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Machemo M
South Africa

“I’ve been asked out on dates by men who want to

please me, feel more at peace with myself and
even got a promotion at work!”
Before starting coaching with Diana, my love life
was non-existent and despite desiring a
relationship, I wasn’t getting approached by
emotionally available men and had a hard time
loving myself unconditionally. I just didn’t know
what it felt like to be in my feminine energy and
let go of control.

I joined her private coaching program and what

happened over the course of six months blew my
mind. I let go of toxic people in my life and
started attracting amazing new friends on the
spiritual path. I learned how to finally set healthy
boundaries. My relationship with my children has
improved and I even received a promotion at
work, where I used the communication skills I
learned in the program. I am excited to share
that I have been asked out on dates by men who
want to please me! But most importantly, I feel at
peace with myself, grounded in who I am and
most of all, happy.

Copyright 2021. Dancing Goddess LLC. No portion of this PDF may be reproduced, shared
or sold without express written permission from Dancing Goddess LLC. All rights reserved. 34

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