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Task 4- Designing a Lesson Plan

Maria Fernanda Meza

Tutor: Dina Esperanza Bonilla


Course: Teacher development

Group: 551023_3

May- 2021
Answers about the proposed questions

a. How important do you think a lesson plan is to a successful lesson? What features do

you think a lesson plan should include?

Planning is an important and necessary tool in teaching, since it allows to organize and establish

the objectives to be achieved in each of the activities carried out in the classroom. Planning is the

first step to achieve effective learning in our students.

A lesson plan should have clear objectives, an introduction to the topic or warm-up, the steps or

activities to be carried out in class and activities for knowledge verification.

b. Do you think it is a good idea to strictly follow a lesson plan? Why?

The ideal would be to follow the lesson plan, but it is a bit complicated, since situations may

arise in the classroom that force us to modify our plan.

c. Some people think that lesson plans severely restrict teachers’ creativity. Do you


I don't agree, because the teacher is the one who plans the class, I think that on the contrary,

planning fosters the creativity and the didactic of the teacher. If you are planning your class you

don’t have limits for you imagination.

Screenshot of your participation in the fórum
The lesson plan format with the description of the procedures.

Date: May 22nd

Background Course Level: A2

Time: 50 minutes

Standandar: I can understand basic information on topics related to my daily

activities and environment.

Main Aims To identify correctly the simple present tense for habits and routines and
present continuous for a temporary situation.

Materials: Picture, worksheet, audio,

Stage time Aim Procedure

(Teacher and student activity)
Warm To identify and Look at the picture and infer about it. Discuss in
Up/Review use correctly the small groups about the quote: “I like a
simple present challenge”.
tense for habits
Then, they answer the questions in plenary:
and routines and
continuous for a
temporary 1. What is the girl doing?
2. Why do you think people enjoy this kind of activities?
3. Name three activities or sports you would like to try.
Give reasons

Presentation Present simple and present continuous

Read the grammar box. Complete the explanations with these words and phrases.

A present simple
a habit/routine or something that 1 ____________________
Henry Richardson does some amazing tricks.

something that 2 ___________________ at a particular time in the future

The library opens at nine o’clock tomorrow. Your classes start tonight!

B present continuous
something that 3 _______________or a temporary situation
He’s starting to develop his career as a young film-maker.

C adverbs of frequency
Adverbs of frequency come 4_________________ the main verb, but 5 ___________ the v
erb be.

He hardly ever makes mistakes.

She is occasionally on stage with well-known singers.

D verbs we don’t use in continuous forms

There are some common verbs that we 6______________ in continuous forms: agree, belie
ve,hate, hear, know, like, love, need, see, think, understand, want. These verbs are called sta
tive verbs.
George Summers loves making films.

Practice Let’s practice

1. Listen to people talking about what they do in their free time. Complete the table
with the activities they mention.


sports 1__________, horse-riding, 2_________, gymnastics, trampoline

music dancing and 3___________, ukulele, 4 _______________

computers recording videos, playing 5 _______________

other working in a care home, watching TV series and 6 ___________, shopping

2. Complete the article with the present simple or present continuous form of the
verbs in brackets.


Most people in Brazil love watching football. It’s the national sport and it’s
popular with all ages. But in most schools, girls 1_____________ (not play)
football. Many people 2_______________ (think) it’s a sport for boys, not for
girls. But now, in one school, things 3_____________(change). The girls in
this school 4___________ (want) to play football and right now
they 5______________ (do) everything they can to make this happen. Every
time the boys 6______________ (play) football, the
girls 7________________ (run) onto the pitch and start playing with them.
Now the boys 8________________(start) to accept that football is a game
for girls too, and they 9_____________ (agree) with the girls that everyone
should have the right to play. A teacher 10________________(help) the girls
start their own team. Their training 11____________(start) next week!

3. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1 I go hardly ever / hardly ever go swimming.

2 For me, exercise is never / never is fun!
3 I see rarely / rarely see my friends at the weekend.
4 I play occasionally / occasionally play computer games.
5 I think watching sport on TV is sometimes / sometimes is boring.

4. Read about four different kinds of game players, answer and discuss the questions
➢ What kinds of games do you play with your family?
➢ Do any members of your family match the kinds of game players above?

Assessment Work in pairs. Think about a hobby you enjoy. Make notes. Present it to the class.

➢ Your name and age

➢ Words and phrases to describe you
➢ A hobby you enjoy
➢ Why you enjoy it
➢ What do you do or learn in this activity
➢ How often yo do your hobby
➢ A new activity or skill you are learning at the momento
➢ Something you would like to to in the future
Assignment The student will interview a member of his/her family about hobbies and
interests. Make a video explaining it.
Research reflection

Continuous teacher training is one of the focal points for the improvement of the educational

system. In recent decades, a series of teacher training courses have been designed and carried out

for public education teachers to develop or consolidate teaching skills in accordance with the

complexities of today's society.

An alternative for continuous professional development with growing acceptance during the last

three decades is teacher research, which focuses on the active participation of teachers in classroom

research processes aimed at solving specific and contextualized problems. In other words, teacher

research addresses the particular needs of teachers and those of their students. It also allows

teachers to assume or consolidate their role as active agents in the teaching-learning process, and

encourages the adoption and implementation of alternative teaching mechanisms and strategies for

the sake of educational improvement.

The continuous professional development of teachers is considered a fundamental element for the

development of nations. Based on the understanding that it is teachers who shape the future

members of a society by interacting directly with students, it is recognized that their role is crucial

to strengthen the development of society as a whole.


Ministerio de Educación Nacional. (2006). Estándares básicos de competencias en Lenguas

Extranjeras: Inglés - Formar en lenguas extranjeras, el reto - Serie Guía 22. [PDF

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