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UNIT 10.


Exercise 10.1. Use the necessary articles.

1. We arrived at 1. ____ Heathrow airport and got a taxi, which took us to 2. ____
2. Peter thinks this is 3. ____ quite 4. ____ cheap restaurant.
3. When I drive to 5. ____ work in the morning I park my car near 6. ____
school, which is 7. ____ quite 8. ____ old building.
4. Suddenly 9. ____ Aunt saw 10. ____ acquaintance on 11. ____ other side of
12. ____ road and saying 13. ____ word of recognition she ran across the road.
5. I was made 14. ____ chief manager of 15. ____ Stafford Street branch of
16. ____ bank.
6. Of all 17. ____ houses, which had received him in 18. ____ fall of 1985, Miss
Woolly’s was 19. ____ only house, which he could enter in 1987.
7. Cook and his crew became 20. ____ first Europeans to visit 21. ____ Hawaiian
Islands. Stepping ashore on 22. ____ island of Kauai, Cook found himself
being honoured as a god by 23. ____ native Hawaiians. From Hawaii, Cook
went northward, sailing along 24. ____ coast of 25. ____ Alaska, crossing 26.
____ Bering Strait and going to 27. ____ Arctic, until he was finally stopped
by 28. ____ walls of 29. ____ ice.
8. ‘30. ____ Buryats are taught how to ride when they are four years old. That’s
why 31. ____ Buryat is 32. ____ expert rider and a remarkably accurate
archerman,’ wrote Rainier of Switzerland who worked as 33. ____ teacher in
34. ____ Siberia in the last century.
9. Merton, 35. ____ owner of the restaurant, looked frightened. But Peter,
36. ____ old friend of Merton, was ready to give him a hand.
10.This is 37. ____ light French wine. 38. ____ Lady Rebecca, 39. ____ wife of
40. ____ hotel manager, likes it. We often drink it 41. ____ side by 42. ____
side at the bar.
11.Valery is 43. ____ only daughter of wealthy parents, but she is so 44. ____
industrious 45. ____ girl!
12.46. ____ women represent 47. ____ triumph of 48. ____ matter over 49. ____
mind, just as 50. ____ men represent 51. ____ triumph of 52. ____ mind over
53. ____ morals.
13.When 54. ____ Tories were in 55. ____ power, 56. ____ number of inspectors
in 57. ____ education increased.
14.58. ____ Mongolia lies on 59. ____ huge steppe plateau and 60. ____ Gobi
15.The car was found overturned near 61. ____ Bear Mountain half 62. ____ hour
later. 63. ____ both 64. ____ men had died in 65. ____ accident.
16.66. ____ number of Congressmen elected to 67. ____ US Congress from each
state depends on 68. ____ state’s population. 69. ____ number of Senators is
fixed: each state elects two Senators.
17.In the English language there are 70. ____ number of ‘Dutch’ expressions:
Dutch courage, go Dutch, talk double Dutch etc.
18.Both orphans were in the sitting-room. Mr. Bantham patted 71. ____ poor
David, 72. ____ young scholar and 73. ____ son of his late secretary, on
74. ____ shoulder. Though everyone treated them with 75. ____ unusual care,
76. ____ little Mary was still crying and soon she lost 77. ____ consciousness.
19.So 78. ____ ugly 79. ____ doggy it was that nobody wanted to pat it.
20.It’s just 80. ____ constant displeasure, nothing else.
21.He paid 81. ____ double 82. ____ amount for the ticket.
22.83. ____ radiologist Leek, 84. ____ tall man of 56 and 85. ____ head of the
radiological department, was returning home from 86. ____ holiday. As usual,
he travelled 87. ____ first class. He was sitting and thinking that his assistants
were waiting for him in the office on 88. ____ 7th Avenue.
23.89. ____ National Geographic is the only magazine I read. In the latest issue
there are a lot of interesting facts about 90. ____ Peak District – 91. ____
Britain’ most popular national park.
24.They were 92. ____ uncle and 93. ____ nephew, and they understood each
other at once.
25.94. ____computer was invented in 95. ____ 40ies .
26.It was 96. ____ late spring. 97. ____ dawn broke warm and fine. Since
98. ____ morning was so fine they had breakfast on 99. ____ deck. What
100. ____ wonderful time they had!

