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In this Unit, as I have observed Mathematics is everywhere, it can be seen even on

nature. It can be seen on animals, plants, water, land, sky and even on outer space.

Mathematics is part of our daily lives, in what I have read it says there that “Without its
application a day to day grind would be useless and meaningless” and I think that’s true
because math is everything it is everywhere and it is involved on our daily lives in
whatever aspects math is always there. There are many different Patterns in the
universe and it is just around us they can even be the product of our day to day lives,
and pattern would be a big help to us because Patterns helps us predict the behavior of
nature and phenomena in the world and many patterns and occurrences exist in nature,
in our world, in our life and Mathematics helps makes sense of these patterns and

I have encountered many different patterns in this unit like; Nature’s Patterns,
Geometric Patterns, Wave Patterns on Land, Stripes and Spots in the Animal Kingdom,

It amazes me how mathematics are involved in our nature in terms of this patterns,

It’s not just a pattern but it has clues that can help us find out what we want to
know, with this pattern we gain an appreciation and understanding of the world in
which we live and how everything is connected, it is also the visuals the patterns are
just so beautiful and remarkable. In my perspective the most remarkable is the pattern
of the snowflake, they all have the same theme this six-fold, hexagonal symmetry and
yet there just seems to be infinite variety within these snowflakes, it is such a simple
process that goes into their formation. It is water vapor freezing out of humid air.
There's nothing more to it than that but somehow it creates this incredibly intricate,
detailed, beautiful pattern.

In what I’ve red in this unit I have learned that Mathematics is not just all about
numbers, symbols, and formulas it is also in our surroundings and daily routine, it also
broaden my understanding when I explore the patterns in nature and regularities in the

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