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éng Anh THPT Quéc Gia 254 CUM DONG TU PHRAS on ea VO OS) TRONG CHU ONG TRINH TIENG ANH PHO THONG ‘CUM DONG TU NGHIA 1_| Account for chiém bao nhiéu % ; giai thich (= explain) 2_| Act out dong vai ; dong kich 3__| Apply for nop don xin dieu gi 4_| Apply to nop dom cho ai 5_| Ask for sth hoi xin edi gi 6 _| Ask sb out mdi ai dé di an/di xem phim dé hen ho 7_| Beover qua ; hét 8 _| Besureto chin 9 | Beup hét ; thire day 10 | Beupto tuy thude 11_| Bear in mind nhé ring 12_| Beat about the bush néi vong vong, néi ving vo tam quée 13__| Benefit from ©6 loi tr 14 _| Blow out thoi tit 15 | Break down chia nho ra ; hong hdc ; ngat xiu ; suy sup 16_| Break into 6t nhip vio 17_| Break out bing nd ; né ra 18_| Break up chia tay 19_| Breathe hit vio = take i 20 | Bring about gay ra ; mang lai ; dan dén 21_| Bring up nudi ning 22_| Build up tng Ién ; ca ngoi 23 _| Burst into tears bat khée, 0 khéc 24 | Call for can ; doi hoi ; yéu cau 25 _| Call off = Cancel huy 26_| Callon ghé thm 27_| Calm down binh tinh 28 | Carry away phan khich ; kich dng 29 | Carry on tiép tuc 30_| Carry out n han ; thuc hign = conduct www. facebook. com/tienganhphothongGV igu 6n thi tiéng Anh THPT Quoc Ee 31_| Carry over chuyén vao ; di vao 32_| Catch sight of sthosing thé 33__| Catch up with bit kip, theo kip 34_| Cheek in Jam thi tue vao 35_| Cheer up Jim ai vui lén 36_| Clear out don sach ; cuén xéo 37_| Clean up don dep 38__| Come across tinh c& gp = run into = bump into 39. | Come up xy ra= happen 40 | Come up to Jai gan : dén ; dat duoc 41_| Come up with nay ra tung, 42_| Compare to so sinh vi von 43__| Compare with so sdnh dé tim diém khac 44 | Contribute to dong g6p cho 45. | Count on trong cay, tin tuéng. 46__| Crop up xay ra m6t cach bat ngd = happen or appear unexpectedl; 47_| Cut down chat ; dén 48. | Cut down on cit gid 49 | Cutin xen vio ; ngat loi 50_| Cutoff cit, cap, ngimg cung cfp (dién, gas...) 1_| Dedicate (sth) to dong gop 52 | Devote (sth) to cong hién Be devoted to urge céng hién cho 53_| Die down chét din 54 | Die out tuyét ching 55_| Die of chét vi bénh gi 56 _| Dip into doc lust 57 | Discuss + thao Tuan = Have discussion about 58_| Do away with huy bo 59_| Do one’s best Jam hét site 60 _| Do without xoay x@ khéng can 61_| Dress up ci trang ; déng gia 62_| Drop by/ in (on sb) tat qua ; ghé qua thm = pay a short visit 63 _| Drop out of 6 cude 64 | Dust off chuan bj mang ra ding sau mét thoi gian khéng sir dung 65_| Eat out antige ‘www. igu 6n thi tiéng Anh THPT Quoc Ee 66_| Fall asleep gu thigp di 67_| Fall behind bi vuot, bi tut lai 68_| Fall in Jove with phai long ai, yéu ai 69 | Fall over 6 sup xuGng ; nga; pha san 70_| Fall out with cai co Voi 71_| Figure out timra 72_| Fill in/ out dién yao (mau don) 73_| Find fault with thay 6 16i 74_| Find out tim ra, Khim pha ra 75 _| Focus on tp trung vio 76 | Get around di lai = travel 71_| Getby xoay x6 dé séng qua kh khan 78 | Geton Jen xe/ taw/ may bay 79 | Get off xu6ng xe/ tau/ may bay 80 | Get on with séng hoa thuan = Get along with 81_| Get in touch with lign lac 82_| Get into quan tam, himg thi v6i cai gi 83_| Get on one’s nerves Jim bye minh 84_| Get over vugt qua (ci séc/ bénh tit) = recover from 85_| Get rid of art bé, tong khit ; thoat khdi diéu gi gay phién phitc 86 | Get through ‘vurot qua ki thi ; hod thanh, 87 | Getup tite dy 88__| Give away phan phat ; tang ; tit 16 89_| Give off thai ra ; nha ra= release 90_| Give up ‘tr'bd = stop = quit 91_| Glance at uém ; lige ; nhin thong qua 92_| Goaway di xa khoi ; bién mat 93_| Goin i vao ; thich 94_| Goin for tham dur; dam mé 95 | Gooff reo/ 6 chuéng = ring ; né = explode ; i thiu / thoi 96 | Goon=Carry on tip tuc Go on with sth tiép tue v6i cai gi = continue with sth 97_| Goout mat dign ; (dén) tit ; ra ngoai ; di choi 98_| Goover xem lai ; 6n lai 99 | Gothrough trai qua 100 | Grow up Jén lén ‘www. ia igu 6n thi tiéng Anh THPT Quoc Ee 101_| Hand out phan phat 103 _| Hand in np (bai tp) ; dé trinh céng vige dé tham dink, 104 | Hang up cp mé 105 | Have discussion about __| thao ludn Discuss +O thio lug 106 | Have to do