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1. Introduction:

1.1 Name and Address of business

Name: Med-House (your care is our priority!)

Address: Level 6, no 47, Berjaya Times Square, Jalan lmbi, 55100 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah
Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

1.2 Nature of business:

Med-House aims at providing all the medical and health related services and products. What
makes it stands out is its 24/7 availability of all the products and service that Med-House offers.
Our target market is all those people who are patients and the ones looking after the patients. Our
website and application are very user friendly and come with a very user friendly interface. Our
products and services include, the ambulance service, rescue services and blood donors. Apart
from that we provide the appointments of the doctors on very short notice.

1.3 Objectives, Mission and Vision:

a) Objectives:

Following are our main objectives:

 Building a user friendly application for our users.

 Serving the best quality medicines.
 Serving the best quality services in terms of health and medicine.

b) Mission:

Our mission is to provide integrated medical services with convenience and excellence in
quality. There is a saying that “Necessity is a mother of invention”, and in this world nothing is
made without knowing its need. The need of this Med-house service is to help people who are
far away like people travelling from kotadamansara to kuala lumpur can easily book their
appointments and also order pharmaceutical goods so that they don’t have to wait not only
people who are far away but yes to those too who are in hurry and cannot wait can book their
appointments. Diseases can occur at any time that’s not important where you are you can easily

call out the ambulance, can get quick remedies and first aids that can save lives. People not have
much knowledge of doctors that which nearby doctor is there on clinic what are their timings and
locations. We will always inform you about nearby doctors those are available and we will also
provide all the description about doctors.

c) Vision:

Our vision is to make sure that by the end of this decade, our application must be accessible by
most of the Malays. Our vision is to rescue all sort of patients during the emergency or during
any trouble. Apart from that no patient ever runs out of their medicines or a thalassemia patient
never runs out of blood in their body.

2. Executive summary:

In this time of woe, where the pandemic is on the rise, where people are forced to stay at indoors,
the medical services and products are no longer in the reach of the people and the needy patients.
Med-House has come to the rescue in this pandemic. We have introduced an app and a website
which can be accessed through your phones and on your laptop easily. Our application and our
website can be used to get the medicines and the health related services like booking an
appointment or looking for blood donors for the thalassemia patients. We provide and facilitate
our customers with ambulance services in certain emergencies. Just in case of a very severe
emergency, we can even send our own people for your rescue. Med-House is the one and only
application running in Malaysia because of its providing facilities. In Malaysia there are several
medical applications but they are just for online medicine deliveries and some are for getting
online doctor appointments. While our application introduces many facilities at one platform
such as, online consultancy of doctors, book appointments, blood bank facilities, pharmaceutical
deliveries and we offer emergency services as well to rescue the patients in accidents and to shift
them in hospitals on an immediate effect. The leading two pharmaceutical companies of Kuala
Lumpur, Ujis and Fuwara, they are responsible to directly deliver and supply the medicines the
moment the order is redirected from our application and the website. Hope blood bank is our
other key partner which supports us and calls upon all those thalassemia patients who approach
us for the blood donations. What makes us stand by is we provide the diagnosis services as well,

for example if you add symptoms of your disease, our app can diagnose couple of disorders or
diseases that have the symptoms that are added. Our application is user friendly, easy to access,
time saving and can be downloaded easily from play store, app store and from our website

3. Company Summary:
3.1. Company ownership:

This business is owned by 4 people in total who joined hands to establish this business. As we
have to startup a new setup for our business, we would be facing a lot of requirements which we
need to complete. For that we have estimated a cost and planned to invest a total capital of
84,500 MYR . In establishing of this business, there are 4 business partners. They include,
Zawar Memon, Mir Umer Talpur, Zeeshan Khan Banbhan and Mohsin Khan Abbasi.

4. Product and Services:

The aim of our business is to create a very user friendly and user friendly interface for all the
Malays. We focus on the variety of products and services ranging from medicines, appointment
of doctors, and disease or disorder diagnosis or blood donors for the thalassemia kids.

4.1. Competitive Comparison:

Our applications head office is situated in Berjaya Times Square, Jalan lmbi, 55100 Kuala
Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Unfortunately, our application would
be facing some local competitors including Doc2us, BookDoc and TeleMe. Moreover, they are
just offering single facility per app. Such as, Doc2us is an online consultancy platform while
BookDoc is just for booking an appointment and TeleMe is for medical prescriptions along
delivery service. In the view of comparison with these applications, our app introduces more
facilities for the needy patients such as, online ambulance services, a fast rescue system in
certain emergencies, online blood donors and online consultancy of doctors along
pharmaceutical deliveries.

