Historia de La Alianza Rebelde

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Despite witnessing Palpatine's rise to power and the brutal creation of the New Order, Bail Organa
continues to represent Alderaan in the Galactic Senate while quietly working to undermine the
Emperor's power. Without openly joining the resistance, he covertly aids subversive elements
fighting Imperial tyranny, even finding and aiding refugee Jedi. Toward the end of The Dark Times,
he eventually works with Mon Mothma to form the basis for The Rebel Alliance.

Throughout this period, Organa openly professes loyalty to the Empire. Although this strategy
helps maintain the illusion that the Imperial Senate actually has influence over galactic affairs, it
keeps him in a position to work within the bureaucracy and behind the scenes to aid the nascent
resistance movements sprouting up across the galaxy.

Organa uses connections in the Senate to secretly oppose Palpatine's broad policies and several
specific operations. When he learned of the Emperor's plot to assassinate Corellian Senator Garm
Bel Iblis, Organa dispatched an Alderaanian agent to warn him; the Senator escaped the bomb, but
the explosion killed his family and sent him into hiding to form his own resistance group and later
organize clandestine military operations against Imperial targets. Through his position and
contacts, Organa gained foreknowledge of the Emperor's decision to arrest Chandrilan Senator
Mon Mothma for treason as an example to others; a bodyguard spirited her to safety ahead of the
ISB agents sent to arrest her. While in hiding, both Garm Bel Iblis and Mon Mothma work with
Organa through secret channels to form the foundation of what would become The Rebel Alliance.
Organa uses his political position to covertly aid resistance groups, particularly those in The Core
Worlds. Using a network of diplomatic operatives, he quietly leaks useful information to planetary
rulers, dissidents in hiding, and insurgent fighters who might employ that information against the
Emperor's plans. Organa also does what he can to secretly aid those who are fleeing Imperial
persecution, particularly outlaw jedi. He helps Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi escape from Coruscant in
the wake of Palpatine's betrayal. When Organa or his agents find a Jedi in need, they offer what
aid they can and attempt to hide the Jedi, either by using a carefully concealed location or by
creating a new identity; for instance, Organa finds one Jedi a job as one of his personal advisors
under the guise of the Trustant of the Caamasi Remnant on Alderaan.

Organa encourages Garm Bel Iblis and Mon Mothma in their efforts to establish a galaxywide
resistance movement, though he spends much time fostering a balance between the two dynamic
and often obstinate personalities. Toward the end of The Dark Times, they meet in secret with
other representatives to sign the Corellian Treaty, forming a loose union of resistance groups that
would become The Rebel Alliance. Organa's best hope remains his daughter Leia, whom he
adopted after the death of her mother, Padmé Amidala. During The Dark Times, he and a close
group of tutors (Including Sabé Reccen) raise Leia and train her in both the diplomatic arts and the
broad-minded thinking necessary to bring the galaxy out from beneath the Empire's oppressive

Unlike Bail Organa, Mon Mothma speaks more openly against Imperial oppression and thus brings
upon herself Palpatine's attention and, ultimately, reprisal.

The Senator from Chandrila maintains the diplomatic tradition of her homeworld, which espouses
outspoken and frank political discussion and even dissent. She opposes the military buildup before
the Clone Wars and advocates that Palpatine relinquish his power when the conflict ends. Mon
Mothma not only represents Chandrila's interests in galactic affairs, but speaks out for the rights
of individual local systems as Imperial policies begin depriving them of their rights to self-

Her forthright views against the Empire bring Mon Mothma under closer scrutiny by the ISB,
COMPNOR, and the Emperor himself, thus preventing her from dabbling in more effective covert
efforts to undermine Imperial rule. She uses her official channels, Senatorial privilege, and political
contacts to effect change, maintaining a belief that the system of government, no matter how
broken, still has some small degree of effectiveness. During these years, she meets frequently with
colleagues on Coruscant and their homeworlds, introduces fruitless measures to grant local
systems relief from Imperial policies, and tries to place Senate oversights on Imperial operations.
Mon Mothma also tutors Bail Organa's daughter, Leia Organa, in diplomatic and political affairs,
preparing her to succeed her father as Alderaan's representative in the Senate and eventually lead
a galaxy-spanning resistance movement.

