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The Globalization of Technology

The international transmission of know-how, knowledge and technological expertise is growing and it is
increasingly important in the world economy. The specific form and extent of technology globalisation
for developing countries bears important consequences for their government action, and implies an
especially active attitude towards innovation policies. It will in fact be argued that the globalisation of
technology offers new opportunities for development, but that they are by no means available without
deliberate effort to absorb innovation through endogenous learning. Technology is the vital force in the
modern form of business globalization. Technology has revolutionized the global economy and has
become critical competitive strategy. It has globalized the world, which drive all the countries to more
ethical standards. Technology has globalized the business but economically well developed countries
have been more benefited. While technology has created many opportunities for global networks of
tasks it is important to look at the friction in the system to understand the limitations. The sources of
friction are many and could bring the system to its knees. Companies and countries that want to thrive
in this era of globalization will seek to mitigate the abuses, while dealing with the friction.
The Globalization of Environment

Globalization has featured extensively in the debates on environmentalism, and green activists have
highlighted its far-reaching effects. Activists have pointed out that globalization has led to an increase in
the consumption of products, which has impacted the ecological cycle. Increased consumption leads to
an increase in the production of goods, which in turn puts stress on the environment. It is important that
we put in some efforts to maintain harmony with the environment. The survival of human race on this
planet is dependent on the environment to such a large extent that we cannot afford to ignore the
consequences of our own actions. While there is a lot of debate and discussion on this issue, the need of
the hour is to have effective policies in place, and implementation of those policies. The people that we
have chosen to represent us have the responsibility of ensuring that the extent of damage on
environment is curtailed, if not totally prevented.

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