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Man abducted by aliens

Wendover Police were shocked last night when a distraught man called at the
station to report an alien abduction. The man (who cannot be named for legal
purposes), aged 35, explained how he had been walking in the woodland to the
rear of his home when the incident occurred.
Seeing a blinding white light above the trees, the man went to investigate. On
reaching the area where the light was brightest, he felt the urge to look up and
saw a large hovering, saucer shaped object above him.
A beam of green light appeared from the centre of the craft and allegedly drew
the man upwards and into the vessel, where medical experiments were carried
out on him.
The man’s account was so horrifying, that police are warning members of the
public to stay away from the local woods until further investigations have been

Dog eats £8.4 million winning lottery ticket

Chester the Labrador of Chigwell Square was in the doghouse yesterday when
his owner, Mandy Betts, caught him chewing her lotto ticket. Mandy had only
just checked the winning numbers to discover she had matched all six balls,
when she noticed Chester playing with a soggy lump of mangled paper. She
retrieved the paper – her lottery ticket – only to have it snatched back and
swallowed by the disobedient doggy.
Chester is looking for another home. Phone Wendover 235 8879 for details.

Wendover Women’s Institute is holding a coffee morning at the Town Hall on
Tuesday 17th August. Tickets are priced at 75p and funds raised will go to the
neonatal unit of Wendover general hospital.
Tickets are available from the Town Hall for the rest of this week.

Guest Appearance
The opening of the new Kwik-e-Mart on Wendover High Street on Saturday 21st
August is to be marked by several special events. There will be face painting,
clowns, free samples and other attractions, including a special guest appearance
by Brad Mine, star of “Celebrity Survival.”

Quiz Night
The King’s Arms on Stanhope Road will be hosting a weekly quiz, starting on
Wednesday 25th August. Teams will be charged £1 to enter and the successful
team will win the proceeds.

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