Products Quality Of Rate Advertisement

Med-House 9.5 8 10 8

Doc2us 9.5 9 8 8.5

BookDoc 8 9 7.5 8

TeleMe 7 7 6.5 6

Competitive analysis (points rated out of 10)

5. Industry and Market Analysis Summary

5.1. Future outlook and trends:

Our future outlook would be presenting the best medical service globally and to create a
trustworthy company for the people of entire Malaysia. We would try our level best to spread our
application throughout the world to facilitate as much patients as we can. Moreover, we would
try our level best to establish the trend of home medication through our app which would
somehow minimize the human efforts of going to the consultant clinics and they would get
medical appliances at just one click on their door step. Our future services would include home
vaccinations and medical care takers.

5.2. Future predicted:

Some of the experts predict that the potential usage of applications and websites is going to go
down drastically due to the fact that some internet users think that the items and the services
available on the internet or on the online platforms does not meet the expectations of the users in
terms of quality and pricing however that is merely the case. Applications and websites like these
are slowly and gradually capturing the markets and more and more of them keep coming because
nowadays this is the world of technology.

5.3. Analysis of competitors:

Our application and website is Malaysian based and we have multiple competitors like TeleMe,
BookDoc and Doc2us. On the other hand we also have international competitors like
in Pakistan, in UAE and in USA. All these services compete with us by
providing similar services and products. Customer satisfaction and customer loyalty is the main
factor that we are looking forward to capture the market.

5.4. Market Segmentation:

Considering the geographical, demographical, physiological and behavioral factors, we came to

the following conclusion:

5.4.1. Geographic:

We aim to target all the Malays living in any region, any corner or any city of Malaysia ranging
from urban areas, rural areas or any area from Malaysia. We not only aim to retain the customers
but we also make efforts to attract more and more customers by offering them the best available
products and services in the market.

5.4.2. Demographic:

Our target market consists of age, gender, occupation or income. We aim to classify our products
by the factors mentioned earlier. We are not specifically aiming at any age group, but to the ones
who need us. We are not aiming at any gender due to the fact that we can prove to be helpful for
any gender. We have not made our services limited to any occupation due to the fact anybody
can need us at any hour of the day. At the end of the day we are trying our best to make our
products and services affordable for every demographic factor.

5.4.3. Behavioral:

Our products and services are available for the ones who have a very busy routine and are no
longer able to visit the pharmacies and the doctors. We also extend our services to the people
who are not able to walk of their homes.

5.4.4. Psychographic:

There are three main classes found in the society in social classes. They are lower class, middle
class and working class. It includes life living style of people living in the society and their life
style depends on these factors. It also includes religious and cultural factors which we plan to
consider while marketing our product.

5.5. Industry and market forecasts:

Being one of the most user friendly application and website and having the easiest interface, we
will make our customer believe that the medicines and the services found in our offerings are
very reliable and come with a very reasonable price tag. We offer services for all types of
demographics irrespective of demographics.

6. Marketing Plan:
6.1. Pricing:

Our services like looking for blood donors are purely free while on the other hand the prices of
our medicines come at the same market rate. We only charge a very reasonable delivery
depending on your location. Our services like booking an appointment of a doctor come up with
only a 10% fee that is later deducted from doctor’s fee that is paid later at the hospital or at the
clinic. Our services like the diagnosis of any disease or disorders are also free of cost.

6.2. Distribution:

Our application and website can be surfed through internet or Smart Phone. Our application can
be found and downloaded from app store, play store or from our website. Also we have the
posters attached on the taxis having QR codes on the posters that can help you directly download
our application.

6.3. Promotions:

We are promoting our products and services through multiple sources. We will use flyers,
posters, social media and print media. We approach different celebrities to promote our brands.
Other than that we are open to any sort of suggestions and criticism and this way we learn and
get to know about the demands of our products. Other than that we will use email marketing as a

promotion tool that is going to send mass emails to the internet users so that they can know more
and more about our product.

6.4. Product forecasts:

We will suggest advantages like time saving and promotional discounts in order to forecast our
products. High discounts and good packages for medical care would be offered to our worthy
customers on World Health Organization day. We are assuring the best delivery services and
consultancy to our customers in minimum budget criteria.

6.5. Controls:

To control our operations we will make sure that we provide the best delivery services. Apart
from that we will also consider the fact our services and mission and vision should not contradict
and we must provide what we promised. Our top most priority would be improving our delivery
services as most of our offerings are service based and the services require the best delivery
timely services.

7. Organizational plan:
7.1. Form of ownership:

Zawar Memon

Mir Umer Zeeshan Banbhan Mohsin Ali Abbasi

(CFO) (COO) (Marketing manager)

Med-house is a partnership business that was established by five partners named as Mir Umer
Talpur, Zeeshan Khan Banbhan, Zawar Ali Memon and Mohsin Ali Abbasi. All the five business
partners are equal share holders of the business and have equal equity in the business. The team
is led by the CEO Zawar Ali Memon. Chief Financial officer is Mir Umer Talpur. Chief
operating officer is Zeeshan Khan Banbhan and the marketing manager is Mohsin Abbasi.

