

Leia o texto abaixo e responda às questões 1, 2 e 3.

4- Match: (0,5)
1) Where is she from? ( ) Yes, I am.
2) How old are you? ( ) I am Portuguese.
3) Are you from England? ( ) Peter is from São Paulo.
4) What’s your nationality? ( ) I am twenty years old.

5) Where is Peter from? ( ) She’s from Brazil.

5- Complete the senteces with the nationalities. (1,0)

I’m from the USA.

Mrs. Jones: Good Morning students. I’m Mrs. Jones. I’m a I’m _______________.
Geography teacher. Have a good test!
Rafael: Good morning. I’m Rafael.
Mrs. Jones: Are you Rafael Costa? Teacher Patrícia
Rafael: Yes, I am
Mrs. Jones: Nice to meet you. I’m from England.
Rafael: Nice to meet you too.
Mrs. Jones: Rafael, how old are you?
Rafael: I’m thirteen years old.
Mrs. Jones: Are you Mexican?
Rafael: No, I’m not. I’m Chilean.
Mrs. Jones: Ok. Thank you.
Rafael: You’re welcome.

I’m from Brazil.

1- How old is Rafael? (0,5 point)

2- Is Mrs. Jones a History teacher? (0,5 point)

a) Yes, she is. c) Yes, I am.
b) No, she isn’t. d) No, I am not. I’m from Germany.

3- Where is Rafael from? (0,5 point) _________________.

6- Turn the sentence below to negative and
interrogative form. (0,5)

You are from Salvador.


Interrogative: __________________________________

7- Assinale a única sentença correta. (0,5)

a) She my best friend.
b) You are from England?
c) I not am Brazilian.
d) Anita is from Italy.

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