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translated from French by Mad Max

Ambush markers

Clarifications 2.l

Questions :

1. How to manage interpenetration of ambush markers by friendly units ?

2. How to manage the successive revelation of ambush markers in the same terrain?

Answers :
1. It is possible to interpenetrate friendly ambush markers under the following
conditions :
a. In all cases, the ambush of the interpenetrated marker must be fully revealed,
in conformity with the rule on revealing an ambush. If the ambush marker is
a dummy, the doubt is removed. ;
b. The interpenetration movement takes place with respect to the general rule
about allowed interpenetrations and positions adjustment.

2. If there are 2 or 3 ambush markers in the same terrain, there must be enough space to
physically deploy all the units of these 2 or 3 ambushes. Units must never overlap or
interpenetrate each other during the initial deployment, even if the markers are revealed
successively. For instance,
a. In a 4 UD x 2 UD orchard, a player has 2 markers representing respectively 4 MI for
marker #1 and 4 Bowmen for marker #2,

b. If the players chooses to reveal marker #1 as per below :

c. Thus, the only allowed deployment of the 4 bowmen of marker # 2 is as follows:

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