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Mathematics will stay in our life forever because it is part of our

journey. It simply organizes patterns and regularities in the world by the

means of it exist in everything that our eyes see. Our world will not be
formed with the help of mathematics as the source of measuring
something that is existing. As I’ve said, mathematics will always be in
our life. In relation to Fibonacci sequence is very essential by means of
having the perfect measurement in doing something such as paintings,
pictures or anything that has something to do with measurements.
Mathematics helps us to organize regularities in the world, just like in
our chosen course, we need measurement to balance things.
I realized mathematics is more than just the formula and
problems found in academic books, it goes beyond that. It’s both to
analyze abstract phenomena and nature through detected patterns and
regularities. Predicting the size, location and timing of nature hazards is
virtually impossible, but because of the help of mathematics we are
able to forecasts calamities such as hurricanes, floods, earthquakes,
volcanic eruptions, wildfires and landslides. It gives us away to
understand patterns, to quantify relationships and to predict the future.
Math helps us understand the world and we used the world to
understand math.
Mathematics can help us control nature and occurrences in the
world for our own good through mathematical modelling.
Mathematical modelling the inputs to the events and their most likely
outcomes. Math could not even predict these disasters, let alone
control them or reduce the damage. Mathematics is the basic of all
modern science and technology which helps in almost every second of
your life.

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