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Thousands of generations had passed but it is still refreshing to commemorate where and how
did all began. Upon doing this activity felt like we’ve been brought to a different dimension or to
a time that narrates our history or origin. By the Books of Pentateuch, gave us an additional
knowledge about the Creation and other events that occurred which was stated within those
books. We’ve already knew before some of the phenomenon recorded hundred or thousand years
ago but as we go through our research for this activity, We’ve all come up to a realization that
there are still things that remains out of our knowledge. Reading the 10 ancient Egyptian plagues
was actually horrifying but the group came to appreciate how amazing the Lord works for justice
that His people badly deserves during that time. If only all acts accordingly to His will, then all
will enjoy a beautiful and blessed life. However, man, being born naturally as sinners, can’t
resist themselves from doing evil acts. Through that, we came to understand why God had to
deliver the 10 Commandments and Moses being the instrument, those theological and cardinal
virtues still serves its purpose up until now to our generation which we consider the most
important above all laws created. Others do protest of how the Lord wanted us to abide with His
commandments arguing that it doesn’t make sense at all but little did they know that by it would
revive the God-like character within the attitudes of individuals that would also help them to
limit their freedom upon committing mistakes. We may think that we’re much far different from
past generations that such events that have happened from before would be impossible to happen
again in the near future. Similar to Pharaoh, there are still people like him existing that continues
to question the presence of the Lord. Thus, as early as possible, we must humbly surrender
ourselves to the Lord because we are also capable of doing the wrong things which some of our
ancestors have done during the early years. We must always keep in mind the importance of the
Ten Commandments to prevent ourselves from undertaking such circumstances that is not
pleasing to the eyes of the Lord. Unlike those who have sinned during the time of Jesus, who just
offer animals for the redemption of their sins, we are not able to do that now but rather the best
thing that we can do is to meditate, reflect, and repent with our whole hearts by allowing God our
Father to take over of our being, not letting other gods take control over us. Let them be the good
disciples of our Lord who did nothing but to willingly obey His commandments without any
hesitations be our examples as we make our lives better and peaceful. Moreover, to Him only we
must bow down, offer ourselves, and give unending praise.

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