Exercise 10.2. Translate into English.

1. Опівдні великий корабель «Королева Анна» прибув до порту/у порт. На
палубі стояли данці, норвежці, голландці, німці і поляки.
2. Валлійці живуть в Уельсі. Це нечисленний, але дуже гордий народ. Я
перейнявся до нього симпатією з тих пір, як почав вивчати історію
Великої Британії. Нарцис – національна емблема Уельсу, а день Святого
Давида – їх національне свято.
3. Маленька Ліза попросила дозволу сходити в зоопарк. Але мама сказала
дочці, що доктор просив її дотримуватися постільного режиму.
4. На правду, днями я мало не спізнився на весілля одного з моїх друзів. Але
я вчасно засумнівався і з’ясував, що у запрошенні була помилка. Я був
здивований і навіть образився. Але в результаті я добре провів час і з’їв
половину весільного торта.
5. Що ваш брат збирається робити після школи? – Він збирається стати
моряком і з’їздити до Аргентини, Нідерландів, Нової Зеландії і
Карибських островів. А потім він планує оселитися на півострові
Індостан поблизу Індійського океану.

Exercise 10.3. Define the italicized forms and state their syntactic functions.
Non-finite form / Syntactic
Name of the function
1. Were they the first to congratulate him
with this award?
2. To begin with, I don’t understand the
whole matter.
3. Peter felt a shiver pass his heart.

4. “Hello, James,” I said. “Have you

come to keep me company?”
5. But for being very busy, he was in time
with his course-paper.
6. He seemed to have taken her success
with understanding.
7. In spite of being injured, Ned managed
to call 911.
8. Being guilty, the puppy peacefully
waived its tail.

9. Though having a lot of work to do, we

found time to visit our granny.
10.Are there any other people for us to
consult with?

Exercise 10.4. Define the type of the predicative constructions and state their
syntactic functions in the sentences below.
Name of the Syntactic
construction function
1. Have you ever watched Sally play
2. Sue wanted her children to tell her
the truth.
3. The problem being settled,
everybody sighed with relief.
4. Nobody appears to have mentioned
his name.
5. She insisted on our helping her.

6. Was he seen climbing the mountain?

7. The classes over, the pupils went
8. It’s no use our waiting for her any
longer. She won’t come.
9. Tuna was sitting at the sofa with her
feet tucked under her.
10.In spite of it being very cold, we
went on working.

Exercise 10.5.
A. Fill in the blue gaps with infinitive, gerundial, participial forms of the verb in
brackets or predicative constructions.
B. Fill in the black gaps with the corresponding articles, if necessary.
Методично невірно поєднувати дві труднощі в одній вправі

I hadn’t intended ________ (go) to go and live on my own on __ an island

for __ Covid’s second wave. But I spent __the first lockdown in my flat in
Spitalfields, London, ______ (make) making __a podcast for __the BBC about
_________ (I, work) my working for _ the Guardian during the invasion of _ Iraq.
I knew I couldn’t ______ (do) do a lockdown again in my flat and so, four
days later, I was on __a plane to __Faro, and from there to __Olhão, a ______
(fish) fishing town that I have come ______ (love) to love over the past decade. I
remember _______ (be) being there last March – in those sudden, terrifying days
when this disease ________________ (think, approach) was thought to be
approaching – ________ (work) working on __a story about __Portuguese food.
In __Olhão, I stayed with __a British painter, and spent days _______
(write) writing in her marvelous plant-filled courtyard, where she captured __an
image of ___________ (I, frown) me frowning and ______ (pucker) puckering my
lips, as I _________ (be used, do) am used to doing, over my laptop. __A new
tenant had booked her space for __the following month. So, ___________
(discover) having discovered __a house, I soon moved on.