Toward the end of The Dark Times, Palpatine finally loses patience with Mon Mothma's outspoken
opposition and covert operations with resistance groups. He orders her arrest by ISB agents, but
she narrowly escapes capture thanks to a tip from Bail Organa. She continues working in secret to
undermine Imperial power, support and unite disparate insurgent groups, and forge an official
alliance that openly opposes the Empire.


A tempestuous union of star systems has declared itself opposed to Emperor Palatine’s New
Order. This fragile Alliance has begun the great fight to restore the Galactic Republic, through
whatever channels necessary. Outnumbered and not always aligned, these idealists need to come
together in the growing darkness to cast a light of hope across the galaxy.

AFTE REBEL ALLIANCE HIGH COMMAND abandoned its older base on Dantooine, it chose a jungle
moon devoid of intelligent life for its next headquarters. Huge, crumbling edifices serve as
evidence of past civilization. The Massassi site, a clustering of megalithic temples, houses the
rebels under Mon Mothma, Bail Organa, and Jan Dodona’s command. It is from Yavin 4 that the
rebels launch an assault that results in its first victory against the Empire in the Galactic Civil War.

BASE ONE: Some time after abandoning Dantooine, Alliance High Command transferred
operations to a new headquarters on the jungle moon of Yavin 4. There, stone temples built by a
now-vanished species have been transformed into hangars, barracks and a command center. From
Base One, as the Massassi site is known, rebel leaders direct the fight against the Empire.

VISION OF HOPE: Senators Mothma and Organa found ways to use the Senate to surreptitiously
supply the burgeoning Rebellion. They had to tread carefully as the Senate was rife with spies from
the Imperial Security Bureau. If discovered, their actions would lead to accusations of treason.

GALAXY`S MOST WANTED: After escalating outrages committed by the Imperial military left her
no choice, Mon Mothma spoke out publicly and directly addressed Emperor Palpatine as a “lying
executioner” in a widely broadcast HoloNet proclamation. Such treason immediately rocketed
Mothma to the top of the Empire`s “Most Wanted” list, and she fled Coruscant-resigning her seat
in the Imperial Senate. It was this declaration of rebellion that gave rise to the formal Alliance to
Restore the Republic.

THE REBEL CELLS amassed in the Massassi outpost have combined to form the core of Alliance
High Command. Despite Imperial claims to the contrary, the expanding Alliance masterminded by
Mon Mothma and Bail Organa is in actuality quite structured. In addition to a civil government
component, its military units conform to an established hierarchy. Some outlier rebel cells are
more improvised than the Yavin group, but the Massassi outpost is a model of command
THE REBEL ALLIANCE HIERARCHY consist of two main bodies: the military and the civil
government. The existence of a governmental apparatus within the Rebellion is indicative of its
ultimate aim: to restore the Republic and the Galactic Senate as instruments of egalitarian and
democratic rule. Arranged beneath Mon Mothma, the titular chief of state of the Alliance Civil
Government, is the Cabinet – a collection of six allied ministers with specific areas of responsibility.


The REBEL COUNCIL is a mix of military and civic government representatives. It is, by design,
meant to encompass varied viewpoints. Debate and disagreement are both encouraged in the
model of democratic governance. But in troubled times, such an open forum leads to deadlock.
Mon Mothma is wary about wielding too much executive power, as that is the very embodiment
of their sworn enemy, the Empire.

Though no longer a member of the Senate, Mon Mothma remains in communication with her
allies there, and sympathies for the Rebellion continue to grow. It is now the Rebellion`s most
crucial moment. If the Death Star menace is real, then the Alliance stands at the brink of
destruction just as it is about to shine a light on the true evil that is the Galactic Empire.

