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Today I have chosen to write about my “Academic Achievement”.

I chose to write about academic

rather than personal because this one really means a lot to me. The thing is, I was never really good at
school. I would normally get around a “C-“ or sometimes a “B”. In all of my math classes I would always
have failed, by that I mean in grade 9 I had failed the first two semesters of math but then somehow I
would make it to a 50% at the end. And so this kept happening to me all the way until grade 11 summer
school. In grade 11 I had taken foundation hoping that it would have been easy, but little did I know it
would be the opposite. In grade 11 during the school year, I had gotten a “B” or above in every single
course but math. I showed my math teacher that I was doing excellent in every other course but I just
always do bad at math. After showing her my report card, she had said that “maybe you have some sort
of math disorder”. After hearing that I was kinda surprised but it had made sense to, because if I think
about it, I was good in every other course that year but I had sucked in math. And so with that mind set
my math teacher had failed me. I was honestly really really sad because I had failed math but then had
also passed by a 50% but this time, I had failed the entire course by 48%. Thankfully I had already
registered for Workplace 11 for summer school. I had went to summer I school for the first time in my
entire life and I was so nervous! But thankfully I had met a really great student teacher, he was literally
one of the best teachers I ever had! He was so nice, calm, funny and also he would help the students
rather than just showing them one example and expecting that the students would just learn that. As
time went on, I started to like summer school. Around the end of summer school, I asked my teacher
what would my mark be? And he said “87%”. When he had said that I was literally in shock! I’m not
lying… I was in shock! At first I asked him are you sure your looking at my name? Then he opened his
binder and saw my name and he said “yes, this is you”. To be honest I was expecting maybe a 55% or
maximum 60%, but no I got a 87!!
At that point I had felt like I was the king of the world! I don’t think I was ever this exited! I was literally
almost about to cry. And so which is why this was such an important moment for me!
I feel like over the time I had summer school, I think I had developed some skills during my time in
summer school, some of the skills were like paying attention, handing in things on time and also most
importantly time management. Now all the skills that’s I said would 100% help me in the future in
whatever career I would want to go to.
But honestly overall it was probably one of the best summer I had so far!

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