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Forth Valley Sensory Centre, Redbrae Road, Camelon FK1 4DD

Centre User Group Minutes. 31st August 2021 10.00am-12.00pm.

1. Present: Laura Cluxton—Chair (LC), Linsey Stocks (LJS, minutes), Jacquie Winning (JW), Cathy
Carmichael (CC), Ian Carmichael (IC), Christine Moroney (CM), Maureen Smith (MS), Sally Work (SW),
Clare Boland (CB), Sheila Scott (SS). Fiona Bell (interpreter). Allan Simpson (Falkirk Council Sensory
Team), Hannah Wilson, Kim Grant.

2. Actions from the meeting:

a) JW information on FVSC website to contact Allan Simpson and the sensory team about the new
smoke alarms. (LJS posted on 31/08/21)
b) AS to discuss with JW way forward re; informing and offering assistance to centre users
c) LJS to speak with groups re; volunteering for the CUG. Active recommendations and ideas from
the young people to feed in as well.
d) LJS to get card and flowers for Catriona (done)
e) JW and CM to have walk round to orientate.
f) Reiterate transport process.
g) Review numbers per hall at beginning of October

3. Welcome: LC welcomed the group. Everyone went around and introduced themselves.

4. Apologies: Pat Reid, Ann Lavery, Lawson Eades.

5. Approval of minutes from the previous meeting held 25th May 2021: CM Approved.

6. Update on Smoke Alarm Legislation.

Allan Simpson from Falkirk Council Sensory Team gave us information on the changing smoke alarm
legislation coming into effect in February 2022. The new legislation means that all householders will
have to input linked smoke alarms, a heat alarm and carbon monoxide alarm. For people with
landlords they will have to replace any existing systems.

The Sensory Team are here to help with any additional measures that anyone with a visual
impairment or hearing loss might need, be this additional sounds or lighting systems. For any
assistance with this, Allan has asked that anyone at the centre should contact the sensory team for

CM mentioned that there have been scams relating to the new fire alarms. AS said that yes, they are
aware this is already happening, and are asking people to be mindful and just say no to anyone who
comes to your door or phones trying to sell you any of these new systems. AS mentioned that the
media is doing a big push on this at the moment and reiterated that this is a law but not enforceable
but may affect your house insurance if you don’t have this system in place.

AS said that he and the sensory team are happy to help advise people on what they need, and
pointed out that the Carbon Monoxide alarm is what adds on the cost he said that in the small print
that the CO alarm does not have to be connected to the others but just that you are required to
have one.

SS said that she had recently had an electrician in who had said her system was obsolete, the
electrician contacted the fire service who then came and fitted it for her. The Fire Service can only
do this if people qualify.
JW then asked AS if he could clarify what the Sensory Team can do for the centre users. AS said that
they can provide equipment to help hear or see but cannot provide the new smoke alarm/heat
alarm/CO set up, this has to be done by the homeowner or landlord.

JW information on FVSC website to contact Allan Simpson and the sensory team about the new
smoke alarms. (LJS posted on 31/08/21)

SW asked for clarification on contact for deaf, do they contact the council? AS said that the councils
will replace the systems in places where they are the landlords, but if the resident of the house
needs additional assistance they need to contact the sensory team.

CM asked if an electrician had to fit them. AS said that you can choose to save money and do it
yourself or have a family member fit it. AS mentioned that you can buy these devices any time
before February 2022, and that there might be supply issues as at the moment the companies that
provide them are in England and while this is a law being passed in Scotland, it is yet to follow in

AS to discuss with JW way forward re; informing and offering assistance to centre users

7. SCIO Update—Jacquie Winning

JW updated the CUG on the SCIO application, which was the charity changing legal status. Pleased to
report that we have successfully registered as a SCIO since July 2021. This means that the charity is
no longer registered with companies house and is now only registered with OSCR. This will allow us
to work better as a modern charity and update the constitution which hadn’t been updated since the
centre opened in 2006.

We are having a two tier system, with the Board and then the Centre User Group. Forth Valley
Sensory Centre is proud of being a user led charity. JW said it would be good to have a list of Centre
Users who would like to become members of the charity.

At the AGM for the board, there will be the opportunity to elect the board of trustees. For the board
there will be four places for centre users, two of these are for D/deaf or Hearing Impaired Centre
Users, and two for Visually Impaired centre users. Currently we have one VI board member, Laura
Cluxton, and two D/deaf/HOH, Clare Boland and Maureen Smith. There is still a free space for
another Visually Impaired board member. If anyone is interested it is best to wait for the next AGM
which will be on Thursday 28 October 2021 at 10am.

The board will be looking at modernising and renewing strategies, putting our learning into practice
and building new fit for the future strategies and constitution. The board will be looking to develop
these at their next meeting in October. We’d then be looking to bring this to the Centre User Group
so that we can collaborate.

The documents and staff emails have been updated to reflect our new status as SCIO, some may
have already noticed this.

CM asked if more centre users would be asked to join the Centre User Group. JW expressed that she
would like to be able to expand the centre user group to allow us to get a better input from all of the
groups the centre has to offer.

LJS to speak with groups re; volunteering for the CUG. Active recommendations and ideas from
the young people to feed in as well.
LJS commented that while there are a lot of groups there is also a bit of crossover but she will ask
the groups. CM also agreed that there are a lot of smaller groups. CM also mentioned the sad
passing of John Preston who had previously represented the VI social groups at the Centre User
Groups. CB mentioned that it was good to invite more young people, it’s a good way for them to
meet people like themselves.

