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For Yui Yumoto ;)

Instruction for recording with an IPhone

First set up the quality. So go on the settings and set up like this:

4k, 30fps.

You can also setup this directly on the recording screen.

About the position:

I will use Yui’s video as a reference. So in this case that we are going to record a video with 4
people you have to be aware to be on the center, because I will cut off the sides of the video.

注意してください。 表示されるのは画面の中央にあるものだけだからです。

Don’t worry, you just have to send me the video playing and I will do everything. All the edit details
are going to be done by me.

The result would be something like this:



If you record it by yourself with the sound of the iPhone you should bring a computer or
ask a friend a cellphone for using it to listen to the track. オーディオ再生は、録音中に

The plan:

If Yui Jennifer can help you with her Zoom H4 recorder it will be easier, but in another
case you can record it with your iPhone camera (The video and the sound together).

好きなだけテイクをしてください。 僕は正しいものを編集して選択し、カットしますの
で、心配しないでください。 ファイナルでGoogleドライブまたはWeTransfer経由で送信
することに注意してください。 ビデオとサウンドの品質を圧縮し、悪化するため、LINE
は絶対に使用しないでください :0

Thank you so much!!!! I hope this quick tutorial is helpful for you ;)))

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