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ESSAY – Creative writing: subject: “Dreams“

A little boy’s dream…

“Mama, you know, last night I dreamt something cool. Do you want me to tell you? Because
I really remember everything !! Not like the other time.”

And there he goes talking all excitedly about his dream.

“….So, there was once a little boy called Théo who lived in a little little house in a little forest
near a village. Very little, you know? And he loved playing, all the time, this boy Théo.
Once he played so much that he fell asleep next to his castle made of wooden blocks,
exhausted. You know, mama, it was a castle just like mine, the one I built yesterday.
And while he slept there on his carpet next to his toys, he dreamt that he was a real knight
called Lion Braveheart, serving Ewan, the greatest King of Scotland.
This knight, Lion- Braveheart lived in the King’s Castle. And once, right after a fabulous royal
ball, late into the night, all of a sudden, an awful thunder struck through the night-sky. A
terrible wind blew like a hurricane, a giant dark dragon attacked the tower, hitting down on
it right from the sky, in a horrific noise. The attack broke the silence of that dark night
without a moon, without a soul in sight, just when no one would expect it.
This dragon blew hundreds of flames of fire. It was so terrifying !
Lion-Braveheart woke up instantly (from a wonderful dream however….a dream in which he
danced with Lilla, the King’s only daughter). Up on his feet, he suddenly realised what
happened, he knew that great danger was very near. Half the tower was already on fire,
pieces crumbling down like biscuits.
He blew his golden trumpet twice, the signal of emergency, and at this sound his own two
brave red dragons, the twin-brothers, forever loyal to their knight, stormed out of their shed
howling together: “At your service Master !”
My strong dragons, prepare for battle! We are under attack ! Quick, be ready for defence!
Said Braveheart
An awful fight took place that night, a fight like never seen before. And one that no one in
the Kingdom ever forgot.
And you may guess….
Because you know mama for me… (and here my son says softly almost whispering) “the
Good power always wins over the Evil ! Right, mama? You guessed ? “
And he continued… “ it’s not over ! no, no.”

One of the twin dragons got severely wounded in the battle. He was in a cruel suffering,
bleeding away, a river of purple blood flooding out of his tongue and chest.
Luckily enough, the wise young princess, Lilla, the King’s daughter was genuinely skilled in
medicine. Oh yes, already at her young age she knew the secrets of medicines. She took care
of the dragon’s tongue and patched up his wounds carefully. Lion-Braveheart looked at her
with such admiration that his face became as red as his dragons and his heart racing in his
Because you know, a tongue for a dragon is a serious weapon of war ! Not so easy to
medicate !
But she knew… Lilla knew how to. This princess was not like any other…! She loved to learn
and discover new things, and she could never imagine sitting in the palace doing
embroideries or trying on endlessly pink silk dresses. Never. She knew what she wanted, and
that was to become a great Doctor one day. In fact, the first woman Doctor in her Father’s
Kingdom. And she knew (and Lion-Braveheart knew too) that nothing will stop her.
Therefore, when the battle was over and the wounded in good care, the King congratulated
Lion Braveheart generously, praising his courage and dedication. As for the princess, she
also received the precious recognition of her Father for her skills in Medicines, which before
the King always refused to accept. She was also deeply impressed with the handsome
Knight, Braveheart, whom she already knew a little. So they fell in love, clearly.
Ahhh, and then you woke me up mama! School time !
Anyhow it was the end of the dream. I liked this dream allot mama. Did you like it too?
I even remember everything, so I will tell my best friend in the bus, Alice, the whole story.
She is so good at drawing, my friend Alice. She is 7, you know ?
Next time in the bus, I will ask her to draw me a real dragon ! A big one ! And I will draw the
castle. Ca, c’est fastoche pour moi 😊 And we will share a chocolate in secret…..because Mr.
Lando, the supervisor never lets us eat in the bus. Its so unfair !! Alice and I, we love
chocolate bonbons. And we always draw together in the bus, Mama, you know? Alice is the
best ! Ok, Szia mama ! Bonne journee !

Writer: k.t. bxl June 2021

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