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Viét doan vain vé tac hai ctia Internet bang tiéng Anh ‘Tac hai ctia Internet bing tiéng Anh - Mau 1 Tiéng Anh Nowadays, Internet has become an important part in the modern life. Besides the advantages, it also brings about many disadvantages that no one expects. First, Intemet is so addictive and time-consuming. Using it sometimes makes you lose your sense of time and easily deep in meaningless things. For example, when you start studying at 7 o'clock, you have intention of using Internet for doing homework but then you are addicted to the entertainment websites and can not stop. As a result, it takes you a lot of time to finish work and makes you lazier and lazier. Second, some social networking sites contain potential risks, because they are not strictly controlled. Some websites can report the false and reactionary information, other ones even can take advantage of your belief then make money illegally. Last but not least, Internet affects harmfully to your health. It is undeniable fact that your vision is shorten so much when you use smartphone or computer so much. Moreover, it also results in some diseases, which relate to memory and skeleton, especially promote the senescence faster. Taking into consideration, Internet is not bad but everyone should uses it reasonably and effectively Tiéng Viet Ngiy nay, Internet da tré thinh mt phan khéng thé thiéu trong cudc sng hién dai. Bén can nhiing loi ich né dem dén thi c6 rat nhiéu tac hai ma khéng ai mong mudn. Dau tién, Internet 14 mot thir gay nghién va t6n thoi gian. Viée sir dung n6 doi khi khién ban mat cam gide vé thai gian va dé ding xa vio nhitng thit v6 bé. Vi du ban ngdi vao ban hoc vao lie 7 gid voi du dinh ding mang 4é tra bai nhumg ban bi loi cudn bai su cam dé cia cée trang gidi tri va khong thé ngimng lai. Két qua La ban sé phai mat nhiu thai gian hoan thanh céng viéc hon va ngy cang tré Ién Indi biéng. Thtt hai, m6t sé trang mang xa h9i an chtta nhiing rai ro khén hrdng, vi ching clnra duge kiém soat nghiém ngat. Mot sO website dura tin phan déng, sai sy that, tham chi, Viét doan vain vé tac hai ctia Internet bang tiéng Anh mét sé trang mang cén loi dung sv ca tin cita ngutéi dig dé kiém tién bat hop phap. Cuéi cing nhung khéng kém phan quan trong, Internet anh hung khéng tét dén dén site khée. KhOng thé phii nhjin mot sur that li né Lm suy nhurge thi luc cia ching ta. Ngoai ra, né dé lai di chitng & mét sé can bénh vé tri nhd, xtong khép,...dac biét 1 thiic day qua trinh ldo héa dign ra nhanh hon. Internet khong phai x4u nhung ban nén can nhic viée sit dung né mét cach hop li va higu qua. ‘Téc hai ciia Internet bing tiéng Anh - Mu 2 Tigng Anh Nowadays, the Internet has become a bridge that connects people all over the world. Besides its paramount importance, it also poses hidden risks to users. In the first place, it can put severe strains on our family and social relationships. If users are addicted to the Internet, they have a tendency to separate from our real world and immerse themselves into a virtual world. As a result, nothing is of no interest to them at all Secondly, the Internet also exerts a strong influence on the efficiency of work. Take students as an example, at class, they prefer to think about online video games, films, rather than listening to what their teachers are saying. This will seriously result in their studying quality. Moreover, the dependence on the Internet can be a major obstacle to developing people’s creativity. Instead of thinking independently, people often take advantage of diverse sources of information on the Internet to finish their tasks as soon as possible. Last but not least, our personal information can be leaked due to hackers or loose control of data security organizations. This can put us in danger and indirectly affect our life. To put it briefly, the innovation of the Internet has contributed to improve every aspect of our life but we also should take its pros and cons into consideration whenever using it. Tiéng Viet Negay nay, mang Internet dang tré thanh mét cay cau két ni tat cd moi ngudi trén thé gidi. Bén canh nhiing Igi ich to 1én, mang Internet cing tiém an nhieu nguy co