7.2. Identification of partners or principal shareholders:

We have established this business that is based on the partnership form of business. Four friends
joined hands together to establish this business. Everyone equally contributed to the
establishment of this business in terms of finances and the ideas.

7.3. Roles and responsibility of every member in the organization:

Zawar Ali Memon, aged 21 is currently serving as CEO of Med-House. He had earlier served as
marketing manager in the local pharmacy store in Kuala Lumpur. He is a good communicator
and has skills to lead his team from the front. Being the CEO of this business he is going to lead
the team from the front and owns the roles of making important decisions for the business.

Mir Umer Talpur, aged 20 is currently serving as the chief financial officer. He had earlier
served as the junior auditor in Zamzama Firms. He is also a good communicator and owns the
skills to lead the financial team. Being the Chief financial officer of the business, he is going to
lead the financial team of the business and also is going to make the financial decisions of the

Zeeshan Khan Banbhan, aged 22 is going to serve as the chief operating officer of Med-House.
He had earlier served as the accountant in Musab Banks Limited. He will also look after the
financial affairs of the organization along with Chief financial officer, Mr Mir Umer Talpur. He
will initially report to the CFO and then later to the CEO.

Mohsin Abbasi, aged 22 is going to serve as the Marketing Manager of the Med-House. He had
earlier served as the marketing head at United Advertising agency. Mr.Mohsin is a good leader
and also a good communicator. He has the ability to bring in creative ideas. Being in this
organization he is going to market and promote the business in a very unique manner and will
also lead the marketing team from the front.

8. Financial plan:
8.1. Sources of funds:

Med-House aims to raise the capital of RM 84500 altogether which would be equally divided
among 4 partners. Each partner is going to pay RM 21,125 to establish the business. Our
startup expense is not that much that we need a loan, so our business have its investors for
covering up the expense.

8.2. Statement cash flow for the ending year 31,12 2020 and 31,12 2021.


2019 2020
Receipts RM RM
Sales 22000 31000
Capital 50000 -
Total receipts 72000 31000


Salaries 15000 12000

Fuel expenses 4500 2500

Rental expenses 12000 12000

Advertising & Promotion 650 500

Insurance 500 500

Registration fees 400 -

Administrative expenses 500 500

Business license 250 250

Purchases 15000 22000
Purchases non current 2000 3000
Current assets 1200 1300
Tax expenses 1200 1400
Discount allowed 1600 950
Total payments 55200 56900

8.3. Projected statements with the set-up cost:


Business license 500.00

App development 1,000.00
Deposit- Rental (office) 14,500.00
Related equipment _ 20,000.00
Motor vehicles 30,000.00
Furniture (office) 15,000.00
Salaries 10,000.00
Marketing/Advertising 1,500.00
Other expenses 1,000.00

Total startup expense 84,500.00

8.4. Projected balance sheet:

Balance Sheet (2020) Monthly (RM)

Current Assets
Cash in hand 84,500
Total Current assets 84,500
Long-term Assets
Purchasing Equipment’s 150,000

Total Assets 2,34,500
Liabilities & Owners Equity
Current liabilities 50,0
Total Liabilities 50,000
Owners’ Equity
Owners Capital 3,00,000
Less: Net Loss (10,000)
Total owner’s equity 290,000
Total liabilities & owner’s equity 280,000

8.5. Income statement for three years:

Year 2018 Year 2019 Year 2020
Sales 5000 15000 25000
Less cost of goods 1200 4000 7500
Gross profit 3800 11000 17500
Less expenses
Salaries 300 1200 1900
rental 150 400 400
Utilities 70 160 390
Transport expenses 1100 5600 8800

Office expenses 280 400 700

Advertising expenses 500 1050 1620

Software Maintenance 110 400 920

insurance 110 100 100

Dep expenses 50 150 250

Net profit 1140 1540 2420

9. References:

1. Bluehost Resource Center. (2020). How to Create a Business Plan. [online]

Available at:

2. Parsons, N. (2019). How to Write a Business Plan [Updated for 2019] -. [online]

Bplans Blog. Available at:

3. Entrepreneur. (2017). How to Write a Business Plan. [online] Available at:

4. Business News Daily. (n.d.). How to Write an Executive Summary - [online] Available at:
summary.html#:~:text= [Accessed 20 Apr. 2021]

5. (2019). Business Plan Tips: How

to Write a Winning Executive Summary. [online] The Balance Small Business.
Available at:

6. Competitive Futures. (n.d.). Future trends and how to use them for business
strategy. [online] Available at:
trends/ [Accessed 20 Apr. 2021].

7. (2020). 6 trends that will change your business. [online] Available at:

8. Thomas, S.R. (2020). 4 Types of Market Segmentation With Real-World

Examples. [online] Yieldify. Available at:

9. Visual Learning Center by Visme. (n.d.). How to Create a Marketing Plan [15+

Templates]. [online] Available at:

10. Lake, L. (2010). What Is a Marketing Plan? [online] The Balance Small

Business. Available at:



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