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Audio 1

Good morning. This is an announcement for all passengers traveling only 9 25 flights to 1-2-2-3
to Rome this flight is delayed by two hours because of bad weather.
Audio 2:
Would all passengers travelling to tokyo on flight? At are 3421.

Please have your voting process and passports ready for boating. Life at are 3421. Now boarding
gaves 21.

Audio 3:
This is the final boarding call for passengers.Gemma and Ryan Gray flying to athens on flight .He said
9753. You're a flight is ready to leave.Please go to gave fourteen immediately .The doors of the
plane will close in five minutes final boarding call for passengers Gemma and Ryan Gray.

Audio 4:
This is an announcement for passengers traveling to due on flight KM105. We're all passengers with
espress 42 tickets. And passengers language with young children. Please go to gave six for boarding
that's all passengers with espress 42 tickets as passengers traveling with young children go to gave
for 6 to boarding. Thank you.

Audio 5
Good morning everyone! Today , you going to make happen in black break number, so i hope people
both your ingredients. Ready! Now let's get three tone with cooking .First ,you peece an apples and
cut them into slices. Okay. Don't forget to take the middle allowed to open! Now, put the sliced
apples in a pan and cook there must be sugar .

In about ten minutes ,they should be nice and soft.Now makes the black breeze an award together
make sure that you have about tough tough. Put them into the both of us came back. And now the
next seem to do it rubs the flower and butter together with your fingers. Until it's in tiny pieces like
bread crumbs. Then at this sugar, when you thirsty put the crumble mixture on top of the fruit and
base it on in the eleven fifty minutes.

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