rai ro Viét doan vain vé tac hai ctia Internet bang tiéng Anh véi nguai sit dung. Diéu dau tién, mang Internet c6 thé dat nhitng dp lye ning né len trén cdc méi quan hé gia dinh va x4 hdi. Néu nhu ngwdi ding bi nghign Internet, ho s 6 xu huréng 1A tich bigt minh khdi thé gidi thy tai va chim dim ban than trong mot thé gidi ao. Hau qua cia vige nay ld ngoai Internet ching é gi i thich thi d ca. Tiép dé, mang Internet ciing c6 anh huéng v6 cing to lon déi voi vige. Lay hoc sinh nhu m6 vi du, 6 1ép, ho thwrong nghi vé nhiing trd choi dign tr, phim anh hon ld King nghe nhiing 16i gido vién cia ho dang néi. Diéu nay sé anh hudng nghiém trong dén chit lugng viée hoc. Khéng ditng lai 6 dé, viée phu thude vio mang Internet c6 thé Li chuéng ngai vat lon cin tro phat trién tinh sdng tao cia moi ngudi. Thay vi tw suy nghi mét cach déc lap, nhiéu nguti lai loi dung nguén thong tin phong phi trén mang dé hoan thanh nhiém vu cia minh mét cach sém nhat c6 thé. Diéu cudi cing nhung rit quan trong, th6ng tin cé nhin ciia ching ta ¢6 thé bi 15 ri béi cde hacker hoe str quan li long Iéo cita cée 18 chite bao mat dit liéu. Digu nay c6 thé dat chting ta vo tinh thé nguy hiém va gian tiép anh huong dén cude séng ca chiing ta. Tém lai, str bing n6 ciia Intemet da va dang gop phan cai thién moi khia canh cia doi séng nhung ching ta cing cn phai luu y nhiing wu diém va khuyét diém hi sit dung né. Tac hai ciia Internet bing Ting Anh Nowadays, the Internet is one of the most powerful tools in the world because of its benefits. Besides the massive benefits that the internet has brought to our life, the intemet also has many disadvantages. Firstly, using Internet may waste time and cause distractions. When a person is spending much time on the Internet connected devices, he can be an Internet addictive person who spends his precious time on Internet rather than doing something productive. Another disadvantage is you may steal your personal information and hack accounts. As the Internet connects all computers to each other, so hackers can quickly identify what computers are vulnerable to attack by scanning millions of computers. Moreover, If you are surfing the Internet frequently, Viét doan vain vé tac hai ctia Internet bang tiéng Anh playing games and spending too much time on the computer, it can also lead to obesity and an unhealthy lifestyle. In conclusion, Internet is not bad but everyone should use it reasonably and effectively. Tiéng Viet Negay nay, Internet la mét trong nhitng céng cu manh mé nhat trén thé gidi vi nhiing Igi ich cia n6. Bén canh nhitng loi ich to lon ma internet mang lai cho cuge séng cua ching ta thi internet ciing cé rat nhiéu nhuge diém. Thit nhit, sir dung Internet cé thé lang phi thoi gian va gay mat tap trung. Khi mét nguéi danh nhiéu théi gian vao cac thiét bj duzgc két néi Internet, anh ta c6 thé li mt ngwdi nghién Internet khi thoi gian quy bau cita minh trén Internet hon 1a lam vige gi dé higu qua. Mét bat loi khac 1a ban cé thé bi danh cp théng tin ca nn va hack tai khoan. Khi Internet it ca cdc may tinh véi nhau, do dé tin tic cé thé nhanh chéng xac dinh may tinh nao dé bi tin céng bing cach quét hang trigu may tinh. Hon nifa, néu ban thudng xuyén luét Internet, choi game va danh qua nhiéu théi gian trén may tinh, né ciing cé thé din dén béo phi va 16i séng khong Linh manh. Tém lai Internet khong xu nhung moi agudi nén sit dung né mot cach hop ly va higu qua. ‘Tac hai ctia Internet bing tiéng Anh - Mau 4 Tiéng Anh Nowadays almost everyone in the world have had contact with computers. A great part of them has been using an international computer’s net known as the Internet. I think using the internet has more advantages then disadvantages. In the first place, the intemet benefits us in many ways. It provides us with much information from every comer of the world. It helps us to know about what is happening on the earth and updates us with the most recent news. Also, the intemet helps us to widen our social network with many friends in every country in the world. Through some programs such as Skype, Facebook, Yahoo Messenger, ete, we have the chance to make friends and talk to a variety of people. Moreover, it entertains us. Sometimes we