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Topic: Cyber security

Speaker: Bless Herrera-Agapito

 Is cyber security everyone’s concern?

 Is cyber security a crucial issue in the 21st century and must it
be embedded in our culture?

Cyber security- consist of technologies, processes and controls

design to protect systems, networks, programs, devices and data
from cyber attack.

Computer plays a vital role in our lives today especially during these
time of pandemic. Since the invention of the internet, people around
the world relied heavily on it and has became a very convenient
source of information, communication, and technology. In today’s
world, cybersecurity is very important because of some security
threats and cyber-attacks. For data protection, many companies
develop software. This software protects the data. Cybersecurity is
important because not only it helps to secure information but also our
system from virus attack. 

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