__Armona is one of five barrier islands in __the Ria Formosa that protect__
the mainland from __the full force of __the Atlantic. It has no cars, just bicycles
and __a few quad bikes __________ (use) ________ (move) used to move building
materials and _____ (take away) take away __the rubbish.
In high season, __the air hums with holiday sounds: __the flap of flip-flops,
__the shouts of children ________ (play) playing, people ________ (splash)
splashing in __the sea and families _________ (eat) eating alfresco on __the
terraces of the little houses. __The concrete path – __the passadeira – through
__the heart of __the island is filled in
__summer with __people ________ (head)
heading to __the wooden boardwalk that
leads to the vast beach on __the Atlantic
But in winter __a small community
remains: _Portuguese people and
__foreigners who fell in __love with __the
place and decided ________ (stay) to stay. Now, __the passadeira is spray-painted
with arrows _________ (remind) reminding pedestrians __________ (socially
distance) to socially distance.
I recorded __the sounds of __the island and sent __a series of audio
postcards to __a very dear old friend who was ill with Covid and in intensive care
– _________ (try) trying to take him away for __a few moments to __the world I
am lucky __________ (live) to be living in. __The _______ (crash) crashing
waves, __the wheels of _______ (shop) shopping trolleys as __people go back and
forth to __the ferry, the bom dia, boa tarde or boa noite – good day, good
afternoon or good night – _______ (call) ________ (greet) called out in greeting
depending on __the time of day. __The few aeroplanes ________ (come) coming
in and out of nearby __Faro airport. __The birdsong at __dusk as hundreds of
__sparrows gather in __eucalyptus trees. I whispered to him and felt guilty, as I do
now, ______ (be) being here and ______ (write) writing this.
On __Christmas Eve my neighbour gave me __a kind-of __Christmas tree –
__an old coffee jar ________ (fill)
filled with __sand and __pine
branches and __yellow flowers, and
________ (decorate) decorated with
__milk-bottle tops and __cotton
wool snow. I cried. On __Christmas
Day, I briefly jumped into __the sea
and ate __a lunch of _Belgian stew
and chips on __the terrace,
________ (overlook) overlooking dunes and the ocean.
Tomorrow is __Easter Sunday, Páscoa. It’s another important time
____________ (family, come together) for families to come together in Portugal.
But, ________ (learn) having learned from the preceding __Christmas, and with
strict lockdown _______ (see) seeing ______________ (cases, fall) cases falling
as fast as they rose, __the government pretty much banned ___________(move)
moving anywhere from 26 March and told people ___________ (stay) to stay at
home for 10 days.
But on __Easter Monday, things ___________ (expect, ease) are expected to
ease. If _______ (have) having __an outside terrace, and ___________ (tables,
limit) tables (being) limited to four people, restaurants can open. ___________
(there, be) There being __a feeling of hope, __the restaurants are refreshing.
Tomorrow it _______________ (believe, be) ’s believed to be more than __a few
prayers that this will mark __the end of lockdown, that visitors will return to __the
island, that flights will begin again. And, eventually, I will have ________ (return)
to return home.
(After Audrey Gillan)

Exercise 10.6.
A. Fill in the blue gaps with infinitive, gerundial, participial forms of the verb in
brackets or predicative constructions. Use prepositions if necessary.
B. Find verbal nouns, if any.
C. Fill in the black gaps with the corresponding articles, if necessary. Так само
__A two-week-old baby boy has died after ____________ (hit) being hit in
his pram by __a car on __the pavement.
__West Midlands police said __a BMW _______ (believe) __________ (be)
was believed to have been in __a collision with another car before ________ (hit)
hitting the pram at about 4pm on __Easter Sunday.
__The baby, ________ (push) being pushed by his family in __a pram at the
time, suffered serious injuries in __the incident. He was taken to __hospital, but
could not _________ (save) be saved. __A relative suffered __a shoulder injury,
but nobody else was injured.
__Police said __the driver left __the scene, but __a 34-year-old man was
arrested in Bloxwich shortly afterwards. He had been taken into custody and would
be questioned on suspicion of ________ (cause) causing death by dangerous
__Sergeant Mark Crozier said: “A baby has tragically died and we’ll be
doing all we can ________ (support) to support his family during this deeply
devastating time.”
“We’re in __the process _________ (speak) of speaking to __witnesses and
___________ (establish) establishing __the circumstances around this collision. I
would ask anyone who was in__ the area, and has information which can assist our
inquiries, ____________ (come) to come forward.”
He added: “We understand __the shock this will have caused, but I would
ask __people __________ (not, speculate) not to speculate on what happened.”
__Police are keen __________ (hear) to hear from anyone who was in __the
area and may have __ dashcam footage, either before or at __the time of __the
(From an article)