can spend Viét doan vain vé tac hai ctia Internet bang tiéng Anh time listening to music or watching films on some websites. However, the internet also causes us many problems. The first one is to our health. Some people spend too much time searching and playing on the internet, which is not good for their brains and eyes. Next, it also prevents us from some activities such as reading books or going out with our friends. In addition, some programmes on the intemet contain some bad content such as violence or which are not good for young people's mental life. In short, everything has its two sides, so does the Internet. Therefore, it is necessary that we use it for the right purposes. Tiéng Viet Negay nay hau nhve tat cd moi ngw6i trén thé gidi da tiép xtc véi may tinh. Mét phn Jon trong sé ho da str dung mang may tinh quéc té durgc goi la Internet. Téi nghi ring sit dung internet o6 nhidu loi thé hon nhung bat loi. Trtée hét, internet mang lai loi ich cho ching ta theo nhiéu cach, Né cung cap cho ching t6i nhiéu théng tin tit moi noi trén thé gidi. No giup ching ta biét vé nhiing gi dang xay ra trén trai dat va cap nhat cho ching ta nhiing tin tire méi nhat. Ngoai ra, intemet cdn giuip ching ta mé rong mang hréi xa hoi v6i nhiéu ban bé 6 moi quéc gia trén thé git . Thong qua mot s6 chuong trinh nhu Skype, Facebook, Yahoo Messenger, v.v., chung ta 6 co hdi két ban va néi chuyén voi nhigu ngudi. Hon nifa, né gidi tri cho ching t6i. Déi khi chung tacé thé danh théi gian dé nghe nhac hoac xem phim trén mot sé trang web. Tuy nhién, internet ciing gay ra cho ching ta nhiéu van dé. Diéu dau tién 1a sttc khée cata ching t6i. Mot s6 ngudi danh qua nhigu thei gian dé tim kiém va choi trén internet, digu nay khéng tét cho nao va mit cia ho. Tiép theo, né cing ng can ching ta tham gia mét sé hoat déng nhur doc sach hoie di choi véi ban bé. Ngoai ra, mét sé chong trinh trén mang cé mét sé ndi dung x4u nhu bao hie, khéng tdt cho doi séng tinh than clla gidi tré. Tém lai, cai gi ciing cé hai mat cla nd, Internet ciing vay. Vi vay, diéu thiét la ching ta phai sit dung né diing muc dich. Doan van tiéng Anh viét tac hai cia Internet - Mau 5 Tigng Anh Viét doan vain vé tac hai ctia Internet bang tiéng Anh Modern life brings about the storm of technology. Nowadays, it seem that people depend more and has become slaves of the Internet. Every morning, when opening their eyes, the first activity of the young people is opening smartphone to check the message, facebook, zalo, instagram, ... In the meeting, old friends meet again but everyone holds the phone in their hands for surfing web, they just say the something and then re-plug the face to the screen. Invisible, the Internet is splitting and bringing us far apart. We tend to express our status on social networks instead of talking to our loved ones like friends or parents. We are more and more just chasing the shabby, illusion on society that neglect the real precious things besides. We even remember the fan-meeting, know the clothes, the latest trend but can not remember the mother's birthday. Pethaps, the emergence of the Internet has brought us far apart, living out of direction, reality. What a pity! Tiéng Vi Cude séng hién dai mang dén su phat trién nhu va bao cua cong nghé thong tin. Ngay nay, con nguéi dténg nhur 1é thudc qué nhiéu va dan tré thanh né [é cita Internet. Mai budi sang, khi vita mé mit, vige dau tién ca cdc ban tré la mé dién thoai ra 4é kiém. tra tin nhn, facebook, zalo, instagram. Trong nhiing cudc gap mit, ban bé lau ngay gap lai nhung ai ciing cam trén tay chiéc dién thoai lust web, chi ndi nhiing cau voi vang rdi lai cim mat vao man hinh. Mét cach v6 hinh, Internet dang chia tach, dem ching ta cfich xa nhau hon. Chung ta la chon ai lén mang xa héi thay vi tém sit véi ngudi than yéu nu ban bé, bé me. Cling ta ngay cang chi chay theo nhiing thtr x6 b4, ao anh trén x4 hoi ma bé quén nhitng thir quy gid bén canh. Ngudi ta thm chi nhé rd nhitng budi fan-meeting, biét nhiing mét quan do, trio hru mi nat nhung lai chang thé nhé duge sinh nhat cia me. Co 18, sur xuat hign cia Internet da mang ching ta xa nhau hon, séng mat di phuong huéng, hién thc. That dang buén lim sao! Doan van tiéng Anh viét