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Exam 3

Pelozo Maira Alejandra

A-True or false

1) True
2) False
3) True
4) False
5) True


1) Is
2) Have
3) Her
4) Don´t like
5) At
6) look
7) My
8) Going
9) Went
10) Had
11) Am looking


1) When you come back of hawai?

2) How is the wheather?
3) Do you practice surfer?
4) How is the food?
5) Where you go tomorrow?


1) Yes. I like eating vegetables and fruits

2) No. I don´t.
3) At moment, I eating in my house because I am with homeoffice.
4) I have dinner at 9:00
5) Yesterday my mom bought a new cooker and today I cook empanadas.

A- Hi Rick

I arrive tomorrow, I don´t pass driving test because I don´t see two red light. Thanks for ask. I
love going the museums and visit of churchs whit you but I want see the new film of Tom
Hanks to the cinema. I love eating pizza.

See you

B- My favourite is all clothes because I like using dress, jeans and joaging. I love chothes and
moda. But my clothes favourite maked for my grandmother. She was modist, and was
wonderful. I knew that my clothes was unique because my grandmother only maked for me.

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