Exercise 10.7.
A. Fill in the gaps with appropriate non-finite forms of the verb in brackets or
predicative constructions. Use prepositions if necessary.
In a number of universities
Master of Communication Programs
comprise a lot of philosophical
discussions, one of the cornerstones
__________ (be) being ethical
problems. Some of the universities
focus ________ (discuss) on
discussing ethics deeply. Master
students are engaged in relevant
discussion topics, such as the
concept of truthfulness. Moreover,
__________ (stretch) stretching your boundaries ___________ (realize) to realize
an issue from numerous perspectives is vital __________ (act) in order to act
mindfully. Here you will find an essay on the materials of a discussion.
____________ (write) Writing such essays allows Master students _________
(become) to become professionals in Communication.
The topic of the discussion is like this: “________ (take into account)
Taking into account today’s invasion of fake news and unreliable sources, is it
possible for a person _________ (not, lie) not to lie at all?”
If one compares ________ (lie) lying with deception, then it is impossible
______ (not, lie) — a human performs large and small deceptions on a daily (if not
hourly) basis. Every day, as we go through our lives we practice _____ (cheat)
cheating all the time. Though, _________ (lie) lying to people is not always
unethical. Now and then a “lie” becomes the most ethical option.
If we take the matter empirically, _____ (lie) to lie / lying to the audience
while _________ (make) making tricks may be ethical. Magic relies on deception
of all sorts, from misdirection to outright verbal falsehoods. However, that ______
(lie) lying creates a sense of wonderment in the audience, ________ (bring)
bringing joy and happiness. If a magician who’s about __________ (pull) to pull a
rabbit out of a hat tells a child that the hat is empty, when it in fact has a secret
compartment _______ (hide) hiding the rabbit, that is an ethical lie. Vice versa,
_______ (tell) to tell the child the truth would spoil the entertainment. In other
words, ________ (make) to make the deception public would be ________
(damage) damaging to a form of art.
In diplomacy between nations, there is some level of sweet talk or deception
between nations and their ambassadors ________ (maintain) to maintain a
peaceful balance. For example, authoritative regimes do many things, _____ (find)
found abhorrent by democratic countries, from _______ (ban) banning Internet
access to numerous networks to________ (introduce) introducing obstacles in
order ________ (prevent) to prevent new progressive leaders ___________ (come)
from coming to power. Though ________ (know) knowing of problems with such
countries, democratic nations happen ________ (avoid) to avoid _______
(mention) mentioning some problematic issues for the sake of peace and welfare.
_________ (conclude) To conclude, lying can be the ethical thing ______
(do) to do among persons if it is done ________ (protect) to protect others.
_______ (tell) Telling truth in this way can actually harm others both emotionally
and physically.
_____________ (cut) To cut it short, __________ (lie) lying can beyond any
doubt be unethical, but it can also be the right thing _______ (do) to do. Both in
interpersonal relations and in international crises, a well-crafted lie can save face
and sometimes it can save lives. _______ (lie) Lying is a common behavior of
human beings and is a communication technique for ________ (navigate)
navigating the world. ______ (take) Taking it into account, we are to cautiously
deal with it.
B. Find all the forms of LYING in the text and define the part of speech they
belong to.
C. Find a noun in bold type. Is it singular or plural? Which pattern of nouns
does it belong to? Supply more examples of the pattern.
D. What do you think of the course described in the text? Would you like to take
a course like that? What other courses would be interesting for you?

Writing Challenge

Exercise 10.8. Write an essay (150 words) about a problem related to your
Exercise 10.9.
A. Next year you will be writing a course paper – your first academic paper. One
of the important notions you are to get acquainted with is “plagiarism”. Find the
definition of PLAGIARISM and write it down below. Remember to mention the
source of the definition you are citing!

B. It is rather important to remember that

plagiarism is not allowed in academic
writing. Here you will find several principles to follow if you want to avoid
plagiarism in your works. Open the brackets and fill in the gaps.