JW mentioned that it’s wonderful that we now have an established Youth Group which has
representatives of both the VI and D/deaf community. JW applauded LJS for all her hard work over
the summer with the Youth Group. LJS mentioned the potential new gaming group for older teens
coming soon (at the time of the meeting this was in the planning stages, the first gaming group will
be taking place on 8th October at 7.30pm-9pm.) so lots of potential for young groups.

It was mentioned that if we had an afternoon tea event we could invite the Youth Group to come
along and get involved or to help organise.

LC asked if anyone wants to become a member, are they just to contact JW? JW confirmed yes. CB
asked what the members were for? JW clarified that these were members of the Charity. IC asked if
only 4 people could be members. LJS clarified that there is no limit to the number of people who can
be members of the charity, it is only the board that is limited to two D/deaf and two visually

8. Garden Party

LC said that the garden party had been a great success, that it was great to be back, and asked
everyone else what their thoughts were. CM commented that it was good weather, and thanked
everyone who helped make it a success. LC said it was great to have people in. JW mentioned that it
was great to still have the yarn bomb knitting still on display, and that it brought spark and life to the
garden. The Knit and Natter group have done a tremendous job and JW is keen to leave the yarn
bombing up for now.

LC mentioned that £570 was made on the day. JW commented that while the event had not been
planned as a fundraiser, it had been a good opportunity to make some money for the centre. The
main point of the event, however, was always to invite everyone back to the centre and help centre
users gain confidence in coming back.

SS asked in the charity is okay. JW confirmed that we have been very lucky with funding. Most
partners/renters for rooms at the centre continued to contribute to the centre despite there being
no staff in the building so we were very fortunate. SS asked if we are still collecting coppers for the
bottle that had been at reception. JW confirmed that we are! And that you might be amazed at how
much can accumulate in one of these bottles.

9. Choir

LC asked about the choir. LJS said that there was plan to have a final farewell for Catriona (at this
point no date was set in stone, this date has now passed and was the 17 th September 2021) where
we’d have a singalong and then some tea/cake. CM asked if we’d be doing a collection. LJS
confirmed that yes we could have a collection if people wanted.

LJS to get card and flowers for Catriona (done)

An advert for a new choir leader has been put on the website and facebook.

10. Introductions to Hannah and Kim, new members of staff.

Kim Grant, Employability Coordinator, gave a brief overview of her role and how she can help people
with sensory loss with their CV’s and applications. Her role will also entail contacting local businesses
and helping them by letting them know the things they can do for accessibility for employees with

Hannah Wilson, Volunteer Coordinator, introduced herself to the group and gave them a little bit of
information about her background.

11. New Welcome Area.

LC commented on the new Welcome Area and asked people for their feedback on it. CC said that she
doesn’t like the seating area and thinks that it is quite hard for sitting on. JW replied that for the
moment it is for easy cleaning, but will look at a covering for the future but we need to adhere to
infection control at present. JW also mentioned that the waiting area is meant to be for short term
waiting anyway, and that people should only be using the waiting area while they wait for
appointments. The tech hub can also be used for waiting.

CM commented that the carpeting is quite disorientating, and that the tech hub is similar. JW replied
that the way the carpeting was laid out was intended as a corridor of light so that it was obvious of
how to get in to the tech hub and travel through. Carpet is multi-coloured but the plan was to use
this as a guide. CM said that there is a bit in the tech hub that creates a shadow which can cause
confusion. JW asked CM to do a walk round with her and show her what she means.

Action: JW and CM to have walk round to orientate.

LC asked if the lighting issue had been fixed. JW confirmed it has.

12. Returning to normal, how we feel.

LC asked the group how they were feeling about the return to normal as things start to open up
again. CM said that she is not currently using public transport, but that it has been helping that she
has been able to come back to things gradually.

LC mentioned about Dial-a-journey and how it is the same cost for transport as before, £5, but a lot
of people don’t seem to be aware of the service. MS commented that Dial-a-journey is not as
straightforward as just phoning up and booking, have to book further in advance. LJS explained that
we do need to give a fair amount of advanced notice, at least a week. At present we are having to
rely on Dial-a-Journey for all of our transport, though we are in the process of getting sorted out
with our own drivers so that we can provide more of our own transport links. JW mentioned that we
had advertised the change to Dial-a-journey and the process, and asked that anyone experiencing
issues feedback to LJS.

Action: Reiterate transport process.

13. Quiz

LC mentioned that sadly they’d had to cancel the summer quiz, but that the Fundraising group had
discussed plans for a replacement quiz, hopefully in September or for Halloween.

14. AOB

LC asked if there was any other business.

CM updated the group on Falkirk Council changing the road/crossings at the area of Newmarket
Street in front of Asda. Falkirk Council had said they would provide CM with a sample of the tactile
paving so that she could provide feedback. There is currently the plan to have what was once three
bus stops in front of Asda will reduce to two and there will be a new crossing put in place at the end
of the second bus stop to the Lint Riggs which will be a coloured strip. There is no plans to move the
crossing at the entrance to Newmarket Street. The works are due to take place from January to June
2022, buses are going to be rerouted to the old post office at Garrison Place. CM had asked about
training for mapping the new area, and had learned that there will be new planters and seating
areas, she has said to Falkirk Council about making these as straight as possible. JW said that we can
make people aware of the changes happening.

IC then asked about the limit on the number of people in the halls as there is a Deaf History Meeting
happening in October. JW said that at present we’re limiting to 30 across three halls but the
regulations are constantly changing, and we will update closer to the time.

Action: Review numbers per hall at beginning of October

Date of the next meeting: 26th October 2021 10am-12pm.

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