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Darian Goulding SummerFinal Exam

Directions: Students will answer three of the essay questions found

below. Each answer must be at least two paragraphs and if needed
more than two paragraphs. The exam will be placed in the Final exam
drop box no later than Thursday July 2nd at 11:59 pm. Each answer
should include content from the book and application to one or more
of your speeches.

1. Explain the types of informative speeches you learned about in your

reading. Then reflect on your researched informative speech and
explain what type of informative speech you presented in this class.

2. Create a complete outline for a speech about where you see yourself
in ten years. You are expected to label all the parts of the introduction
and conclusion as well as use the correct outline format.

3. Discuss the bias and currency of a source. Then look back on any
single source you used in a speech outline, and explain how you can
determine the bias and currency of that source.

4. Discuss the elements of vocal and physical delivery. Then evaluate

how well you used the elements of vocal and physical delivery in your

5. Discuss the three types of interpersonal communication

apprehension. Then think about your life experiences and explain
when you have had one or more of the types of interpersonal
6. Discuss your growth in public speaking from the start to the end of
this class. Here are some questions to think about as you answer the
question. How has your confidence improved this semester? What
ways have you improved as a speaker? What skills do you still need
to work on as a public speaker.

Physical and Vocal Delivery

Vocal and physical delivery are very important when it comes to presenting speeches. I
want to separate both topics and talk about each of them individually.
physical delivery is a non-verbal delivery with the usage of your facial expressions and
the way you hold yourself. This is very important to speech as it shows the emotion in your face
behind how you connect to what you’re talking about. It also could show the confidence that you
have in yourself when speaking, through your posture.
The second part of this is the vocal delivery this being a verbal use of delivery through
what you are talking about. Some of the biggest things that come from having good vocal
delivery is the enthusiasm and energy behind your voice. Using your voice and using your
words is the Most efficient way to tell somebody how you feel with the information that you have
learned through research.
Both of these aspects of delivery physical and vocal can be put together to create an
unstoppable force when presenting a speech overall this technique is a great one to master as it
shows the audience exactly how you feel about the topic and it’s what keeps the audience
interested when they engage in a speech.

My Growth due to this class

I am very grateful to have taken this class this summer. I always knew that I love public
speaking and talking to people and I knew I was somewhat good at it. But I never really had any
structure. By taking this class it really helped me structure my thoughts for not only public
speaking but it also helped me structure my thoughts on a daily basis in a “how do I feel about
this” manner.
I would say by taking this class my confidence in my public speaking has significantly
skyrocketed as I feel comfortable in putting a speech together in short periods of time. As well
as feeling confident in the words that I have to say. I also found that this class made me realize
that what I had to say was important which I also believe is very important now more than ever. I
think that as I went through this class the flow of my speech is something that has most
Although this class has taught me a lot there are still things needed to be learn I believe
nobody’s done learning in their life and to that, I would say, something I would continue to work
on is my eye Contact when it comes to speaking to other people as well as public speaking and
trying my best to keep the audience engaged in what I have to say. I really did enjoy this class
this summer. It was a very nice way to keep my brain working and to do what I love to do most
which is Talking to other people!

Interpersonal Communication

There are three types of interpersonal communication apprehension the three of them
being situational apprehension, receiver apprehension, and trait apprehension. All three are
important to The public speaking world.
The first one being situational apprehension this is a type of apprehension that is usually
communicated to the communicator in situations and example I believe the book users has to
do with a stressful situation and example of this would be if you had an examination at work of
your skills and how you’ve been performing. As it creates a different twist to your daily schedule
at work when somebody else is looking over your shoulder watching how you do your job.
The second way being a receiver apprehension this occurs when a speaker feel the
apprehension when they are in contact with a specific receiver and example of this would be if
you are very comfortable talking to your dad but then have to go to your girlfriend's father who
you’re not so comfortable with this can create receiver apprehension because it may cause
anxiety. Another example for public speaking would be speaking for an audience that has all of
their eyes on you.
And the final one is trait apprehension people that experience this often are people who
have very high levels of anxiety overall they try to extract themselves from communication which
is absolutely not how I am at all.
Now I already gave you an example of this but a time where I have experienced one of
these apprehensions in my life is Talking to my dad about starting a relationship with a girl I liked
for a long time I felt comfortable talking to my dad but because her parents were very strict I had
to go talk to her parents as well which made me anxious caused anxiety and made me very
nervous. He did say yes which was reassuring but the situation itself was very nerve-racking
this was a perfect example of receiver apprehension because it was specific to the person I was
having a conversation with.

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