Bail Organa has been secretly orchestrating organized rebellion against the Empire for years.
Alderaan is a major supporter of the cause.

The upper command staff of the Alliance military are known as the REBEL COUNCIL in common
parlance and also include a civilian component of senators.

ALLIANCE HIGH COMMAND meetings can be intense, charged affairs, particularly in these testing
times. High-profile strikes against Imperial targets on Lothal, Garel and Ord Binnir have
emboldened the Alliance, but none of these actions have constituted a victory that proves to all
the potency of their Rebellion. Some in the Alliance state firmly that their objective is a negotiated
peace with the Empire, in which Palpatine would relinquish the wartime powers he accrued during
the Clone Wars, and the Senate would be reinstated as the principal body of governance.

Word of an Imperial superweapon project splits the rebel council over their next course of action.


The uppermost ranks of the Rebel Alliance are known as High Command, and include both military
officers and a cabinet of senators who serve as ministers. As Alliance chief of state, Mon Mothma
sits at the pinnacle of High Command, but encourages open discussion and even debate among
her military and civilian advisors. (SW.com)

The commanding authority of the Rebel Alliance, headed by Mon Mothma, who embodied the
roles of Commander in Chief and Chief of Staff. Beneath her was staff of Supreme Allied
Commanders, which included Fleet Command, Ordnance and Supply, Starfighter Command,
Support Services, Intelligence, Spec Forces Command, and Sector Command. This body eventually
evolved into a military policy organization within the New Republic.

High Command comprises the Supreme Allied Commanders of each individual command . They
oversee and coordinate all fleet and army operations, disseminating the orders of the
Commander-in-Chief and Minister of War. High Command operates aboard the Rebel Fleet or
from the main rebel base as required. They oversee both Alliance and Sector Forces.

The Alliance military is charged with defeating Imperial military forces and toppling the Emperor.
The Alliance Military is split into Alliance Forces and Sector Forces. Alliance Forces are not
permanently attached to any particular sector, but are sent where needed.

Key members of Alliance High Command included Generals Jan Dodonna, Carlist Rieekan, and Crix
Madine; Admiral Ackbar; and Senator Garm Bel Iblis.

APPEARANCES: Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

GET TO KNOW THE ALLIANCE: Before you go any further, familiarize yourself with the chain of
command. The Alliance military was created for flexibility and unity. Under the ALLIANCE HIGH
COMMAND, which consists of all the group commanders, are two distinct divisions — the Alliance
Forces and the Sector Forces. Alliance Forces are independent of any specific galactic sector while
the Sector Forces are responsible for keeping order and conducting operations locally . Both groups
are under the direct control of the Alliance High Command.

The civilian Head of State of the Alliance is also the supreme commander-in-chief of all military
forces. Currently this tide is held by Mon Mothma, who, with former Senator Bail Organa, crafted
the structure of the Alliance. Mon Mothma exercises final authority over the Alliance war
machine. The Alliance military is divided into seven main operational commands:
Alliance High Command includes Mon Mothma, the Alliance`s Minister of War and all of her
closets military advisors. High Command is responsible for setting overall strategy, directing the
operations of the fleet and the Allied Forces, and coordinating the activities of the Sector
Commands. To better pursue these activities, High Command is usually stationed with the Fleet.


Mothma was also Commander in Chief of the Alliance military, with the seven Supreme Allied
Commanders of the High Command reporting to her. The Alliance`s command structure was an
odd amalgam reflecting its reliance on centralized military power (balanced uneasily between the
capabilities of capital ships and starfighters), local military forces, and secretive resistance cells.


Sector Forces are semi-autonomous military units, charged with keeping the fight alive in their
particular sector. On most day-to-day business they are independent, able to make tactical
decisions without consulting High Command (which can take weeks).

