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Nama : Adillah

NIM : G061211063

Prodi : Proteksi Tanaman

Week 4 - Test 3 - 141 - 142

1. The effects of jet lag are less severe on trips toward the west, because the travel is
following the sun. In travelling to east, the body must adjust by shortening its day, going
against the body's natural tendency.
2. Dr. Minsky points out that there are three primary causes of jetlag. First, people often
wear themselves out getting ready for a trip, so they are already exhausted when they get
on the plane. Second, long-distance travelers often have a couple of drinks to pass
anytime. The alcohol can causes stomach distress and interfere with getting a good
night's sleep. The third and anavoidable cause of jet lah is the fact that long distance air
travel upsets your internal biological clock.
3. - Get plenty of rest and eat healthy meals prior to taking a long flight

- On the plane, set your watch to your destination's time immediately.

- Once your arrive, begin to follow a normal routine for that time zone.

- Avoid sleeping pills , alcohol, or other drugs that you do no normally use.

4. Many people believe that there is a quick and easy cure for jet lag, but research has
shown that none of these are very effective.
Nama : Adillah

NIM : G061211063

Prodi : Proteksi Tanaman

General English - Week 5 - Task / Assignment 1

1. President
2. Piano
3. String instrument
4. Hardware
5. Film Crew
6. Kings and Queens of Britain
7. Meat Shop
8. Languages of Europe
9. Fruits
10. Astronomer

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