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To survive in French, it is essential to know how to interact in the most basic way
with your interlocutor. First of all, we must create a peaceful climate. Then you
have to be able to act on the other's speech.

Unavoidable politeness
If you want your interlocutor to be in a good mood to help you, it is absolutely
essential, and in the end obvious, to establish a peaceful climate from the
beginning through politeness. Even if you are a complete beginner at learning
French and the number of sentences you are able to pronounce is only ten, you must
absolutely say « BONJOUR ! » (Hello). With this word, you show that you arrive
with good intentions, and your interlocutor will be more willing to help you. And
when you leave him/her, finish your conversation as you started it, that is, in
politeness by saying « AU REVOIR ! » (Goodbye). It seems obvious, but you’re
never know…

Disturb politely
Your interlocutor does not expect to be disturbed. So ask him/her to forgive you in
advance for annoying him/her, apologize for bothering him/her. You don't have to
make a speech, just say « EXCUSEZ-MOI ! » (excuse me). Add if you can
« MONSIEUR » (sir) ou « MADAME » (ma’am). In fact, you are not exactly
apologizing, but you're trying to capture the attention of your interlocutor in a polite
way, which can hardly ever be denied. You can also use « PARDON
MONSIEUR/MADAME » which has more or less the same meaning. Other
possibilities if you want to immediately add an information: « Je suis désolé, mais
... » (I am sorry, but...).

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Basic politeness
Always in the field of essential basic politeness, it is the « S’IL VOUS PLAÎT ! » (Please!).
Often, in a survival situation and/or when you practice a language for the first time, you are quite
stressed, and you forget that politeness is a gentleness that opens many doors. If you are asking
for something, for information, the least you can do is politely formulate your request using this
expression. Warning: there is also « S’il te plaît » which is less formal, and therefore that is to be
avoided at first and at least with strangers. Finally, if your interlocutor gives you what you asked
for, it is obvious that you will thank him/her. Simply with a « MERCI » (Thank you)..

The first essential sentence

Now that you have established a climate of civility, and since you are determined to reach your
goal (whether to buy bread or ask where the station is) you must be able to interact with your
interlocutor if you have some difficulties in communication. The first thing to know is the phrase:
« JE NE COMPRENDS PAS. » (I do not understand). Your interlocutor will then try to be more
understandable by repeating, often more slowly or with other words, or sometimes by making
gestures or drawing.

The second essential sentence

Sometimes, if you don't understand who you're talking to, you can also directly use an incredibly
effective second sentence: « VOUS POUVEZ RÉPÉTER ? » (Can you repeat?). By repeating,
your interlocutor will necessarily better articulate, often they will slow down their flow,
sometimes they will formulate their speech differently, more clearly, with other words, with
gestures. And then you will be better able to understand what you are being told. Add a
« S’IL VOUS PLAÎT ! » and you'll get everything you want.

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Act directly on the expression of others
Unfortunately, repetition is not always enough, because native speakers do not always realize
that they are speaking to learners of their native language and that their flow is still too fast. That's
why it's very useful to be able to act on the flow of your interlocutor by asking him/her to speak
slowly: « VOUS POUVEZ PARLER LENTEMENT ? » (Can you speak slowly?). You may
also ask: « Vous pouvez parler plus lentement ? » (Can you speak slower?). Without forgetting
of course the « S’il vous plaît ! »..

1. In your native language, pretend not to speak your language and go to several
stores to get some product. Use only the word « that » and point out what you want.
In the first case, do not use any of the words of politeness seen in this sheet. In the
second case, use only the translation of all the words of politeness seen in this sheet.
Analyze the reactions of sellers.
2. Re-experience exercise 1), but in a French-speaking setting, so in French. How
do sellers react?

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