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Chemical Barriers - Chemical barriers such as spermicides, vaginal gels and

creams, and glycerin films are also used to cause the death of sperms before they
can enter the cervix and also lower the pH level of the vagina so it will not become
conducive for the sperm.
2. Diaphragm - A contraceptive diaphragm is a circle of silicone inserted into the
vagina before sex to cover the cervix so that sperm can't get into the womb (uterus).
3. IUS (intrauterine system) - An IUS is a small, T-shaped plastic device that is
inserted into your womb (uterus) by a physician or nurse. This releases a
progestogen hormone into the womb, which thickens the mucus from your cervix.
4. IUD (intrauterine device, coil) - An IUD is a small T-shaped plastic and copper
device that’s inserted into your womb (uterus) by a physician or a nurse. Works by
stopping the sperm and egg from surviving in the womb or fallopian tubes. It is a
long-acting reversible contraceptive (LARC) method.
5. Vaginal ring - is a small, soft plastic ring that you place inside your vagina. It’s about
4mm thick and 5.5cm in diameter. You leave it in your vagina for 21 days, then
dispose it properly. Seven days after removing the ring, you insert a new one for the
next 21 days.

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