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August 12, 2021

Technology Is Destroying Us!

Technology does everything for us. Every day an average student uses more than 9 hours
of technology. They start using it and lose track of time without even knowing. Using technology
that much time gives people difficulty focusing on tasks and eye problems and also a lot of more
problems like insomnia. Smartphones make people less social, give difficulty focusing on tasks
and people depend on technology even for the most basic things.

Smartphones make people less social, more often than not, the ability for true
understanding and, in turn, empathy relies on body language, tone of voice, and eye contact.
According to a study in 2020 students use more than 9 HOURS a day of technology, making
serious problems of social skills. Someday we will wake up and don't even know how to

Technology takes people's ability to focus on tasks. A single notification on the phone is all it
takes. According to a recent study, using your phone in between important tasks decreases your
ability to focus. We are getting only in technology, out there is a whole world to know.

People depend on technology for even the most basic things, average users of technology
don't even know how to do simple math because of calculators and phones. People hardly put
their brains to the tasks because they mainly rely on technology to carry out simple arithmetic
functions. We need to exercise our brain.

It is clear that because of technology, social communication is dying, and people's eyesight
may become very bad. We shouldn't use technology, we connect with technology, not people.
This is the future you want for the planet, your country and also for the sons of your sons?

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