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Dear PVL3703 Student,

PVL3703 students will be sitting for the exam on 28 September 2021 from 14h00 to 19h00. Each
student will be allowed to write for a maximum of two hours.

Because of the size of the class, the exam is split into two sessions:

Session 1:
Groups A, B and C will write from 14h00-16h00.

Session 2:
Groups D and E will write from 17h00-19h00.

Students may access the system and begin the assessment 15 minutes before the scheduled start of
their exam. However, each student will only be allowed to write for a maximum of two hours. For
example, a student who begins the assessment at 13h45 has to submit his or her answers by 15h45.
Similarly, a student who begins the assessment at 17h10 has to submit his or her answers by 19h10.

Students who are allocated to Groups D and E must not try and access the system before 16h45.

To find out which group you are in, please look at the PVL3703 tab that appears on your CLAW myExams

The example below is a screen shot from a lecturer’s myExams site and shows all the groups that were
created in another module, CRW2602. However, from the student’s side only one exam tab in that
module will be visible.

The letter that appears after the year ‘2021’ indicates the group that the student was allocated to. In
the screen shot above, the orange tab states ‘CRW2602 EXAM Oct 2021 A’. This means that Group A is

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