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hacker group that claimed responsibility for it has redirected visitors of the

Malaysia Airlines (MAS) official website on Monday, January 26 to another

site displaying the following:
 404 - Plane Not Found
Hacked by Cyber Caliphate

MAS confirms that “its Domain Name System (DNS) has been
compromised where users are re-directed to a hacker website
when URL is keyed in”
MAS denies that their systems have been hacked and maintains that their
web servers are intact, despite news reports that describe it as a hacking
Based on how MAS pointed to the compromise of their Domain Name
System (DNS) and said that their “web servers are intact,” it is highly
probable that the website was attacked using a “DNS spoofing attack.”
These attacks alter DNS service providers’ settings, and not the actual
website owner’s servers, by changing the stored IP address of the
legitimate site to one that leads to an IP address of a fake site.
The DNS spoofing attack vector used against the MAS website may have
been committed through cache poisoning. In essence, the cybercriminals
abused the cached IP address in the DNS server to redirect site visitors.

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