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Article No.

2017 Clinical trials update: Innovations in hemophilia therapy
Reference (6th Edition) |
2017 clinical trials update: Innovations in hemophilia therapy.
(2017). American Journal of Hematology, 92(5), E84.
Submitted by: MERCADO, Daniel Josh D.
Submitted to: BENDIJO, Zebred

The thing that the authors in this article are trying to talk about and to solve or
find out is a new innovations in hemophilia therapy for patients and aims to encourage
them in involving in such physical activity to reduce weakening and chronic injury to
joints. The authors/therapists of this paper is focused on seeking to enhancing the
present component by a few diverse processes it concentrates, that is why problems or
issues that are not related to the said topic is not included. The scientists of this article
performed observations and clinical interventions in terms of tools or techniques and
gene editing for hemophilia. In this article the health professionals, and some research
experts are trying to figure out for a potential treatment choice for patients with
antibodies, currently the largest unmet medical need in hemophilia disorder. During the
research they were using a number of strategies mostly are meant to address the
problems as well as provide a cure for the genetic disease mentioned. The researchers
or authors have experienced a very significant time of discovering the type of disorder
or illness that really has affected a substantial amount of people and seeking a potential
way to treat all patients afflicted by this same disease. The study of the author was
focused on findings and clinical studies and interaction with some of the patients, health
providers, and scientists, so the authors did use experimentation to evaluate their
method or confirm it. In conclusion, to justify the arguments, the solutions to the problem
satisfies the specified objectives.

The thing that is new about here is some new mode of hemophilia therapy just
like gene therapy in which the scientists are investigating the cell-based gene therapy
techniques, this includes the new CRISPR or the Cas9. The main contribution of this
paper would be to inform people or educate audiences regarding hemophilia
interventions and how they have been different and unique, as well as how specialists,
patients and their families deal with vague variations in research, health rights and
medication, counseling or preventive restrictions. It contributes significantly to the
evolving field or branches of scientific research, highlights the relevance of local
configurations throughout the way in which the genetic disease has been appropriate by
and for the different communities. The interesting part of this entire report would be that
the list of high-risk medications and treatments that would often cost approximately $3
million per patient approved by the Food and Drug Administration contains several
methods of treating these potentially lethal conditions. However, if several families
afflicted by the severe genetic disorder may also need to initiate what is known as legal
demands to procure the medications, even in these circumstances. It would also driven
many individuals and sometimes even consumer groups afflicted by the disease to
demand. The aim of this paper is to illustrate or demonstrate the efficacy of the modified
hemophilia therapies that are made clear in the paper or article. It has been shown how
genetic disorders are widely developed and regenerated by the diffusion of
biotechnology by focusing our attention to similar and competing variations between
convergence and divergence throughout the case of genetic disorders and hemophilia.
Therefore, in future studies, one such entire paper with key fundamentals could also be
reused in an another setting.

The authors made no conclusions or ignore any difficulties that cause their
method less compelling as well as every argument they publish or placed in the article
makes complete sense and contains facts and statistical findings on the matter.
Through reading the entire document, there seem to be problems at first because of the
significant genetic issues and many more in regarding the theoretical issues, functional
difficulties, implementation complications, ignored effects of emerging technologies, but
in this review, the researchers have produced something else to improve or treat the
said genetic abnormality wherein the efficacy of some of the experimental therapies has
been shown here when it is important to reach those dealing with disorders such as
hemophilia or provide treatment for them by necessary health care. There is no
potential conflict interest was reported by the authors. After reading the article several
times, I found that it helps us people a lot because the methods used by the writers in
the issue are really effective, so I expect this paper to be more helpful in the future and
save a lot of people's lives. For now, if specialists are not going to determine something
to change some care, I feel this method would be undermined by a lack of information
and technologies. Such programs are identified as essential in practice, such as clinical
trial testing and care or medical care.

This paper could be extended if they include the genetic disease’s brief history. If
the author is entirely concentrated on this, the deficiencies in the report will be better
fixed so that other issues are eliminated. This paper is very close to a lot of research or
articles that I have read since it provides a problem and ends up with solutions that are
supported with facts and statistical results. Although I sometimes read articles,
academic books, or any other papers, I think there are similarities between these
papers highlights since it is current and has just completed clinical trials that are driving
a paradigm shift in the article’s approach to hemophilia care.

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