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Marcelo Andrade Camacho

Av. Pádua Pirapetinga km 12, Santo Antônio de Pádua- RJ
January, 2021
University of Pécs
H – 7622 Pécs, Vasvári Pál utca 4 – Hungary
Re: Motivation Letter
Dear Pécs University and Tempus Közalapítvány,

My name is Marcelo Andrade Camacho, I'm applying for the Bachelor of Designer
Making at the University of Pécs. Arts were certainly my first way to communicate,
since I started to express myself as a person. My family members tell me that when I
was a child I drew or painted to articulate what I was feeling, and over time I realized
that art can bring new interpretations and meanings to people's lives. However, it made
me go through several difficult situations, and in the end, everything turned into self-
knowledge, art causes it.
Hungary was definitely a country that I have always dreamed of visiting.Architecture,
culture, knowing places, everything fascinates me. When I discovered the Stipendium
Hungaricum Scholarship Program I saw an incredible opportunity to fulfill my dream,
not only to live in Hungary but also to study there.The University of Pécs puts a lot of
emphasis on talent management and the Faculty's body is formed by amazing artists
who have settled down in Pécs and these are a few reasons why I chose this University,
in addition to being the oldest in the country and having a great experience, it is also a
very inclusive institution, in which I identify and appreciate.
My goal is to gather ideas in sketches, made by hand or computer, and developing them
into complex pieces, using specialist computer software and other medium.The
experience of studying Designer Making in Pécs, along meeting teachers with such
excellence in the field, will be a valuable step towards my goal.I studied at a public
school, since here in Brazil private institutions with high-quality education are quite
expensive. I was always a creative student, with great attention to detail self-discipline
and persistence. I was constanly involved in individual or group projects, such as art
fairs and poetry recitals. I always do my best, exchanging ideas so that my classmates
and I can grow and thrive together.
This study abroad program is a huge opportunity to expand my worldview and create a
new view as a human, student and in the future, as a professional. I was born and raised
in a small town, certainly my entry into a college in Eastern Europe would bring a lot of
motivation and inspiration to people who dream about it, just as I do. Helping my
community and the people around me is essential for my growth, intellectual and
personal, I’m always ready to help and connect with society, the world needs more
collective care.
After all, returning home with so much learning and such an enriched diploma and the
opportunity to brush up on my English will bring me better opportunities to start my
career, I intend to work at an international designer agency or create my own business.
I’m very independent, although I will certainly find many challenges, but the challenges
made me even more able and I will become a professional with a good knowledge, I
will to exceed expectations and made this opportunity into a great journey likewise art
transforms me.
“It is good to love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves
much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is well done.”
― Vincent Van Gogh

I consider that my enthusiasm and my academic and personal experiences will add in a
very positive way to the Program and the University.

Thank you for your time. I look forward to hearing from you.

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