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In the year 2005 I lost my father.

During my father's illness and even later when he passed

away my husband was our pillar of strength. He set all my father's financial and other
matters in order for my mother so that she doesn't face any problems in the future.

Two months later my husband was in the hospital with a slightly ruptured appendix. Luckily
my 10 year old son had just finished his final exams. I left him with my mother. She had not
completely got over the shock of my father's death, but I had no choice, my husband
needed me more.

For 5 days I stayed in the hospital with him. I would only go home to have bath and have
my lunch. Even if I was little late getting back to hospital he would ask why it took me so
long. I was now his pillar of strength. Those 5 days, I didn't even bother whether my son had
eaten, how he was. I trusted my mother to take care of him.

Even after he came home, he had been asked to not strain for few days. But I did not allow
him to strain himself for nearly a month.

So our way of showing our love is standing by each other's side through thick and thin.


I had a small tiff or argument with my husband a few days back, in the morning before he
left for work. Even after so many years of marriage, we sometimes do get into arguments.

He left for office. After some time my anger cooled down and I felt bad for hurting him. So I
prepared his favourite dish for lunch. I also made up my mind to be extra nice to him
because I felt I have my mother, but he has lost both his parents and there is nobody he can
go to or confide in if he is feeling low.

When he came for lunch, I welcomed him with a smile, served him his favourite dish for
lunch and watched him enjoying it. He too was extra lavish in his praise for what I had
cooked. For the next few days he was extra helpful towards me in the house, didn't take out
his office tensions on me. I gave him more attention, cooked some of his favourite food. We
held each others hands while watching TV.

Just our way of showing that we still love and care about each other inspite of quarrels or
petty arguments.

The best way of showing you love someone changes with age.

When you are young, it would be gifts, attention, consideration, praise etc.
When you age it is each others company, doing household tasks together, cooking or
ordering favourite dish for your partner, showing thoughtfulness for each others feelings,
just being there every time they need you.

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