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“Beauty” Report

“Beauty” a white Bull-X with a brown spot over her left eye, was found by Jordan
Tzouhas (905-617-6729) outside 11 Eldora Ave (Yonge and Finch),s on Monday October 12th
around 12:30pm. She was very friendly to approach and willingly got into the car once a spare
leash was tied around her neck. She was panting a lot and seemed relatively anxious. Her nipples
were obviously engorged, but with no signs of darkening. Her vulva was also swollen.
Beauty was immediately taken to a vet clinic where no microchip was found. 311
Toronto was promptly called and Beauty remained in Jordan’s care until Animal services
arrived. Beauty was bathed, fed some turkey breast throughout the afternoon and given plenty of
water. It was noticed that she urinated frequently and that her teeth seemed to induce pain (for
example, if she were to pick up a stick to play, she would only hold it in the left side of her
mouth and she would shake as she held it). Jordan quickly put a dog coat on beauty and prepared
a crate for her to sleep in and relax. She was seen by a vet via video conference who seemed to
believe that she was or has recently finished a heat cycle.
Beauty shows signs of age and possible neglect in her joints, which have evidently been
scarred or rubbed raw over some time. She does not appear to have any fresh wounds.

Generally, Beauty is a very gentle and loving dog. She always seems to want to lick your
face and sit on your lap. She does bark at other dogs while on the lead as well as people,
although she is usually wagging her tail throughout. Beauty seems anxious to be alone, she
refused to return to her crate after walks or being let out to pee. She cried and scratched to be let
out. Soothing music and some quiet company seemed to help ease her anxieties.
Beauty is hesitant to eat or drink at first. She had no interest in cheese, treats or pumpkin.
She did eventually warm up to some plain turkey breast and ate maybe a ½ to 1 cup. She likely
had 1.5L of water throughout the day and continued to pant into the evening.

Beauty was picked up from 1129 Mount Pleasant Rd. Toronto at __________________
by Toronto Animal Services.

Please feel free to contact Jordan Tzouhas should you require any further information.

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