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Artificial Intelligence

Nowadays it is modern to tell about artificial intelligence, the machines that can
think. Just the mention of it conjures up images of the all intelligent computer both
in films and books.
For over half a century, computer scientists have been working towards creating
such machines. The father of such research showed that a “universal machine”
could be built, capable of performing all the tasks of any special-purpose. He
believed that computers could mimic the action of human mind. What is more,
after a five-minute conversation with humans’ computers would be able to fool 30
per cent of people into believing they were dealing with another human beings.
The story of real-life is one of misplaced dreams, bitter feuds and grant-grabbing
Nowadays, there are 2 broad camps of scientists. Some of them believe that such
machines are created for thinking; it is said, that they have done for physical labor,
because humans spend endless hours for the same work. Other scientists try to
bring such machines to life. They can talk to strangers and try to understand the
human mind.
When scientists are eager to know more information or new information, they
make experiments, tests and do other research which requires special knowledge in
different spheres. They take advantages of modern technologies scientific methods,
laws. Some researcher, working away from the mainstream, have pulled of some
striking achievements. We regard breakthroughs.
All in all, I guess it is quite complicated to predict our future. We are expected to
have more unforgettable discoveries. Honestly speaking, such machines are here
only to serve us but not to replace us.

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