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CoolSoft H264LevelEditor 1.5.3 - Command line version


Usage: H264LevelEditorCli.exe <required parameters> [<optional parameters>]

Required parameters:

--action change|restore
Action to take on input files; valid values are:
change: change level of input files to the
new one specified by --new-level parameter
NOTE: if a backup file for the file already exists,
an automatic restore is done before changing level.
restore: restore input files using available backups

--input "filename.ext"|"pattern"
Filename of the file to edit, including path. It could also be a file
like "C:\MyFiles\*.avi", to work on multiple files in a shot.
Please enclose it into double quotes to avoid issues.

Optional parameters:

--new-level 1.0|1.1|1.2|1.3|2.0|2.1|2.2|3.0|3.1|3.2|4.0|4.1|4.2|5.0|5.1
The new h264 level of input file.
This parameter is required when --action is "change".

--help, -h, -?
Print this help page

--log <logfile>
Append all output to logfile.
If logfile does not exist it will be created.

--max-search-count 1...10
The maximum number of AVC level patterns to replace (default = 2).

--max-search-length 1...100
The maximum length of search (in MBytes) (default = 1).

Will preserve the "last modified" date of the patched file.

Exit codes (returned when .exe terminates):

0: Success
1: ChangeFailed
2: RestoreFailed
10: MissingParameter
20: InvalidParameter
30: InputFileNotFound


> H264LevelEditorCli.exe --action change --input "C:\MyFiles\test.avi" --new-level

Change level of file C:\MyFiles\test.avi to 4.1

> H264LevelEditorCli.exe --action change --input "C:\MyFiles\file*.avi" --new-level

Change level of all file*.avi files into C:\MyFiles
(file001.avi, file002.avi, fileabc.avi, ...) to 4.1

> H264LevelEditorCli.exe --action restore --input "C:\MyFiles\test.avi"

Restore changes of file C:\MyFiles\test.avi to its original level
(backup file must exist)

> H264LevelEditorCli.exe --action restore --input "C:\MyFiles\*.avi"

Restore changes of all *.avi files into C:\MyFiles folder to their
original level (backup file must exist)

Copyright by CoolSoft

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