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appreciated and encourage them to continue increasing their productivity.

*When deciding
how to reward efficient employees, make sure employer take into account their individual
needs or preferences. For example, one employee might appreciate public recognition,
while another would prefer a private “thank you.” In addition to simple words of gratitude,
here are a few incentives employer's can try- *PTO- Instead of a bonus or raise, employer's
can offer employees additional paid time off without having to use their vacation or sick
time. *Take Them Out For a Meal- employer can take the team out to lunch, dinner, or
happy hour. Maybe even allow them to leave work early to do so. *Send a Handwritten
Note- Sending a handwritten note shows employer recognize the great work company
employees have done and that employer care enough to put own personal time into
thanking them. Lazy Monday Coupons- Another option is a “Lazy Monday” coupon, which
allows employees to arrive late on a Monday morning. Tell employees to Boss- If employer's
email the team or team member thanking them for their work, considering copying
employees to boss on the email. Try a Wellness Program- Consider implementing a
workplace wellness program to cut down on the

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