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- Good morning, Mrs. Maxwell. How are you today?

- Hello! I’m very well, thank you! What can I do for you?

- I want to ask your advice as an experienced psychologist. I just wanted to follow up about my recurrent

- Okay, I'm listening to you.

- I've been threatened by the same nightmares for days, and I don't know why.

-Well, could you describe your dream to me?

- Lately, I often have a dream that I am sitting at a conference and I have to give the next presentation, but I
realize that I didn't make any presentation at all.

- Mm-hmm, what happens next?

- Then I go out, get into the pulpit and start talking some nonsense. At this time, I realize how much eyes are
directed at me and run away in tears.

- Okay, sounds really unpleasant. So, in general, such a dream can be interpreted as: you have an important
event at work because of which you are very nervous, am I right?

- Indeed, you're right. I was told that I was going to be promoted at work, and I am a little afraid of that.

- In what way are you worried about the promotion? You are afraid of change as such, or simply worry that
you will not cope with the new responsibility.

- Most likely the second one, because this position really requires proper responsibility and, if I am wrong
somewhere, the company may suffer big losses.

- Then everything is clear! I am sure that your boss is not a foolish person, and he appreciated all the risks
well before offering you this position.

- Maybe you could give me some advice?

- Firstly, try to think less about work, especially before bed. Second, find another way to release negative
energy, such as sport or hobbies. And if these methods do not help, then we will turn to other measures.

- Oh I really appreciate it! Many thanks! I hope that everything will be fine, but if not, I will turn to you for

- You are welcome! I’m glad to be of help!

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