The name Sector Forces reflected politics more than reality, though: Some sectors were home to
dozens of different Rebel groups, while others heard barely a whisper of dissent against the
Emperor`s rule.

In principle, Sector Forces belonged to the local governments supporting the Alliance, known as
Allied Commands, but the High Command claimed supreme military authority over them, and used
its resources to create extra Sector Forces where no friendly government existed.

When coordination between Sector Forces or between Sector Forces and Alliance Forces is
necessary, it is usually handled by a Command Group appointed or supplied by High Command.

Sector Forces are microcosm of the Alliance Forces, usually consisting of starfighters wings, ground
forces (usually a larger part than in the AF), intelligence units, and so forth. Each SecForce is a
complete fighting unit, capable of weeks of sustained combat without outside support.

Sector Command sometimes asked individual Sector Forces to lend ship or starfighters to the main
Alliance fleet to critical operations-request that were a source of constant friction within the
resource-strapped Rebel movement.

Rebel soldiers: are the main forces of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. These dedicated troops
are organized into Sector Forces, each of which is responsible for resisting the might of the Empire
in their home sectors across the galaxy. (Characters)

The Rebel Military: By one estimate, at the height of the Galactic Civil War the space going forces
of the Rebellion amounted to just 7 percent of the Imperial fleet`s strength, while the total
number of Alliance troops was just 3,5 percent of the New Order`s military forces.

Those numbers didn`t sound overwhelming,

This was made possible by a key decision at the Corellian System Meetings in 2 BBY – the Alliance
was to be a genuine alliance, a coalition among disparate groups opposed to Palatine’s tyranny.
Each local component of the Rebellion was designated as a Sector Force, but in practice they had
little in common.


The Alliance fleet took its orders from Fleet Command, formally led after 4 ABY by Admiral Ackbar.

Starfighter wings, meanwhile, answered to Starfighter Command, which was subordinate to Fleet
Command in rank thought rarely in spirit.

When attached to a subdivision of the fleet, starfighter pilots reported directly to ranking captains
or admirals for the duration of an operation, as did special-forces personnel.

The Alliance Fleet represents the single most important division of the Allied Forces. Under the
command of Admiral Ackbar himself, the Fleet Command directs and coordinates all Fleet
operations, maneuvers, and missions. While the other commands are considered equal in rank to
the Fleet Commander, deference is paid to Admiral Ackbar, both because of the extreme
importance of the Fleet to the Alliance`s efforts and because of the admiral’s demonstrated
strategic skills.

The Fleet Commander controls the operation of all capital ships and support vessels, ranging from
assault craft to the massive Mon Calamari Cruisers. Only starfighters are controlled under a
separate command. Briefly, there are five main categories of ships: Capital ships such as the Mon
Calamari MC80 cruiser are used in major campaigns and as bases for training and maneuvers.

Close support vessels such as the Nebulon B frigate are used to defend the capital ships and to
carry out smaller operations.

Transport and supply ships such as the Corellian Corvette are primarily used for moving people
and critical supplies, although they may see action in certain missions, especially where the target
is small or the Alliance needs every available ship.

Fleet Command oversees the orders and operation of the Alliance starship fleet, which is the single
most vital military asset in the Rebellion.

Under Ackbar, the rest of the Alliance military was increasingly subordinated to the fleet-
Starfighter Command`s independence was diminished, while command of SpecForces was given to
the Imperial defector Crix Madine, who preferred destroying targets to worrying about
interservice politics.
But not all elements of the Rebellion fell into line so easily. The powerful Corellian and Bothan
SECTOR FORCES continued to launch high-profile raids, and the reputation of another Imperial
defector, Admiral Adar Tallon, made it impossible politically to subordinate him to Ackbar.


Starfighters are under the command of Starfighter Command. Their role is in escort and attack
missions. Support vessels such as boarding craft and other small specialized combat craft also
serve specific purposes.

