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DMYTRO TURCHYN English for International Relations ANSWER KEY aoe Publi ———— yak sin as Typ LB. 184 Engl oe Iterations Reasons. Answer Key: Anica sont oe omapornn sigoc iano Kiet mace serps Type Bae ona Kaa, 2011.48 ISBN 978 966.382:365-2 We ora cr sans 0 mi amen (ep rope sa) rds (cyano kicmperertomocer con yaceunt otypam LB, 2011 ISBN 978.966.392.965. (© Homa Kes, 2011 Contents Unit Unit2 Unit 3 Unit Units unit Unit7 Unit Unit 9 Unit 10 Unit 11 Unie 12 Uni 13 Unit 14 Translation Practice Exercise 1 Brercise 2 Exercise 3 Brercise 4 Exercise 5 Exercise 6 Exercise 7 Exercise 8 Exercise 9 Exercise 10 Serer ee ee Uni Vocabulary Development & Practice 1.1g2f3e4h 6b 708d 2.1 admision 2 to serve 3 power expanded S academic 6 responsibilty? passage 8 to permit 4. Your own sentence, 5.1 Higher education ithe foundation of human development and social progress also serves the needs of individual development, promotes {he formation of intellectual, spiritual and industrial potential of society 2. Higher educational establishments carry out the academic process ‘scoring tothe curicala approved by the Ministry of Education and Selence of Ukraine 3. Annual the lectures ofthe Department of Foreign Tanguages undergo retraining and refresher courses both at Ukrainian leading research insitutions and foreign institutions of higher learning 4 ‘Themanager and his depaty mast share the responsibility for whats ng on inthe company 5. The DepartmenFaclyof International Relations of our University provides taining for students forthe workin the sphere ‘of international reltions and frig policy of Ukraine 6 To improve the Eompettivenes and quay of edcation, the system of darableiflong ‘ducation vas established. 7 The vad law envisions tat the sate must fuarante equal acens/admisson to higher education. 6 The meeting of {wo ministers wil promote the creation of prerequisites for eablshing cooperation between the two counties in the educational phere. 9 Poll ‘cents beleve that permanent oll instabilty and discord adversely et thecountysunageinthe world 10, Dutothecompany'sexpanson, thebead ofthe bard suggested taking on another 30 employes 6.1 residence 2 turning point 3 diverse 4 enschment 5 peer 6 to eliminate 7 to acquire 8 to acquaint 9 extacuriulr 10 bond 11 to require 129 strive 13 setting 14 insight 15 proper 7.1 undergraduate degsee programs 2 to requlre 3 0 complete 4 concentration/setof courses S major 6 significant 7 predetermined 8 designed 9 upper-divison students 10 to encourage 11 academic minor 12 stringent requirements 13 to broaden 14 ntrdscpinay 15 to major In l6politcl science 17 graduate degree programs 18 to condict orginal research 19 findings 20 academic esay 21 thes diseraton 22 caeere 8. 1C2D 84D 5B 6A 7CAC9A 10D 11B 12A 13D 14C 15C 9.1 fer a range 2 sports for both 3 popular attractions 4 ofr stants 5 pacpate in 6 student concerns 7 services for students allocate fonds 10:1 society 2 violence 3 eects 4 protection 5 harassment 6 cliinating 7 ‘consume 8 alcholl 9 mata 10 protection Listening 1.1. A college or university or a ype of professional schol 2 The graduate receives a bachelor’s degeee. 3. year or two. 4. The candidate ha to Submit disertation ad to complete a minimum of two or thre yearsof further studies. 5. Qualifying the individual for profesional acti or for ‘employment in higher postions in business, industry, and government. 2. has always ben 2 vig forces 3 contemporary 4accesst05 thee pers ‘competitive 7 serve thelr specific 8 prestigious 9 provide 10 to meet Unit 2 Reading & Speaking Lap2rst arse Vocabulary Development & Practice 1A 1d2e3a4b5eB 14 2¢3 4a Se 2.1g24 36 4b Sha 7e Be 3.1 devotion 2 precision 3 embarrassment 4 greedy 5 contempt 6 beneficial 7ealated 8 ntlerance 9 purposeful 10 irretrievably 4. Your own sentences, 5:1, A.ucces keeps abreast ofthe times trying to broaden his knowledge snd outlook, 2. There i no pont in talking to ims hei ot going to ‘ake se of favorable opportunities. 3, She is abways finding fault with heraubordinater and she absolutly aye no attention to her mistakes and shortcomings. Undoubtedly it hadn't ben forthe definite purpose, ‘we would have achieved success. 5. The ssue of budgetbudgetary ‘expenditures is expected tobe handled to be dealt with by a specially ‘ested setup commision. 6. The misunderstanding wasallegely cused by feats that the incident wold influence the fal decison. 7. A sober ‘minded person resto lve within his means. 8.The speaker claimed that ‘ach poical statements engender resentment, mistrust, and distegard/ disrespect among people. 