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Crochet Mickey Mouse Coffee Cup Cozy

1. 4.0mm hook
2. worsted weight yarn in yellow, red, black, and white
3. yarn needle

Stitches Used:
• ch = chain
• sc = single crochet
• dc = double crochet
• ss = slip stitch
• st(s) = stitch(es)
• mc= magic circle
Using black yarn, ch 41

Being careful not to twist the chain, join with ss to first ch.

ch 1, turn

Round 1: [sc, dc] repeat around. Join with ss to first sc, ch 1, turn

Round 2: [sc into the dc from previous round, dc into sc from previous round] repeat around alternating
sc and dc, join with ss to first sc, ch 1, turn
Change to red yarn in last stitch of round 2

Round 3-7: Repeat round 2. Change to yellow yarn in last stitch.

Round 8-9: Repeat round 2

Join with a ss to first sc of round. Fasten off and weave in the ends.

Make 2
Using white, make a magic circle
Round 1: sc 4 into mc
Round 2: 2sc into each sc around (8sc)
Join with ss to 1st sc, fasten o leave a tail for sewing the button to the cozy.

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