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November 17, 2004

Deploying the ServiceCenter 6 Web Tier to WebLogic 8.1

1. Login to the server as a user with local administrator privileges.
2. Install WebLogic on the system you want to run the ServiceCenter Web Tier.
3. If you are running WebLogic from a UNIX system, set the WL_HOME system environment
variable to your WebLogic home directory.
4. Download the latest Xalan-J 2.6.0 binaries from
5. Determine which JRE you want to use.
WebLogic ships with jdk141_05 and jrockit81sp2_141_05.
6. Define the JAVA_HOME environmental variable to the JRE you select in step 5 above.
7. Create a new directory named endorsed in the following path:
Where <jdk> is the location of the Java SDK you selected in step 5.
8. Extract the following JAR files from the Xalan-J download to the \endorsed directory:
9. Insert the ServiceCenter installation CD-ROM into the appropriate drive of the server.
10. Download the ServiceCenter Web Tier Web archive (sc.war) to your WebLogic applications
directory. For example:
11. Create a new directory called sc in the applications directory. For example:
12. Extract the contents of the sc.war file into the new sc directory.
Important: You must preserve the path information from the sc.war file.
There are several options available to extract the sc.war file:
• Use Java’s JAR utility:
jar xvf sc.war
This extracts the Web archive into the current directory
• Use unzip on Unix systems
• Use WinZip on Windows systems
13. Browse to the WEB-INF directory of the sc application:
Where <sc> is the path you created in step 11.
14. Open the web.xml file in a text editor.
15. Verify that the and sc.port parameters have valid connection information to your
ServiceCenter server.
16. Start WebLogic.
17. Login to WebLogic Server Administrator Console. For example: http://localhost:7001/console.
18. Click Web Application Modules from the Domain Configurations section.
19. Click Deploy a new Web Application Module from the Configuration tab.
20. Click Applications to select the archive location.
21. Select sc.
This is the folder where you extracted the sc.war file.
22. Click Target module.
23. Click Deploy to accept the default deployment options.
A success status page opens.
24. Open a Web browser and test the Web Tier by navigating to the following URL:
The ServiceCenter login page should open.

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