Under General Dodonna, Starfighter Command has general and specific responsibility for the
deployment of starfighters, the training and deployment of starfighter pilots, and the operation of
starfighters in special missions. Starfighter Command determines where specific squadrons will be
assigned. For instance, some squadrons are assigned to the Fleet while others are placed in
specific sectors, where they come under the control of local Sector Command operations . Some of
the most prestigious divisions are the so-called “rogue” squadrons who are not attached to a
specific sector or Fleet division, but are moved as needed for special operations or to back up
other squadrons that have gotten into trouble.

Starfighter Command is in charge of the large and vital starfighter fleet. It is responsible for pilot
training, and assigns wings to Alliance High Command and the Sector Commands. Starfighters are
a scarce resource and their reassignment is often the source of friction between the various
commands. It also provides orders for roving squadron without permanent assignments, such as
Rogue Squadron.

This department is charged with strategic control of the Alliance`s starfighter contingent. It is
responsible for training pilots, assigning wing to the Fleet and to individual Sectors, and for
operational control over “rogue” wings- those wings in the Allied Forces and not permanently
assigned to Sectors.

The starfighter fleet is divided into wings, squadrons, flights, and elements. A wing consists of
three squadrons. A squadron consists or three flights of four starfighters. An element consists of
two starfighters — a leader and a wing man. As a new recruit you will start out as the wing man for
a more experienced pilot. In time, if you distinguish yourself, you may be promoted to an element
or flight leader or beyond.
The main goals of the Starfighter Command are to disrupt the functioning of the Empire, to secure
needed information and materials, and to deny the Empire uncontested control of space. To
accomplish these goals, starfighter squadrons are posted aboard frigates and cruisers, on outpost
worlds and sectors, and in special free- flying units capable of responding as needed.

Although there are many specific strategies and tactics in use, they can be summarized in three
words; Attack, Defense, and Reconnaissance.

Attack missions are usually lightning strikes on specific targets. Using split- second timing and the
all-important hyperspace abilities of the Alliance starfighters, special missions move in quickly,
accomplish their objectives, and then hyperspace out again. Often, Starfighter Command is called
upon to supply protective cover for larger missions involving the capital ships of Fleet Command;
therefore, there are very strong links between the two commands.

Defense, in the most absolute sense, is impossible. The Empire can always muster far more
firepower than we can. We must pick our battles carefully. However, there are times when the
Alliance forces must defend against Imperial attacks. In such cases, the best defense is a delaying
tactic to allow as many Alliance personnel and equipment as possible to evacuate.

Once the Empire discovers an Alliance base, it is lost. All that can be done is to salvage as much as
possible before it is overrun.

Reconnaissance missions are generally passive observation missions in which a starfighter may
shadow a known Imperial location, monitoring traffic, estimating strength, and relaying
information to its base. If discovered, the pilot will do his best to escape. In no case should the
pilot allow himself to be captured. Recon missions are not considered cakewalks.

One it has assigned a starfighter wing to a Sector, StarCom relinquishes operational control of that
wing to the Commander of the Sector. The Wing Commander will then answer to the Sector
Commander, but will also file reports to StarCom – if, in StarCom`s opinion, the wing is being
poorly used, it can submit a complaint to Sector Command.

STARFIGHTER COMMAND of the Yavin 4 rebel base falls to General Antoc Merrick. He has direct
authority over the groupings of X-wing, Y-wing, and U-wing fighters assembled at the Massassi site
on the jungle moon. He also flires as Blue Leader, the commander of Blue Squadron. Though he
has logged hundreds of hours at the controls of a U-wing, when leading a squadron his preferred
craft is Blue One, a T-65 X-win fighter.

