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Press Contact:

September 26, 2021

Kathy Barnette, Candidate for U.S. Senate, Calls for Full Forensic Audit of 2020 Election in

“Election integrity is the lifeblood of America’s representative democracy and, thus, the revelation
of the multitude of gross irregularities and potential criminal behavior in Maricopa County, Arizona
during the 2020 election mandates that Pennsylvania performs a full forensic audit of what
occurred statewide – from registration to tabulation,” said Kathy Barnette, candidate for the United
States Senate.
“What occurred in Maricopa County also occurred in Montgomery County,” said Barnette, recalling
how she proved deceased and “ghosts” had voted in her Congressional race in 2020.
"Arizona’s report is demonstrating that the 2020 election was not as pure as the driven snow,” said
Barnette. “Such a detailed study will either find proof of substantial election fraud that will drive
election security reform efforts, or will show a safe and secure election and give Pennsylvanians
confidence in the Commonwealth's ability to protect their votes. A detailed investigation is what
the people demand, and elected officials need to hear and understand that demand.
“As your Senator, I will do everything I can to honor the demand that elections be free and fair.
Protecting the vote cast by a citizen necessitates discounting votes cast illegally,” Barnette added.
“No one should be silenced by the Left simply for raising concerns and wanting us to improve our
election system going forward. If people cannot trust the results, the future of our nation is at

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