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A Better Tomorrow

The unknown enemy of all,

Is he huge or is he small?
Some say he is round and spikiest of them all,
I also hear he is the deadliest of them all.
He is here, he is there,
Travelling time to time in the air.
Young, old or small,
He doesn’t care at all.
He has made the roads clear,
For now, he is our greatest fear.
The birds are free,
Chirping on the wonderful tree.
The whales are swimming, the deer, galloping,
Wondering where the humans are who tried to destroy us all.
We fell asleep in one world and woke in another
Suddenly Disney is out of magic
Paris is no longer romantic
New York doesn’t stand up anymore
Suddenly a Great Wall of China is not a fortress
And Mecca is empty
Hugs and kisses suddenly becomes weapon
And not visiting parents and friends
Becomes an act of love
Masks and sanitizers our protection
Gadgets and emoji’s our connection
Social distancing and lockdown our prevention
Trapping us under isolation

There’s fear,
There’s tear
There’s sickness
And there’s meekness
There’s even death
Holding people in wrath

Social gatherings were banned

Major events were canned
Restaurants and malls could o one fill
As the virus had begun to spill
Many individuals are jobless
They were just clueless
How to feed their dearest

Doctors, nurses and frontliners

Risking their lives to save us
Working day and night to end the fuss
With a hope this too shall pass

Lockdown and movement control orders

Moments for reflection and repentance

Nature always showing us lessons

Reminding us of our own covetousness

Suddenly we realise
That the power, beauty and money are worthless
And it can’t give us the oxygen we’re fighting for
The world continues its life
and it is beautiful
It only puts humans in cages
I think it sending us a message
You are not necessary
The air, earth, water and sky
Without you are doing fine
When you come back remember
That you are my guest
Not my masters

If I ……….
Have the super power
To reach heaven and find the cure
I would spread it throughout this universe
Destroy the heartless enemy
And safe the innocent lives

But I do believe our faith in god,

Who is the mightiest of all,
Will help us conquer this fear once sure for all,
I hope a wonderful better tomorrow is near for us all.
And I hope a wonderful better tomorrow is near for us all.

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