Starfighter Support: Although the Rebellion has primarily focused its resources on powerful
starfighters, its capital warship fleet demands attention. Once ready, these carrier craft will bring
fighters into action, increasing their operational range and reducing the risk of bases such as Yavin
4 being discovered.
FIGHTER COMMAND: On rare occasions when the entire wing of starfighters stationed at the
Massassi outpost is scrambled, Merrick has authority over other squadron leaders such as Garven
Dries (Red Leader) and Dutch Vander (Gold Leader). In Merrick`s absence, or when operational
authority is better served from a ground-based dispatch such as Base One, General Jan Dodonna
commands the fighters. As part of the rebel council, Merrick has a voice in the direction of the
Rebellion in these pivotal days.

Colonel Bandwin Cor: While General Merrick oversees Alliance Starfighter Command, he defers to
Colonel Cor for day-to-day decisions. Cor liaises closely with General Dodonna for the most
efficient utilization of fighter resources in the Gordian Reach- the area of space that encompasses
Yavin. By agreement with Merrick, Cor fills his role dispassionately, pragmatically treating the
fighter resources as assets on a ledger.

As ground tactics shifted, Starfighter Command came to the fore. This happened largely by
accident - the Alliance needed an overall military commander who was well respected and could
broker the three-way tensions among Corellia, Alderaan, and Chandrila. It found it Commenor’s
Jan Dodonna, who espoused the unfashionable view that starfighters should be a separate arm of
the military.

Dodonna believed hyperspace-capable starfighters could undermine the Empire’s control of space,
and demonstrate this to the galaxy by winning high-profile victories. Relying on hidden bases and
converted cargo haulers for support, they could appear without warning and fight without the
support of capital ships.

To prove his points, Dodona’s Y-wings defeated Star Destroyer fleets at Denab and Tarawa, and
staged a series of successful raids against Imperial convoys and bases.

Finding targets for starfighter raids became the top priority of ALLIANCE INTELLIGENCE, while the
SUPPORT AND SUPPLY commands focused on giving Dodonna the men and matériel he needed.

As the Rebellion grew, starfighters became its primary combat force-but there were soon too
many squadrons to coordinate them all from one command.

While STARFIGHTER COMMAND still oversaw pilot training, fighter maintenance, and squadron
deployment, it only retained tactical control over a few "rogue" units on special assignment.

The majority of fighters were attached to various SECTOR FORCES -or to the increasingly powerful
Fleet Command.

In the Rebellion's early years, the brunt of space combat had been borne by SECTOR FORCES units
—particularly the corellians. (Pag 163/164)

FLEET COMMAND was created to oversee a miscellany of cruisers that had escaped their home
sectors- most notably the flagship Independence, which had escaped the occupation of Mon

In addition, High Command periodically organizes large operations - against Imperial supply trains,
heavily-defended bases, and so forth-requiring more starfighter assets than StarCom has on hand.
To fulfill these, StarCom may ask the Sector Commands to temporarily return their starfighter
wings to StarCom for the duration of the operation.

As might be expected, these request often elicit bellows of anguish from the Sector Commanders,
all of whom are convinced that the dangers in their Sector are so pressing that they cannot afford
to give up their fighters. These conflicts are resolved by Sector Command, or, in extreme cases, by
the Chief of Staff.

Attention, forces of the Implacable. This is Commander Wedge Antilles of New Republic Starfighter


General Jan Dodonna: As the Sector Command officer for the Yavin-based rebels, General
Dodonna is an important voice on the rebel council. Now a veteran officer Dodonna was a bridge
officer aboard a Venator-class Star Destroyer in the Clone Wars. He continued his service into the
earliest days of the Imperial Starfleet before disillusionment with the Empire led him to defect.
Wearing a tactician`s overcoat is an Alderranian custom.

Sector Command is in charge of the various Sector Forces, assigning assets, coordinating activities
between sectors, and the like. There are thousands of Alliance Sector Forces in existence, each
with its own peculiar tactical and strategic problems, each with varying amounts of manpower,
weaponry, command competence, and Imperial opposition.

It is literally impossible for any organization to closely coordinate (or keep track of) all of the
Sector Forces; SecCom doesn`t even try. Instead, it attempts to provide overall strategic guidance
to the sectors, limiting its direct control to only the few most important. SecCom is one of the
largest branches in High Command, employing hundreds of officers, soldiers and droids.