tac hai cia Internet - Mau 6 Tigng Anh Viét doan vain vé tac hai ctia Internet bang tiéng Anh Internet ~ one of the greatest innovations of our times — has become a familiar term in our daily life. Besides its undeniable positive influences, it is necessary to acknowledge the disadvantages it brings. The most predominant drawback that people need to consider is security issues. As the Internet is widely used in different aspects of life such as business or education, users’ privacy can run a risk of invasion by hackers, causing their personal information to be leaked. Furthermore, in the virtual world where people are connected with each other and access is unlimited, it is a good opportunity for scammers and cyber criminals to approach their “preys”. Another bad side of this tool is the spread of false or inappropriate information. Every day or even every hour, a number of information is freely uploaded and shared without any restrictions.As a result, many people exploit this to distribute fake news for their own advantage, which can have a negative impact on a large scale. Moreover, the availability of entertainment on the Internet also makes unhealthy materials more accessible than ever, leading to a rise in behavioral problems, especially juvenile delinquency. Last but not least, Internet can be seen as additive. Nowadays, people are likely to spend hours surfing the web, it can be at class, it can be at work or at lunch, anywhere and at any time. Sometimes it may become a distraction, causing them to work ineffectively. Watching your favorite film or finishing work — that’s definitely a hard question. Besides, some people are so addicted that they live in the virtual world more than in the real world, They tend to express their feelings and opinions freely on social network while being rather reserved in the outside world and lacking interaction with others around. To put it briefly, much as the Internet offers a wide range of benefits in different fields, it has the cost that needs careful consideration. Internet - mét trong nhiing phat minh vi dai nhét eda nhan loai — da tréthanh mot phan quan trong trong cuéc séng con ngwdi. Nhung bén can nhiing anh hudng tich cue vin t6n tai nhiéu bat Igi mi méi ching ta cau tim hiéu 10. Téc hai lén ohat cua céng cu nay chinh li ede méi de doa vé an ninh. Do Internet durge sit dung réng rai trong nhiéu linh ve khde nhau cia ddi séng nhur kinh doanh hay gido duc, str riéng te Viét doan vain vé tac hai ctia Internet bang tiéng Anh cia nguai ding cé nguy co bi xm pham bai cac hacker, khién cho cdc théng tin cd nhin cé thé bi rd ri. Hon thé nita, trong mét thé gidi ao noi ma moi ngudi duge két ndi véi nhau khong giéi han, nhiing ke lira do va ti pham cong nghé cao 6 thé loi dung co hdi dé tigp cn cdc “con mdi. Mot mat tdi khac cila viée sir dung Internet dé 1a su Jan truyén cdc théng tin sai léch hoc khong link manb. Hing ngay hay tham chi li hang gid, mot long lén théng tin duge ding tai va chia sé ma khong cé sur kiém soat hay quan ly nao. Chinh vi vay, nhiéu nguéi da loi dung diéu nay dé phat tan cdc tin tiie sai su that vi lgi ich cé nhan, gay anh huong tiéu eve trén dign rong. Bén canh 46, sit sin c6 va da dang ctia cdc céng cu gidi tri trén Internet cing khién cho vin ha pham kh6ng lanh manh tro nén dé tiép can hon bao gid hét, dan dén sv gia ting nhing van dé vé dao dite hank vi, dac biét 1a tinh trang pham t6i 6 tudi vi thinh nién. Tac hai dang chit ¥ khde cia céng cu nay chinh la tinh gay nghién cia nd. Ngdy nay, moi ngw0i thudng danh hang gid dé hrét web, cé thé 6 lop hoe, & noi lam viée hay trong bita tra, moi hic va moi noi. Nhiéu hic né khién ching ta bi xao nhang, khién cho higu qua lam vige thap. Xem b6 phim ma ban yéu thich hay hoan thanh cong vige — 46 qua thre 1a mt edu héi khé. Nghiém trong hon, nhiéu ngwai nghién Internet dén néi ho s6ng trong thé gidi ao nhiéu hon 1a trong thé gidi thre. Ho c6 xu huéng béc 16 nhing cam xtc, suy nghi cia minh trén mang xa hdi trong khi khé dé dat 6 thé gidi bén ngoai va thiéu trong tac v6i moi ngwi xung quanh. Nhu vay, mac dit Internet Igi ich vé moi mat nhung né eiing c6 cai gid ma chung ta can phai

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