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by Corbei Anda, 7th Grade

Friendship is a simple word, yet it is very hard to explain what it means. Each person
has their own definition of friendship.

For me, friendship is everything: happiness, sadness, tears, smiles, hugs, feelings,
thoughts, love. Friends are people who can trust each other and they would go through fire
for one another if it were needed. I cannot say that I have many friends, but there are a few
peole who deserve the title: ”true friends”. Each of us wants to share certain feelings,
thoughts and moments with someone close. Each of us wants to be loved and to offer, in our
turn, love. I think it’s the most pleasant feeling when you see your friends enjoy your
achievements, when you realize that although time passes, the flame of friendship is still
strong, while respect and trust, each underlying friendship, is built. Friendship can bind
people in all circumstances. When you are not expecting it, you can win a friend who will be
there for you when you need it.

The thread of friendship is fragile and could break in an instant and then you lose
everything you gained in a long time. I once heard a saying: ”Love and friendship never die.”
Yes, maybe that is true, but once friendship and love between two people die, it is hard.

Friendship is valuable if you know to love and to give love to people who need you.

Friendship should be mind in two bodies...a sweet


Friendship is LOVE with wings.

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