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Instruction: Base on the samples of the different kinds of Affidavits, discuss in essay

form the following questions:

1. What is an Affidavit? 
An affidavit is a written account of swearing under oath, to tell the truth, just as
testifying in court. In addition, the affiant, who makes the statement, the document must
be signed by a notary public or other official with the legal authority to administer an
oath. False information in an affidavit could lead to criminal charges for the person who
10 signed it. As a result, reading the paper thoroughly before signing ensures that the
information included therein is correct and accurate. In the affidavit, it is essential to note
whether any comments do base on the affiant's opinion or belief that needs to do stated.

Furthermore, police officers needed to search and seize a residence, car, or

15 property. When filing an affidavit, the officers must identify facts and provide probable
cause to bolster their assertions. If the person writing the testimony submitted incorrect
information and continues with the affidavit process, they may be subject to severe
punishment. The material contained in the affidavit does base on facts and knowledge
concerning what do discover. What is heard, spoken, and or seen? Unless the suspects
20 themselves make a statement or comment, including the officers' observations on
criminal activities or anything suspicious. Opinions do not include. The court persuaded
the officers to grant a search warrant with the help of relevant information and evidence.
By the end of the affidavit, it should conclude from the information presented by the
homeowner. Information such as an individual's home address, name and any statements
25 they have made in court, job title, immigration status, and other relevant information can
does included.

2. Does an Affidavit play an essential role in solving a crime? In what way and why?

30 For every crime, at least one person needs to do arrested, and the arresting officer
fills out an affidavit that lays out the facts and circumstances behind the arrest. An
affidavit includes facts like information that led to the arrest and observations made
before and after the arrest. It is a statement made under oath and with the threat of
punishment for lying. It has also known as an arrest record.

What do they know about the problem? 

40 l In the legal world, an affidavit is a formal written declaration that outlines the facts of a
case and serves as evidence in court. 
l Affidavits does primarily used in court proceedings. They provide a written alternative
to having a witness appear in court to give spoken testimony. 
l All contain written and signed declarations used to give evidence and are comparable to
45 an Affidavit in this respect. However, their functions, forms, and signature requirements
differ from one another.
l Perjury charges may do brought against someone who knowingly provides false
testimony in an Affidavit, and this is because the truth requirements for making an
Affidavit are identical to those for delivering oral testimony in court. 
l Unless there are extraordinary circumstances, the courts will typically impose an
5 incarceration sentence based on affidavits when finding someone guilty of lying.

What do they need to learn more about?

10 l Technical or unified formats in making affidavits

l What is the Difference between Swearing or Affirming it?
l Do I Need Legal Advice, especially if I doubt my affidavit for it to be admissible in

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