9. The foreign language syllabus provides for ‘thorough foreign language study aimed at developing and improving student language sil and broadening thelr professional outlook 10, A patriot hata een respect for his ative language, customs, and ‘wadons of the people, ands always ready o defend his motherland 6.LLtoadvance,tachievesuccess2 pal 3stemsfrom 4 fulth vindicated 6 achievement 7 inherit. dedication 9, sacifces 10 relentless pursuit 14 leading goal 12. virus 13. brought up 1. scheme 15. betay 16 sandon 17- plot 1 leaks 19. becomes public 20 rexembls 21. code of ‘thle 2. inthe long run 2, cherish 24 integrity 25, deviate 26. dictum 27 favors 7.1.0n2by 3 for 45 abou 6 within 7on 8 of 9 to 10 within 11 on 12 in 13 from 4 with 15a 8.162138 463} 6H.7D 8A 98 108 9.1B2D 3C4C 9A 6A 7D 8C9C 108 11D 12C 13D 14 15B 16C 178 188 C208 10.1 run 2 commit3 conduct strain 5 congealed 6 discerning 7 inleble ‘humiliations 9anises 10 obscure 11 making 2 values 3 journey 4 clarity 5 harmony 6 vitally 7 rocking 8 ‘generation 9 encountered 10 reacted 11 change 12 inequaes 13 lus survived 15 ference Listening 1.1 willbe abet execute 2 proceeds in is and starts 3 ip back nt your ‘ldo evolve precisely on 5 occasional setbacks or lp-ups 2ACFGI Unit 3 Vocabulary Development & Practice 1. th2e3b af 564728 2.1 boundaries 2 sounds 3 vocl 4 exchange 5 upright 6 sale 7 itary 8 4.1. Language isa constituent part of elture. All cultures are based on language and al anguages mist be complex enough to tranamit the all richness of clture 2. Essentially, the might of the country depends on the unity of sher people and the country’ economie development. 3 Some contemporary scents oppose Darwin's theory of evolution by calling t pseudo scent. Though share your belief {think we must ‘Py more itenton to patriotic education and cultaral development of ‘our young people. The participants ofthe intermational conference ave recently adopted a resolution onthe preservation of extinct plants and species. 6. The firs thing odo eto dacs thease of cultural exchange 7-The Howse of Commons is composed of Members of Parliament who ae lected in general elections every S years. 8. Maintaining an upright posture, she spoke slowly trying to articulate each word loudly and ‘istinty/leal, 9. What are the distinguishing characteristics of ‘Ulzalne's foreign policy? 10. Scientists believe that ausralpithecins our ealesvremote/distant ancestors, had an upright posture and were shleto make crude stone tools, 5 1 vary widely 2 ran forest 3 practice monogamy 4count into $ mother ina jokes tolerant protector means f subsistence Shuman societies 6.1 belonging to 2 sedition 3. migrate 4 ancestry 5. exposed to 6. ‘values 7. occupation 8. material possessions 9. wel 10-kiship 1, place of residence 12. plies 13. datincton I. compared to 15, dimensions 16. tribes 17 religious communities 18, metnngfil 19. to ream vals 20-technologieal development 21 to maintain Menity 2. to distinguish ‘oneself 23, commonalities 24. distinctiveness theory 25. to distance ‘oneself from others 26, to count 27, to enhance relationships 28 cultural core 29. inevitable 30 to prove very destructive 7.1 emergence 2 complenty 3 arrangement 4 respond 5 systema Irate 7 totality 8 constitution 8 blending 2to distinguish 3o compete 4a designate 5 junk 6 distil 7to maaan aria 9 complenty 10 ce 1 to depict 12 strking 13 to capture Ht intend 15 hollow 9.1628 3D 4C5D 6B 7A 8C9D 108 11C 120 15D 415A Listening 1. 1, All religions help their followers to find meaning inthe wool. 2. CCrisianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, and Judaism 3. One ‘ype has single al powerful god and inthe other type followers belive in more than one god. 4 Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. 5. Hinduism, Jainism, Shino, Zoroastrianism, Native American religions, nd traditional ‘Afvcanrcligions. 6. higher state of being freedom fom slfering. 7. ‘Acting in certain way 8. They perform rituals sy prayers ave holidays and we writen works, such a the Bble andthe Quran. 9. In balding, uch at churches of temples. 10, Treating others well and doing the right thing Unit 4 Vocabulary Development & Practice 1A 1d2¢5a4e 50 B 1024 3b 458 2 src 2 industrial 3 stainable 4irreverible 5 6 species 7 crisis 8 5.1 conservation 2 variety 3 distros 4 diverse 5 sustain 6 contamination Tisteatment 8 distributes 9 detered 10 diminishing 4.1, To avert global ecological eri, atrict international sanctions should be imposed on countries that violate environmeatal standards. 2 According tothe repeesentative ofthe public preservation group, the ‘ashmob’s mint-perfarmance was aimed at affecting public opinion. 53 Destruction ofthe worlds opel ean forests also leads to climate ‘hangelalteed climate pattern. 4. Industral pollutans/vaste cause Inreversblefiereparable damage tothe envionment. 5. Humans may destroy all plant and animal species and even themselves because of their unnatural activites 6 Furthermore, our scientists have devised fnnovative projects aimed at harmonious meshing. the country’s economic growth with environmental protection. 7. Its belived that, ctemical components of serosolssprays contribute tothe depletion of the ozone layer inthe earths atmosphere. 8, Sustainable development is economic development that doer case damage othe environment 5 ‘Weal have o realize that our planets natural resources ae not infinite! are finite 10 humankind goes on mistreating nature lk this, global ‘cological/enironmental eollapsccatastrophe is neitable, 51 the standard of living 2 plltion/contaminaton 3 partially poisoned 4 chemical wastes 5 uninhabitable 6 to expose 7 endangered 8 etn 910 10 paslaws 10to reverse the hea 1 living things 12 to xe pressureon 13 predatory animals 14 to rece the population 15 prey 16 herds 1710 trample 18 vast stetches 1 to depos silt 20 estuary 21 bay 2 temporary

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