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Advertising is a means of creating awareness and

promoting a product or service in the market.

It is a paid form of communication to inform the public
about an idea, good or service.

Advertising has positive impact on demand.

Demand for products can be increased.
Naturally, an increased demand stimulates production.
More production means more prosperity.
Commercialization of Inventions:

Advertising is useful to commercialize or materialize

new useful inventions. New inventions benefit the society
Advertisement is a good source of information. It can
increase awareness about different products and special
offers related to products. Availability of adequate
information can help customers select the most suitable

High Price to Consumers:

Advertising increases costs of product.

Customers have to pay high price for the products
heavily advertised. Companies do not forgo their profits.
Thus, businessmen can earn more at a cost of customers.

Materialist Implications:

It promotes materialism. It makes people mad after

things, whether useful or not.

Fraud to Customers:

It has misleading/deceptive implications.

Most claims are exaggerated. Advertising has a little
truth and a lot false.

##########################" Ecommerce
There's no doubt that the ability to sell online has
made many businesses profitable.
Like all business models, eCommerce has its advantages
and disadvantages.

eCommerce allows you to reach customers all over the

country and around the world. Your customers can make
a purchase anywhere and anytime, especially more people
are getting used to shopping on their mobile devices.

More Opportunities To "Sell"

Merchants can only provide a limited amount of
information on a product in a physical store. On the
other hand, eCommerce websites allow the space to
include more information such as demo videos, reviews,
and customer testimonials to help increase conversion.
--- Disadvantages
Lack Of Tactile Experience
No matter how well a video is made, consumers still
can't touch and feel a product. Not to mention, it's not
an easy feat to deliver a brand experience, which could
often include the sense of touch, smell, taste, and
sound, through the two-dimensionality of a screen.

IT Security Issues
there ares many hackers who have stolen customer
information from their database. Not only could this
have legal and financial implications but also lessen
the trust customers have in the company.

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