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Sanchez, Maron Harvey


Genshin Impact: A Game Worth Playing!

By: Maron Harvey Sanchez

Good day reader! Welcome to my blog. Today I would like to introduce

to you a video game that you can play in any platform you have, either phone,
tablet, PC, or even PlayStation consoles. That is Genshin Impact, have you ever
heard of it? Well if you don’t then I’ll show you. Let’s go:

Are you the type of person who likes exploring beautiful sceneries, who
also likes to play Role Playing games where you want to become powerful, or
are you the type who wants to collect characters? Then you really have to try
playing Genshin Impact! Like I said before, it’s a game you can play in any
device you have, and the best part of it is that it’s FREE!
Sanchez, Maron Harvey

If you are just starting, I’ll introduce to you the basics of the game. When

you enter the game, you are met with an unknown God character. You then

have to choose between two characters: the male one which is Aether, or the

female one which is Lumine(they are twins by the way). I personally chose

Aether, therefore my sister Lumine got kidnapped by the unknown God and I

got transported into a wide world called Teyvat. That’s basically the introduction

to the game.

After entering, you are now ready to take your exploration skills and

planning skills to the next level! You are met with tutorials on the basics of the

game and after all that you’re now ready. Don’t worry too much when starting.

The more you play the game, the more you can get familiarize by it, so what are

you waiting for! Play now!

Sanchez, Maron Harvey

Reasons to play Genshin Impact:

Self - Improvement

This game offers ascensions to levels just like any typical RPGs where the

longer you play, the more rewarding your grind is. Sometimes you will have a

character that you really want to play and want him/her to become stronger.

This urges you to log in everyday and improve that character and it really makes

you think of a plan on how to enhance your character. You can even see that

character as a reflection of yourself.

Each character could either use a bow, sword, claymore, pole arms, and

catalyst as a weapon and each character could have either of these elements:

Electro(electic), Pyro(fire), Cryo(ice), Geo(rock), Anemo(wind), Hydro(water), or

even Dendro(nature).
Sanchez, Maron Harvey

The Sceneries, Background Music, and Graphics are Astonishing!

This game offers beautiful sceneries based on some real life places. The

design of every environment is detailed and the background music for each

area varies and suits the mood of the place. It’s crazy how the music of this

game is created in an orchestra that cost a large amount of money! You can

visit this link to watch how the Genshin Impact music is produced by these

talented musicians in an orchestra; I would also want to give credit to Yu-Peng

Chen for composing all of its background music and beautiful sounds:
Sanchez, Maron Harvey

Here are just some of Genshin Impact’s wonderful sceneries:

Sanchez, Maron Harvey

These pictures are just 10% of Genshin Impacts wonderful sceneries and

detailed backgrounds. Want to see more? Visit and download the game now in

this link:

Sanchez, Maron Harvey

The Genshin Impact Story is Amazing!

The lore of Genshin Impact still isn’t complete in the current game for a

good reason and it is expected that Genshin Impact storyline would run in the

next 10 years! Basically the story goes like this:

There are seven Gods or Archons each having their own Element(power)
and Area(location) to explore! Currently there are only 3 revealed archons in
the story which is Zhongli (The God of Geo), Venti (The God of Anemo/Wind),
and (Raiden Shogun (God of Electro). If you play Genshin Impact now, every
future update to you will be incredible! I won’t go through much detail and I
would let you be the one to explore the wonderful world of Genshin Impact.
Here is a link on Genshin Impacts Storyline. This always gives me goosebumps!
Sanchez, Maron Harvey

If those didn’t get you interested in this game then I don’t know will. Truth
is I wasn’t even able to cover 50% of the game’s content in this blog but I know
you would understand once you play this game. Overall I would just like to
persuade you to this game because it has changed my life. Hoping you play this
game too, thank you!

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