Sector Command loosely oversees and, when necessary, coordinated separate Sector Forces in
large operations. They also coordinate the Sector Forces with Alliance High Command. Sector
Command does not take command of individual Sector Forces.

Sector Command oversaw the Alliance`s thousands of Sector Forces while leaving them generally
free to pursue their own mission, so long as they limited themselves to attacking Imperial facilities
and abided by the rules of civilized warfare.

Sector Command is the local operation of the military in an individual part of the Galaxy. The
operation of ground and space units is under the control of individual sector commanders,
although there are times when one individual sector may “borrow” ships or troops from another,
or from the Fleet. Such requests are always routed through High Command, however, to keep
Alliance operations consistent and coordinated.

After the Battle of Hoth, General Rieekan became a permanent member of High Command as
Chief of Sector Command. (SW insider)

Despite the charter of the Alliance, which gives Mon Mothma – and, by her authority, the Alliance
Command – near-dictatorial power over all Allied Commands and their military forces, SecCom
rarely uses this power to interfere with the internal workings of a Sector Force. However, when a
Sector Force must cooperate with the Alliance Forces for a crucial operation, SecCom will not
hesitate to pull rank to get the job done.

Typically, SecCom will receive strategic directives from the Supreme Commanders, Chief of Staff or
C-in-C. These orders will usually be of the most general nature. For example: SecCom may be told
that a critical shortage of fuel is projected for six months away; they are to direct all available
assets to increase fuel production. Or, an offensive is planned to take place in the next month; all
sectors in a certain area are to concentrate their efforts against the enemy`s starfighters. SecCom
passes these directives to the Sector Forces; they are expected to decide how to best implement
SecCom`s instructions.

SecCom`s communications equipment is massively extensive and massively expensive – even so, it
may take weeks for a SecCom directive to reach its final destination The galaxy is vast indeed, and
only a very few systems are equipped with hyperspace communicators. Most messages must be
sent by relay, or carried by hyperspace droid or ships. Because of the time delay inherent in these
methods, in case where rapid response is required, SecCom will often sent a Command Group to
the critical sector to take charge for the duration on the emergency.

SecCom is also responsible for organizing new Sector Force Commands on uncontrolled planets.
Intell handles the recruitment, Support the training, but SecCom provides the cadre of trained
officers to man the command until the natives are capable of running it on their own.


Special Forces (or Spec Forces) Command controls the elite of the Alliances ground forces. Under
the guidance of General Madine, these forces range from special assault troops used in seizure
and capture missions to solo operatives engaged in assassination, courier missions, and counter-
intelligence. Spec Forces is highly involved in the communications network of the High Command,
and it is often from General Madine that the commanders first hear about Imperial plans.
General Pitt noran: Onoran heads up the Yavin 4 Special Forces division. He earned valuable
experience as a logistics officer in the Republic army during the Clone Wars.


Fleet Intelligence has two main duties. First, it must interpret information supplied from other
High Command intelligence sources. Second, it must operate and monitor the deep picket line of
droids. This picket line spreads over many thousands of kilometers and warns the Alliance of the
approach of any unexpected ships. With adequate warning, the Fleet can respond to any Imperial
incursions- either by marshalling an attack, or a retreat as circumstances warrant.


Ordnance and Supply carries out the immense and challenging task of keeping the Fleet and
Special Forces supplied with foo4, arms, fuel, and other essentials. Sector operations are exacted
to be independent, so Ordnance and Supply concentrates its efforts on the Alliance Forces. Some
of Ordnance and Supply’s modest budget also goes: to research and development of better
weapons and ships.

Support Services controls the movement and operation transports, including freighters and
specialized vessels such as medical ships and mobile repair docks. Naturally, there is a symbiotic
relationship between Support Services and Ordnance and Supply.

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