______ (avoid) (to avoid / Avoiding) plagiarism is easy _____ (do) to do if

you have an understanding what it is. _________ (help) To help yourself with it,
study the key principles you are to follow.
1. Mention your sources by citing them
When ________ (refer) referring to an idea or ______ (write) writing word
for word a text that isn’t your own, add a citation into your work. Remember
______ (include) to include the authors, the full name of the source, the place and
the date when it was published, and all other citation elements _____ (require)
required by the style of citation you use.
2. Use quotation marks
If you use words from a source in your text word for word, an obvious way
______ (avoid) to avoid plagiarism is _________ (use) to use / by using quotation
marks around the text _______ (denote) (in order) to denote that the words are not
3. Paraphrase
_______ (paraphrase) Paraphrasing is
_______ (rewrite) rewriting ideas from the
source in your own words, without
____________ (change) changing their
meaning. Though, if _______ (do) done
incorrectly, paraphrasing can become
Paraphrasing without _______ (plagiarize) plagiarizing takes some time. You need
________ (think) to think over the structures and words you change, _____ (find)
to find synonyms. Rephrase and restyle your work in your own way, _______ (try)
trying ________ (avoid) to avoid ________ (use) using too many words or phrases
from the source. The main thing here is ______ (do) to do so without __________
(change) changing the meaning or the idea expressed in the source. Don’t forget
_______ (include) to include a citation in your work because you are still using
somebody else’s ideas!
4. Include your own ideas
Instead ____________ (just, copy) of just copying ideas or words, think it
over what you need _________ (say) to say about it. You should ask yourself what
points or ideas you can write that are unique, i.e. totally yours. But still remember
________ (mention) to mention the source if you have taken ideas or words /
sentences ________ (shape) to shape your own point, in order _________ (avoid)
to avoid ________ (plagiarize) plagiarizing.
5. Check your work for plagiarism
__________ (write) While writing your paper, you may unintentionally use
some phrases from what you have read. ________ (doubt) If doubting, use an
online plagiarism checker. It will help you _______ (find) to find such parts of text
and change them before __________ (submit) submitting the paper. You may find
some free plagiarism checkers online, such as:
Plagiarism checking programs are known __________ (scan) to scan / to be
scanning your text and _________ (compare) compare / comparing it with the
bank of related works; and then it highlights the borrowed parts and identifies
where they were taken from.

These suggestions are sure __________ (be) to be helpful ________ (avoid)

in avoiding / to avoid? plagiarism in your writing. Now and beyond, in addition
_________ (be) to being aware of what plagiarism is, just follow these tips and, in
return, you will become more confident in what you have written.
C. Which- ing forms in the text are participles / gerunds / verbal nouns?

Exercise 10.9. Translate into English.

1.Поліцейські, які прибули до місця проведення нелегальних азартних ігор,
дочекалися, поки буде зроблено ставки, а потім увірвалися в зал, де
проходила гра.
2.Цікаву статтю написали Кларк і Нансен, які виявили раніше невідомі
властивості цієї рослини.
3.Діпломати повідомили про захоплення літака, що відбулося, владі
4.Жартівник був ізольований від решти пасажирів, а в аеропорті Відня його
затримали. Після допиту в поліції італійця відпустили. А даремно… .
5.Системою, яка обігріває тротуари, керує комп’ютер. Вуличне опалення
дозволяє розтопити 3 см свіжого снігу на годину, при цьому дорога стає
6.З унікальною пропозицією щодо вирішення продуктової кризи, що
загрожує голодом половині населення своєї країни, виступив нещодавно уряд
однієї з центральноафриканських країн.
7.Використовуючи відомості про 1800 викладачів університетів, дослідники
з’ясували, що більшість з них – чоловіки.
8.Люди, які страждають на ожиріння, можуть скинути вагу, бігаючи
протягом півгодини щодня.
9.64-річний художник, який отримав безліч міжнародних нагород за
малюнки диких тварин з натури, став жертвою розлюченого буйвола в
кенійському національному парку.
10.Через те що погода була несподівано холодною, перегони було перенесено
на наступний тиждень. Оскільки плани усіх учасників було зруйновано, вони
вирішили влаштувати увечері вечірку.

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