with c6 lién quan dén 107 | Hear from nghe tin tte cia ai 108 | Hold up inh tr@ ; tri hoan = put off = delay 109 | Hurry up ‘nhanh 1én no = come on 110 | Infer from suy ra tir 111 | Insist on Khgng khang 112 | Jot down ghi van tat ; ghi tm tit = note down 113 | Keep away from ‘rinh xa 114 | Keep (sth) in mind ghi nhé trong dau 115 | Keep in touch with gi lién lac 116 _| Keep on = Go on sigp tuc 117 _| Keep up/pace with bit kip, theo kip, dudi kip = catch up with 118 _| Know sb by sight ‘biét mat ma khéng biét tén 119 | Laugh at ‘cuisi vio mat, cudi nhao 120 | Lay down dé ra 121_| Lay off ngung lam phién ; ngimg sir dung gi m6t théi gian ; sa thai 122 | Lead to din dén 121 | Leave for didén Leave +O roi 122 | Let sb down Jam ai that vong 123 | Lie down nim nghi 124 | Line up = Queue up xép hang 125_| Live on song dya vio 126 | Look after cham sc = take care of 127 | Look around ngé nghiéng ; nhin quanh ; thi thit 128 | Look at hin 129 | Look down on coi thuémg, xem thurimg. 130_| Look for tim kiém = Search for 131_| Look forward to mong doi, trong doi 132_| Look into diéu tra (= investigate) 133 | Look out = Watch out _| coi chimg 134 | Look up ‘ra ciru (ti, danh ba...) ‘www. ia igu 6n thi tiéng Anh THPT Quoc Ee 135_| Look up to kinh trong 136_| Love sb at first sight ‘inh yéu sét dénh 137_| Make a point of xem 1a quan trong, can thiét phai lam gi 138_| Make an effort c6 ging 139_| Make great efforts c6 ging nhiéu 140_| Make every effort 141_| Make believe 142_| Make (both) ends meet __| kiém di sng. 143_| Make friends with két ban véi 144 | Make out hiéu ra 145_| Make sense 6 nghia 146_| Make up trang diém ; bia dat ; dung chuyén ; lam hoa ; chiém (ti 1é %) 147 _| Be made up of dirgc tao nén bai ; bao gom = be composed of = consist of 148 _| Make up for dén bit ; bi dap cho 149 _| Make up one’s mind quyét dinh 150_| Make yourself at home _| cit ty nhién 151_| Move around di tai: di chuyén, 152 | Mull over suy nghi ki= think carefully about something for a period of time 153 _| Object to phan doi 154 | Pass away ‘qua dai; chét = die 155_| Pass down uu truyén ; truyén lai 156_| Patch up va viu, han gin (mi quan hé) 157_| Pay attention to chi y 158_| Pick out chon 159 | Pick sth up nhat cai gi lén ¢ put sth down : dat cai gi xuéng 160 | Pick sb up don ai ; ude ai 161 _| Point at sth chi vio edi gi 162 | Polish off hoan thinh (céng vige) ;tiéu thu ; ding 163_| Ponder on/upon/over suy nghi vé ; can nhiic vé ; trim ter 164 | Pull down pha huy = destroy ; kiém (tién/ van may) = earn 165_| Pull sb down Jam cho ai d6 buén 166 | Put across trinh bay ; piai thich 167 | Put an end to cham ditt 168 | Put away cat di 169 | Put off ‘ri hoan = Hold up = delay = postpone 170 | Put on mac, mang, d6i 171_| Put on weight tang edn ‘www. igu 6n thi tiéng Anh THPT Quoc Ee 172 | Put out dap tit 173 | Put up ddumg lén ; thanh Lip 174 | Put sb up cho ai 6 nhis 175 | Put up with chiu dumg = tolerate 176 | Refer to dé cap toi 177 | Rely on py thuge vao ; dya vio ; tin cay vao 178 | Result in sth dan dén, dua dén két qua li 179 | Result from sth Ji két qua tir ; do bai 180_| Run into tinh oi 181 | Run off bé di : rita 182_| Run on sth chay bang cai gi 183 | Run out can kigt 184 | Run out of sth hhét sach_ 185_| Save up tiét kigm 186_| See sb off tin ai 187_| Settle down ‘6n dinh ; dinh cw 188_| Set fire to phéng hoa 189 | Set off khdi hinh 190 | Set out ‘bit dau thyc hign mét ké hoach/ hanh déng ; bat dau 1 hanh trinh ; ph6 bay ra/ thé hign ra ; sip xép/ 16 chire 191 | Set up thanh lip ; thiét lap = establish 192 | Show off hoe khoang 193_| Show up = Turn up dén = arrive 194 | Shut sb up bit ai cam 195 | Shut up cam mém 196 _| Sit down ngoi xuong. 197 | Slow down _gidm téc dé ; lam cham lai # speed up : ting tic 198 | Smile at ‘cui mim 199 | Speak to noi véi 200_| Speak about néivé 201 | Speed up ting toc 202 _| Spread over kéo dai 203_| Stand for thay thé, tuong trumg = symbolize ; chap nhin ; img ho 204_| Stand in for sb Jim thay cho ai 205 | Stand in queue dimg xép han; 206 _| Stand out noi bat 207 | Stand up dimg diy ‘www. ia

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