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You should hire me even though I don’t have any work experience because I believe that I can be a well
fit person in team-work and handing or talking with different people because of my experience as a BS
Psychology student for 2 years. It’s pleasure to mine if you hired me because in this company I am
seeing a good environment wherein I can explore my skills and also for learning.  I am sincere with my
task and would never let you down in anyway. I promise you will never regret for the decision to
appoint me in your company.

Oh, Great question! Now that I don’t have my parents beside me to support or guide me, I consider
myself as strong independent woman because I find solution on every difficult situation that I
encountered. For me it’s a special skill because not every person have a strong will and dedication, and
it will benefit your company because I find an idea or solution in everything without panicking or
stressing myself out.

Oh as a college student it’s hard to study without a support from your family but I consider it as a
freedom where I can choose what course I will take, what should I do in my life, what path I should take.
Every difficult situation, for me it’s challenge that I need to conquer. And it makes me stronger than I am
before. And also I will use my experience in life to improve in my task or to solve problems without
stressing myself out because I know I am stronger than any problems in the world.

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